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oh for fucks sake. "you chose to portray a lot of the iranians as very human in argo". he really doesn't at all, for one, and the moderator says that as if it's something you need to consider, like it should be an option. this shit is unwatchable.

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The ABC's of Death - Mostly shite but one or two segments were fun. The letter L was probably best, M by far the worst further confirming my belief that Ti West is an overrated fuckstick. The letter F is basically WATMM in film form.

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ABC's of Death was heavily weighed down by being about 90% well bum. 26 directors, short space of time to make an impact.

Best of the bunch was a slow mo dogfighting one, serbian film directors one, one which a woman carves off her skin to lose weight, ben wheatleys one, the spanish one at the start.....or the japanese one where the guys wank themselves to death.

ABC's is a mixed bag in term of quality, i wouldn't recommend sitting through all of them. Because some of the shorts on this are exceedingly buttock-clenchingly-jaw-droppingly low production value.

Hello You.

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oh for fucks sake. "you chose to portray a lot of the iranians as very human in argo". he really doesn't at all, for one, and the moderator says that as if it's something you need to consider, like it should be an option. this shit is unwatchable.



lol! I don't even remember Iranians in Argo.



heheheh yes!


It is worth watching for when the master in the room speaks,

in an unknown language,

and an unknown subject matter for all those in the room.


The rest is of the show is schlagen.



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I actually really like ABC's of Death. I think most are okay if not good. At five minutes a piece it's not going to be too horrendous and it's good to see different cultures take on things, the Japanese gore directors most notably being ridiculous. Z is beyond retarded, but it amuses the shit out of me.


My favourites are D, H and Samurai Story (can't remember the letter for that one, but it's the seppuku one, so funny)


M is by far the worst, so so shit. S is also complete shit and so is the spider one.

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Skyfall - pretty pictures in here. Slightly offensive if you try turning on your brain while watching, clearly the people who made this think the target audience is dumb as fuck. I must say though, the IT-related stuff was very well done and completely realistic. Started dragging towards the end, but was relatively entertaining up to that point, all thanks to lush eye candy. 5 out of 10 Jason Bournes

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breaking dawn part 2 - why did I watch this?


Because part 1 was a lot worse. I've been told the climax of the movie was far superior to the book - if you can believe that...



You know the whole battle scene Michael Sheen "foresees" - yeah never happens in the book. That South American half-vampire dude who shows up and is like "yeah I'm a hybrid and derp derp" and Michael Sheen and the other bad vamps are like "oh ok cool" AND THATS IT! THATS HOW THE FUCKING BOOK SERIES ENDS!!! LOL So thanks the screenwriter who decided to add that battle scene and twist about it being a mere vision or whatever. I would of been pissed after trudging through that film just for some dude to say 3 lines.




Fucking Twilight - well here's my perhaps insightful and ridiculous perspective I'll keep this short. My wife reads a lot and flys through a variety of books ranging from classics to what she deems "silly dumb reads." She likes series a lot in particular. Way back in 2006 a friend of hers recommended Twilight. She liked the first one a lot for reasons beyond the plot - the setting in rural Washington was pleasant, there's a lot of cool Native American imagery and subplots not covered in the movies, etc.


Anyway, by the time the movie was made and the retarded fandom ensued in 2008 she had read the whole series. She liked the second. Third was meh. Fourth she didn't like the way it ended. By that point our friend who actually introduced it to her was already getting tired of the series. Both of them thought way less of people who "loved" the series because the actually plot and characters are shallow, shitty people by the end of the fourth book. At this point they both find the whole romantic plot a offensive - the whole relationship is unhealthy - it's disturbing people consider it a romance novel at all, let alone one to admire (many who do like the books are Conservative Christians - go figure). Nonetheless we gave the movies a shot. Part of the reason we went to see the 2nd movie after the dreadfully bad 1st one was because - I'm not trolling when I say this - it was better in every aspect than the 1st (the OST is oddly really good). So we're like "ok, maybe these will get better." Well...they don't. 3rd was entertaining kinda. 4th - geez. We actually watched the last ones with the intent of laughing at plot. Locally comedians screen and mock the films (It's a running series called "Master Pancake Theater" in Austin akin to MST3K) and now we're looking forward to seeing the last movies ripped apart.


I guess my point it is this - the whole franchise and it's success is truly baffling - and ironically a lot of people who ended up deriding it were fans initially, they just never talk about it.

