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Yep, that just about sums it up. The only thing it has going for it is the location.

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The Internship


Apart from the hellish google propagandic nature of it, this is an excellent film. Some of the jokes are insanely funny... if you can tolerate Owen Wilson.


Just watched this, i like these type of movies, they warm your hearth, specially at 2 am and you need comfort.

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Carrie - This was ridiculously bad. Complete lack of tension, hardly any suspense built up at all. And with a story like Carrie, the tension and suspense are absolutely crucial elements because of what they are building up to. Carrie eventually loses control because of the accumulated abuse, ridicule and torture she goes through, but in this remake, there is no buildup, as she seems to be somewhat in control at all times. She just seems pissed off when the climax comes around (which lasts about 3 measly minutes btw).


King's Carrie eventually levels a town with her rage; rage that has up till the climax been building and building to seemingly no end.

Kim's Carrie feels like a psa about bullying complete with an unrealistic portrayal of high school pressure that takes itself too seriously. The end result of Carrie's "rage" in this adaptation is a few burnt up blocks and less than half the body count of the classic tale. It's almost as if they knew they weren't building enough tension to deserve the classic prom massacre so they trimmed it to shit.


Combine the horrible lack of tension/development with sub-par writing and an awful soundtrack and you get Kim Peirce's Carrie. I know most people would just pass it off as "yeah, another shit remake," but come on. A director as unique as Peirce and a story as classic as Carrie should have worked interestingly together. But apparently she had no involvement with writing the damn thing.


Only points I give are for the lead actresses. Julianne Moore is fucking incredible as Margaret White (this sums up her portrayal pretty well). Moretz as Carrie was good, but as previously stated, her character and development were atrocious so I found it hard to appreciate her performance. Judy Greer also did a decent job.



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white house down - unrealistic bullshit, israel would have never agreed to that plan.




I second that lol




this reminded me of that old bash.org gem about Tetris being unrealistic.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

Captain Phillips
Way overhyped. Very underwhelming. Don't understand why all critics seem to be loving it.

Would have much rather seen a film focusing on the pirates. yeah you get a little but who cares about the actual hijacking if you're not exploring the reason behind it. mention no fish left and the fact they have "bosses" and the start when the armed gang turns out and tells them to go out. So much more to their story but instead we see them on the boats instead, which is the least interesting part of their story, because we already know that part. gah

I think the fact that this is a true story really holds it back from being great. I didnt think the actual story was that interesting, not much happened. use the story as inspiration and write a film where stuff actually happens.


and i don't ever want to see another film about navy seals.

I will say I liked one scene:


the scene after the rescue in the medical bay. hanks' shock was pretty realistic and not something you usually see in films




wish i'd seen gravity again instead

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

I don't think the film portrays phillips as a hero. it portrays everyone as victims except the seals who are clinical and efficient.


and i guess the crew were portrayed as pussies though yes, except one bit

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started my Halloween filmathon:


Demon Seed - awesome trippy visuals, naked Julie Christie, decent plot and acting. Pretty boring at times. Proteus is the best demon possessed AI robot ever! Weirdest decapitation scene ever.7/10


Opera by Argento - illogical, dumb, boring film, a few amazing synth tracks. I wanted everyone to die horrible deaths in this. So horribly written. Has some decent shots, no scares. Such an annoying film. Retardgento/10 or 3/10


Cry of the Banshee - one of the most boring of the witch hunter films. Well shot, decent acting with a boring script and no scares. Vincent Price ruined it. He was a shitty actor. Still a more interesting and less annoying film than Opera 5/10


The Exorcist - 40th year Ann ed, I love this film, forever. 10/10

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chan-wook park - stoker


fox searchlight pictures, indian paintbrush productions, scott free productions

written by wentworth miller

99 minutes. presented in 2.35 : 1


On her 18th birthday, India Stoker (Mia Wasikowska) - a girl with a strong acuteness of the senses - has her life turned upside down after her loving father Richard (Dermot Mulroney) dies in a horrific car accident. India is then left with her unstable mother Evelyn (Nicole Kidman). At Richard's funeral, Evelyn and India are introduced to Richard's charming and charismatic brother Charlie (Matthew Goode), who has spent his life traveling the world. He then announces that he is staying indefinitely to help support India and Evelyn, much to Evelyn's delight and India's chagrin.

