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I don't care what anyone says; it was a fucking stupid movie.


Yeah yeah fascism commentary blah blah blah.

Don't worry. You're not alone on not liking it.





I don't care what anyone says; it was a fucking stupid movie.


Yeah yeah fascism commentary blah blah blah.

Don't worry. You're not alone on not liking it.

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From Beyond was pretty cool, i hated it when i first saw it because i was really into splatter movies at the time and was expecting another Re-Animator. Have you checked out any other Stuart Gordon movies Zaphod? like King of the Ants, Stuck or Edmond? They are worth watching, really fucking weird and semi horror/thriller movies but done in a style I've not seen anyone else do. Edmond is a stranger one because it's based off of a David Mamet play, the main character is William H MAcey who plays a strange sociopath sort of resembling Matt Damon's character in The Informant, except far more dangerous.
Stuck is supposedly based on a true story about a girl who hit a guy with her car and when he got stuck in the windshield decided to take the car home anyways and hide out for a few days while the guy was dying in the garage

Edited by John Ehrlichman
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side effects - 5/10 - the premise and the subjects the film deals with are very interesting and could be a basis for something much more original and deeper, but the film didn't do it justice and seemed very generic to me. it's well made and decently acted but ultimately forgettable.


I thought it was a pretty strong film until the 2nd half, they cinched everything up far too neatly. Seemed like they were going for some sort of suburban version of Vertigo, but even Vertigo left far more ambiguity in the end than Side Effects.

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Guest zaphod

From Beyond was pretty cool, i hated it when i first saw it because i was really into splatter movies at the time and was expecting another Re-Animator. Have you checked out any other Stuart Gordon movies Zaphod? like King of the Ants, Stuck or Edmond? They are worth watching, really fucking weird and semi horror/thriller movies but done in a style I've not seen anyone else do. Edmond is a stranger one because it's based off of a David Mamet play, the main character is William H MAcey who plays a strange sociopath sort of resembling Matt Damon's character in The Informant, except far more dangerous.

Stuck is supposedly based on a true story about a girl who hit a guy with her car and when he got stuck in the windshield decided to take the car home anyways and hide out for a few days while the guy was dying in the garage


i've seen space truckers, castle freak, dolls and dagon. varying quality there. dagon is fucking terrible. stuck i've heard about but haven't seen. might check it out but i'm afraid gordon suffers from john carpenter syndrome in his later career and i refuse to sit through another film like the ward. what a disaster.

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well I'd argue his films after Re-animator and From Beyond mostly suck until after Castle Freak. Dagon is not good, I agree with that. King of the Ants has bizarre story issues, but the first 45 minutes or so are pretty strong. I think Edmond and Stuck are some of his best films though even compared to his older stuff. He's not trying to evoke his old style and failing like John Carpenter, his newer stuff barely resembles his 80s work.

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From Beyond is a camp horror classic with all the right ingredients including a good cast surprised more hadn't seen it.



Argo - 7/10 interesting but got predictably over dramatised towards the end.


The Skin I live In - 9/10 very stylish and well twisted tale of revenge.


Suspiria - 9/10 excellent vintage horror that has the looks as good as the soundtrack.


Pusher - 4/10 how to fuck up a remake of the gritty Danish classic by making it into a overcooked Nathan Barley London gangsta' flick. It was nice to see the lead singer of the Cravats as a henchman tho.

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Guest zaphod

the glamorous life of sachiko hanai




not much else to say


invisible waves

second viewing. saw it when it came out a few years ago. i like this film's low key vibes. tadanobu asano is good, the pan asian dialogue gets a little awkward but overall, i enjoy this. if i could pick a director to film one of haruki murakami's early novels, maybe hard boiled wonderland, i'd pick ratanaruang.

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Stripes - Bill Murray being Bill Murray in a Police Academy style pre Ghostbusters Ivan Reitman warm up. Bill Murray/10


Johnny Gets His Gun - after watching this I'll never join the army even if they were dropping bombs on my mums back yard. One of the most genuinely depressing and haunting movies i've ever seen. 9.9/10

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Room 237 (the documentary about The Shining)


This is a documentary about mad people (over)analysing a mad movie.

I like The Shining. Don't get me wrong. I also love reading interpretations of movies that are a bit on the crazy side. But the people in this documentary (whose faces we never see btw.) are out of their fucking minds. I don't know if this documentary is supposed to be serious or of it's like the Toddlers and Tiaras show where it actually points fingers at the people who are on the show. The theories - and in some cases "conspiracy theories" - are all over the fucking place. When some of the theories were presented, I was thinking, "sure, why not? Makes sense... kinda.", but then we got to the theories about The Shining being the film where Kubrick admits to being the one who faked the moon landing and that the guy who figured this out was now being watched by the government and so on. Holy shit balls. Or that guy who believed that it made perfect sense to watch the movie forwards and backwards at the same time and then superimpose the two screenings, because then "everything lines up!"

I laughed out loud when one of the theorists said that he hadn't had a job for quite some time, because throughout most of the documentary I was thinking to myself that these guys must have a lot of spare time on their hands and that maybe they should get a job.


