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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard


did everyone forget dazed and confused?

I didn't. It's just not very good. Tried watching it lately? Super boring.



i have. it held up. please find some joy in life.


It has some flaws but I thought A Scanner Darkly was great overall, one of my faves.



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Stalker - 10/10Been meaning to watch this for ages. It was the same for me. I couldn't get past the first 30 minutes until now - I didn't have the patience for it. But it was certainly worth it. It's a very different, dreamlike film. Kind of like das boot meets alice in radioactive wonderland.

Wow, I'm glad I'm not the only one who had that problem. I knew it would be excellent but I never tried watching it earlier in the day when I'd stay awake.


i found stalker to be unbearably dull. i sat through it, and was rewarded with... nothing.



through stalker? are you sure it was the same stalker?


of course he is, i can relate... nevertheless i love it!

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de gustibus non est disputandum


I thought Skyfall was very cartoony & boring, and Legacy had much better acting/fight scenes/parkour. Skyfall's pacing was terrible. I was also in a bad mood when I saw it.

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Hobbit: 5/10 in my overall film world, 8/10 in my special blockbuster bracket.


I thought it was going to be a disaster, but it wasn't. Some bits were quite ok and it really makes a proper effort at pleasing the masses.


Mr. Tolkien would vomit all over it, no doubt about that though.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

Hobbit: 5/10 in my overall film world, 8/10 in my special blockbuster bracket.


I thought it was going to be a disaster, but it wasn't. Some bits were quite ok and it really makes a proper effort at pleasing the masses.


Mr. Tolkien would vomit all over it, no doubt about that though.

i havent seen it yet, but from what ive seen it looks like Jackson just threw all the big iconic scenes from the 3 films and put them all together into this one. is that about the gist of it or is there more to it than that?

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Hobbit: 5/10 in my overall film world, 8/10 in my special blockbuster bracket.


I thought it was going to be a disaster, but it wasn't. Some bits were quite ok and it really makes a proper effort at pleasing the masses.


Mr. Tolkien would vomit all over it, no doubt about that though.

i havent seen it yet, but from what ive seen it looks like Jackson just threw all the big iconic scenes from the 3 films and put them all together into this one. is that about the gist of it or is there more to it than that?



besides the white council scene (which is pretty short) and the goblin city chase which intends to echo the mine-chase scene in Fellowship, i think most of the iconic moments were directly from the book version of the Hobbit including the use of the Eagles and the Wargs. I thought it was pretty good, i'd give it a 7.5/10. I'd recommend not seeing it in 24fps or even in 3d if you aren't terribly excited about 48fps or 3d in general. I went in with an open mind and the 48fps was extremely distracting for at least 30 minutes into the movie. You get used to it eventually. I didn't like it as much as the LOTR trilogy though which i would rate comfortably all at least 9/10 (extended editions only, i think the theatrical versions are inferior, theatrical versions all land around 7.5/10 - 8/10)

Edited by Awepittance
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We went to see the 3d version and at first I was angry with myself for doing that, but 20 minutes later I got used to it and started to like the experience. Then I began to think it works better that the 2d version (that I could do with one eye closed of course). I loved it and would want to experience the 48p version now. I can't believe I'm saying this.


Also, this is the second film I saw in 3d, I only watched Avatar before and I liked it here better. Still, there's a lot of room for technical improvement.


Edit: Just to compare, I'd rate all the Lotr movies 4/10 in my all films category and 7/10 in my blockbuster category.

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Stalker - 10/10Been meaning to watch this for ages. It was the same for me. I couldn't get past the first 30 minutes until now - I didn't have the patience for it. But it was certainly worth it. It's a very different, dreamlike film. Kind of like das boot meets alice in radioactive wonderland.

Wow, I'm glad I'm not the only one who had that problem. I knew it would be excellent but I never tried watching it earlier in the day when I'd stay awake.


i found stalker to be unbearably dull. i sat through it, and was rewarded with... nothing.



through stalker? are you sure it was the same stalker?


of course he is, i can relate... nevertheless i love it!


yeah its strange man, you know, i fuckin love ambient music, im completely down with 13 minute pieces of just winding soundscape nothingness, but in a film, i like to have a story, and shit going on. i think its because a film demands your entire attention, whereas music can happily be a background to other activities. but yeah stalker was like an ambient film, and therefore it ultimatly bored the tits off me.

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Hobbit - I loved it, loved the characters loved the story, love the visuals (specially the flashback of the orcs vs dwarfs battle at moria, that looked just wowowowow). The high frame rate looked very weird at first but my mind adjusted to it, the film looked beautiful after the initial weirdness of the high frame rate. The 3D was unnecessary.


I can see people being cynical about this movie because it does feel unfinished and a bit long but the ride was fun. That whole gholum vs Bilbo riddle challenge was tense and funny.


9/10, can't wait for the next one!.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

Skyfall- since i freakin hate Daniel Craig and think he's a horrible Bond i was reluctant to see this movie, but i finally gave in. in the first 10-20 mins i don't think ive seen more blatantly obvious product placement in my life. seriously, they were all in your face about it, really pissed me off. then there was that "witty" banter between Eve and Bond. and by witty i mean it seemed like a 5 year old wrote the dialog. i was cringing in my seat. and whats this changing Q? i get that Cleese was getting old but not even a switch like they did with Llewelyn? i didnt hate the new Q but he really didnt do much and wasnt funny.


all that said, i don't know how they pulled it off. once Javier was introduced it was like a huge turn around. the writing and acting got much better. Javier was a great bad guy, and probably the best actor in the movie. i liked that there really wasnt a Bond girl too. and all the references to the old films made me happy. i even liked the ending, i thought it was well done and set them up very well for the next movie.


overall- 7/10. pleasantly surprised. nice to see a good Bond movie after the last two pieces of shit.

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Lopper - God damn this movie was conflicting, didnt know who to root for, i guess that was the point, it didnt have the conventional good vs evil theme from 99 percent of movies. The action was good and Bruce Willis was kind of a badass in this (apart from the "you know what" killing). 9.5/10 (I was going to give this movie a 9 but Jeff Daniels bumped it to a 9.5)

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this dude max renn (james woods) views an illegal satellite broadcast show that's basically snuff film and starts hallucinating major before things go completely bonkers. cronenberg gets 10 points just for including deborah harry in all her 80s glory (yum yum)

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maybe somebody can explain to me how in Looper



they even bothered letting the younger versions of 'loopers' kill themselves at all. Why not just assign those particular people to those who were not their past selves? wouldn't that eliminate the problem of having a second thought about killing your own self?
Also if they had such a problem with disposing of bodies in the future, and needed to send them back into the past to destroy the evidence, why did the Rainmaker's henchmen just outright shoot the Bruce Willis asian girlfriend in broad daylight?
I really enjoyed the movie but it had a lot of odd loose ends


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good film, they literally couldnt have picked two actors that look less alike though unless the younger self was penelope cruz's corpse being controlled by a puppeteer.

perks of wallflower 6/10

moonrise kingdom 7/10




im actually heavily in the mood for poofy romance films like wallflower at the moment any recommendations?

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revanche - austrian crime/revenge thriller... i couldn't remember putting this on my list or why i did so (maybe a recommendaion from here?) but it was really excellent. Tense and slowly unfolding plot, strong acting, convincing characters, brilliantly brooding direction and stark cinematography. 8/10.

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