Shortly after Charlie moves in, India witnesses him argue with Mrs. McGarrick (Phyllis Somerville), the head caretaker of the house. Mrs. McGarrick then disappears and is never seen again. Charlie and Evelyn grow closer and intimate while India continues to rebuff Charlie's attempts to befriend her. Later, India's great aunt Gwendolyn (Jacki Weaver) arrives to visit the family, much to Evelyn and Charlie's dismay. At dinner, Gwendolyn shows surprise at Charlie's claims of traveling the world and tells Evelyn that she needs to talk to her about Charlie.

Later that night, Gwendolyn changes hotels due to an unexplained fear and suspicion of Charlie. However, she loses her cell phone and tries to call the Stoker home from her hotel payphone. While making her call, Charlie tracks her down and corners her in the phone booth, seeming to be upset. He hands Gwendolyn her phone and then strangles her to death with his belt after explaining that he found her through the cab company. Meanwhile, India goes into the basement to eat ice cream and discovers Mrs. McGarrick's body in the freezer. She realizes Charlie is a murderer.

Later, India unleashes her inner aggression at school and stabs a bully, Chris Pitts (Lucas Till), in the hand with a pencil after he makes sexually derogatory remarks at her about Evelyn. This draws the attention of another classmate, Whip Taylor (Alden Ehrenreich). India goes home and later witnesses Evelyn and Charlie growing intimate and wanders off to a local diner where she runs into Whip. She and Whip go into the woods where they proceed to make out until India aggressively bites Whip. Whip then attempts to rape India until Charlie intervenes, and breaks Whip's neck with his belt. India then aids Charlie in burying the body in her garden. She then attempts to call Gwendolyn, but hears her phone ring deep in the garden, realizing Charlie killed her, too. India takes a shower and experiences a sexual awakening, masturbating to the memory of the murder, climaxing as she remembers Charlie breaking Whip's neck.

Later, India goes through Richard's office to gather things of his she wants to keep. She discovers that a key she received as a birthday present belongs to a locked drawer to Richard's desk. Inside, she finds several letters from Charlie, which detail his travels. However, India discovers that the sending address on the back of the envelopes are from a mental institution. India then confronts Charlie, who explains the truth: Charlie murdered his and Richard's younger brother Jonathan as a child because he was jealous that Richard paid more attention to him. Charlie was then put in a mental institution for several years. When released on India's 18th birthday, Richard gave Charlie a car, a generous amount of money, and an apartment in New York on the condition that he stay away from Richard's family. Feeling hurt and betrayed, Charlie beat Richard to death with a rock and staged the car accident.

At first, India is in shock and angered. However, she seemingly forgives Charlie and grows closer after he provides an alibi for her when Sheriff Howard (Ralph Brown) questions her about Whip's disappearance. They grow close to intimate before Evelyn witnesses them. Later that evening, Evelyn coldly expresses her desire to watch India suffer before confronting Charlie, implying that she knows the truth about Richard's death. Charlie seduces Evelyn and then attempts to strangle her before India appears and fatally shoots Charlie in the neck with a rifle. She then buries Charlie's body in the backyard and proceeds to leave for New York in his car.

She is shortly pulled over for speeding by Sheriff Howard, who then asks her why she's in a hurry. India replies that she wanted to catch his attention, then plunges a pair of garden shears into his neck. India pursues the wounded sheriff into a field to dispatch him with her rifle.



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it was an attempt to parody one of troon's useless film threads, and the general uselessness of the "reviews" posted in this thread.