Edited by joshuatx
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Guest Mirezzi

Skyfall - pretty pictures in here. Slightly offensive if you try turning on your brain while watching, clearly the people who made this think the target audience is dumb as fuck. I must say though, the IT-related stuff was very well done and completely realistic. Started dragging towards the end, but was relatively entertaining up to that point, all thanks to lush eye candy. 5 out of 10 Jason Bournes


Yeah, this. zzzz

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Skyfall - pretty pictures in here. Slightly offensive if you try turning on your brain while watching, clearly the people who made this think the target audience is dumb as fuck. I must say though, the IT-related stuff was very well done and completely realistic. Started dragging towards the end, but was relatively entertaining up to that point, all thanks to lush eye candy. 5 out of 10 Jason Bournes


Yeah, this. zzzz

I feel like you hate everything Overlook. Can you post a small list of what you consider are near perfect/must see films?

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not to derail the MJ moment, but just to spread the hate and loathing, has anyone seen that Tom Hanks miniseries From the Earth to the Moon? I was all stoked to watch it, but it's pretty terrible. Remarkably bad and disjointed and annoying. It's like a playbook of "how not to make a documentary." Just thought I'd share the bile.

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not to derail the MJ moment, but just to spread the hate and loathing, has anyone seen that Tom Hanks miniseries From the Earth to the Moon? I was all stoked to watch it, but it's pretty terrible. Remarkably bad and disjointed and annoying. It's like a playbook of "how not to make a documentary." Just thought I'd share the bile.


no problemo, piece out!

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Guest Mirezzi

I feel like you hate everything Overlook. Can you post a small list of what you consider are near perfect/must see films?


Really? I thought for sure zaphod and lumpy had, in a sweaty cum-soaked affair, wrestled that crown away from me months ago.


I'm a bit tickled that anybody still thinks I'm the grumpy sadsack hate everything guy!

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edit: at zaphod


I had no idea, I had been watching Ken Burn's series on the National Park System, which was fairly ok but marred by the expected overly-sentimental swelling music rah rah America stuff. I figured from Earth to the Moon couldn't be worse, but boy was I wrong. Tom Hanks really is a geeky overgrown man child, isn't he? It's the only way to explain the weird combination of technical jargon plus astoundingly mawkish patriotic sentimentality. It's sort of in a class of its own.


Not only is hard to watch, but it's surprisingly uninformative. I don't feel like I've learned much more about the lunar program than I knew going in. I found myself wishing multiple times that it was more Ken Burns style, give me the "un-doctored historical footage plus a voice over and some talking heads and I'll be pleased as punch, thanks". Instead they throw everything into a huge mish-mash: a few bits of historical footage, some modern day footage made to look artificially aged, a bunch of actors who come and go between episodes without rhyme or reason, constant changing of film stock for no reason, a bunch of CGI of varying quality...it's almost funny to see how, instead of enhancing each other, all these different approaches cancel each other out, so there's zero emotional heft at all. You're just wondering "is this real or fake?" "there's no way they actually spoke like this!" etc. It really is a mess.


And many of these folks aren't dead yet, right? It's an insult not to have them in there as talking heads. But what do I know, maybe they trot them in at the end, a la Band of Bros

Edited by lumpenprol
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Guest Mirezzi

Yeah, I think Burns gets a bum wrap anymore. Sure, he makes NPR crowd coffee table fare for the most part, but as you've pointed out, it's direct primary source material that makes its impact. All of the commentators are just distraction to fill the edit.

P.S. - I'm drunk. bye

Edited by The Overlook
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Guest zaphod

i mean, it's tom hanks working with hbo. it felt, to me, like one of the movies they play at the air and space museum in dc. i don't know why it wasn't a straight documentary. maybe that's ron howard's fault, since hanks worked on band of brothers and that's a tonally consistent program.

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I feel like you hate everything Overlook. Can you post a small list of what you consider are near perfect/must see films?


Really? I thought for sure zaphod and lumpy had, in a sweaty cum-soaked affair, wrestled that crown away from me months ago.


I'm a bit tickled that anybody still thinks I'm the grumpy sadsack hate everything guy!

list or stfu

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yeah, I thought Band of Bros was better. At least it didn't make me as angry.


Not only is ...to the Moon annoying, but it whitewashes. As I was watching last night, I kept thinking "wasn't there a case where the capsule almost sank because someone blew the door in the ocean?" Sure enough, just did a web search and that event happened to Gus Grissom (who later died with two other guys when the test Apollo capsule caught fire). If they had included that earlier incident it would have made everything much more dramatic. But, I'm guessing, they didn't cover it because they didn't want to cast any sort of shadow on Grissom's memory. I just learned more on this webpage than I learned in 1 hr of watching that doc: http://datamanos2.com/apollo1/grissom-media.html

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