Apart from the fucking wackjobs talking about The Shining being about the holocaust and Jack Nicholson's hair on the photo of the ball room party forms a Hitler mustache when they fade in to a close-up of his face, the documentary itself wasn't that good. Like I said, you never see any of the people who are throwing their wild theories around the room. You only hear their voices. So since you never see anyone, the only things they show are clips from the movie and these staged clips of kids from the 80s watching The Shining in a cinema over and over and over and over.

Also the music was terrible. I know it was trying to be very 80s Kubrick-ian and blablabla, but it didn't work at all. Also, whoever mixed the sound ought to be shot in the foot for doing such a terrible job.


I give it 5/10


Yeah I also thought that most of the theorys in this are bonkers, however I do find it weird it doesn't even mention the illuminati references in his films??? Or the theories behind that at least.


I did find the Native American thread pretty interesting and think there might be something to that. Who cares if the moon landings are real, the real misinformation is that the Americans won the space race. They lost it! The Russians put the first man into space. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuri_Gagarin

Edited by MadameChaos
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Room 237 (the documentary about The Shining)


This is a documentary about mad people (over)analysing a mad movie.

I like The Shining. Don't get me wrong. I also love reading interpretations of movies that are a bit on the crazy side. But the people in this documentary (whose faces we never see btw.) are out of their fucking minds. I don't know if this documentary is supposed to be serious or of it's like the Toddlers and Tiaras show where it actually points fingers at the people who are on the show. The theories - and in some cases "conspiracy theories" - are all over the fucking place. When some of the theories were presented, I was thinking, "sure, why not? Makes sense... kinda.", but then we got to the theories about The Shining being the film where Kubrick admits to being the one who faked the moon landing and that the guy who figured this out was now being watched by the government and so on. Holy shit balls. Or that guy who believed that it made perfect sense to watch the movie forwards and backwards at the same time and then superimpose the two screenings, because then "everything lines up!"

I laughed out loud when one of the theorists said that he hadn't had a job for quite some time, because throughout most of the documentary I was thinking to myself that these guys must have a lot of spare time on their hands and that maybe they should get a job.


Apart from the fucking wackjobs talking about The Shining being about the holocaust and Jack Nicholson's hair on the photo of the ball room party forms a Hitler mustache when they fade in to a close-up of his face, the documentary itself wasn't that good. Like I said, you never see any of the people who are throwing their wild theories around the room. You only hear their voices. So since you never see anyone, the only things they show are clips from the movie and these staged clips of kids from the 80s watching The Shining in a cinema over and over and over and over.

Also the music was terrible. I know it was trying to be very 80s Kubrick-ian and blablabla, but it didn't work at all. Also, whoever mixed the sound ought to be shot in the foot for doing such a terrible job.


I give it 5/10


Yeah I also thought that most of the theorys in this are bonkers, however I do find it weird it doesn't even mention the illuminati references in his films??? Or the theories behind that at least.


I did find the Native American thread pretty interesting and think there might be something to that. Who cares if the moon landings are real, the real misinformation is that the Americans won the space race. They lost it! The Russians put the first man into space. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yuri_Gagarin


Illuminati stuff in The Shining? Hahahaha, what?

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard


Had fond memories of this. Nowhere near as many people died as I remembered, I thought it was just bacon left at the end. 8/10 for nostagia and kevin bacons over the top reactions to everything

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Funny Games US version and original


US version was much better. I saw the original on DVD in 2000 or something and liked it back then, but the US version felt much tighter, better acting, everything was more clear cut in the details of expressions etc. Guess some might like that less but I found it a lot more intense than the original...


Dark Skies (2013) - Cheesy but good. Even the ending held up surprisingly well, and I typically find these kinds of movies have bad endings. Better than Sinister, which is a similar kind of movie.


Side Effects - I liked all the nuance and ambiguity in the film, but the main plot about the malingering I'm not as sure of. I liked the whole portrayal of psychiatrists and pharmaceutical companies, and patients with their way of speaking etc. Turned into a De Palma like plot and thriller but maybe not in a good way...


Society (1989) - Saw this again and I watch it every few months. I love this film, one of the only films I know of to portray paranoia in an effective way and the music just rocks. The ending is what most people talk about but I find the buildup to it much more interesting.

Edited by coax
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um...the idea of the "space race" was the race to the moon. Never heard anyone deny Gagarin's space in the history books (not to mention Sputnik and Laika the space hound)


No it wasn't it was the first into space!!! No one's ever denied it but it is conveniently ignored.


"The Space Race was a mid-to-late 20th century competition between the Soviet Union (USSR) and the United States (USA) for supremacy in space exploration. Between 1957 and 1975, the Cold War rivalry between the two nations focused on attaining firsts in space exploration, which were seen as necessary for national security and symbolic of technological and ideological superiority."


"When the flight was publicly announced, it was celebrated around the world as a great triumph, not just for the Soviet Union, but for the world itself, though it once again shocked and embarrassed the United States.[53]"

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in reality the only thing the Americans beat the Russians at during the space race was the first man on the moon, in every other conceivable aspect the Russians beat the fuck out of the Americans in terms of 'firsts' in space.

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