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superman 2013, many things i could say about this film to help out the zaphod 'good review' crusade, but sorry that isn't gonna happen today, plus it would be completely spoilery. I will contrast it in one respect to Pacific Rim(job) though, that's a reviewee thing to do, the cG is waaaaay better in superman, better art direction and cG (mostly talking about the kaiju being first pass rendered blobs of mess that don't look right). Also, it makes sense as a film and in terms of character motivation and as a rejig of the superman mythos. One of the best popcorn filcks of the year/10


terrible review .. 3/10 (for my review)

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the more I think about it, the more I want my money back, for having to sit through destruction porn, loopholes and Amy Adams' moles glaring in every shot she is in. Zack the Hack Snyder. Thanks dood! Can't wait to see Batfleck!!! Gonna be the best Supesploitation film ever!




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Blue Valentine



I....kinda liked it. Not sure how Gosling went from being a super rockin' NYC stud to a creepy PA paedo in the matter of about 4 years, but I can deal with it. I liked the ending as well. I wasn't sure how it would resolve, and I am glad that it didn't, really.

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Let's Get Lost


Second viewing, love it - really well made documentary about Chet Baker, Weber's relationship with Chet and his friends allows for an in depth look at the man, and perhaps goes too far deep in some cases - sometimes showcasing the man over the music too much, still great though



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Guest Shit Attack

the escape plan - havent seen either expendables movies + didnt like the look of em so wasnt expecting much from this . in this one Sly is a genius who has dedicated his life to bustin outta jail (like thats a real profession) with the help of his computer hacking genius buddy 50 cent + one of the birds Mcnulty banged on the wire, only to be tricked onto an inescapable cgi prison of death by Pvt Pyle from full metal jacket. Arnold is more like the comedy sidekick here but still manages to destroy a bunch of people inbetween wisecracks , also making time to recite the "our father" prayer in German at one point which was actually pretty entertaining. sam neill vinnie jones and the guy who played jesus in that mel gibson movie are on weirdly camp bad guy duties, so all in all its like the 80s never really ended, they just dragged on and on until Sly could barely even speak any more. anyways it was fun , maybe more fun that it should have beeen...but...fuck it it was pretty great






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A few weeks ago, I watched the Vengeance Trilogy in quick succession (I don't watch that many movies anymore). It left me gutted (especially the third part)




I already saw Oldboy before (and I guess most of us have) somewhere way back in 2008. It was a pretty fucked up and awesomely great movie, as most of the people I talk too agree on. The other two parts were just .. so vile (come to think of it, Oldboy was pretty vile as well).




Sympathy for Mr. Vengeance.. Ah man, the stupidity of the main character, which came from his sheer desperation: I understood why he did it, but part of me just wanted to smack his head for being so stupid. Never the less, what happened halfway through with the doofus and his stones (you know the part I'm talking about) .. AAH it. was. all. just. so. fucking. horrible. AND SO UNNECESSARY!!


I think the most amazing part of it was that the movie challenged me to develop sympathy for all the characters seeking their vengeance, despite their obvious flaws. That's some pretty great film making right there.. and explains the title as well.


It also gives us a clear message: don't deal with junkie organ dealers.


Now Sympathy for Lady Vengeance.


Fuck.. really.. that one left me gutted. Rarely have I ever seen a movie which left me so hollow and empty on the inside .. except maybe for Transformers.


I have I Saw The Devil parked on my computer. I've heard it's horrible. Maybe I'll just delete it and watch me some Mighty Boosh.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

A Room For Romeo Brass


I feel like I am a Shane Meadows fan. His films are set in the midlands where I am originally from so they transport me back. Dead Man's Shoes I enjoyed. This is England I like very much. So I went back to watch his older films starting with Room for Romeo Brass. I am also a fan of Paddy Considine's work. But this film was mostly crap. Paddy was playing the mad kid with an Alan Partidge edge to him.


The best thing about it was seeing a Happy Shopper convenience store which took me back to my youth so far back.

Shane as the Chip Shop man AND the Nurse was brilliant


Just didnt really go anywhere or have anything to say. Some of the acting was b a d too.

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