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WATMM Emergency


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Trust me, I have been avoiding Twitter (twatter) as much as humanly possible, so don't expect regular Tweets out of me - like I said, I just want a way to keep everyone in the loop in case it all goes tits up.

What's the user name. Twitter say "No people results for @WATMMOfficial"

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yeah, there is no @WATMMOfficial account. is this some kind of practical joke?


That would be consistent with JR's sense of humour

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I thought troon was having a midlife crisis or something when I opened this thread


i think that's actually been ongoing for about three years now.


Trust me, I have been avoiding Twitter (twatter) as much as humanly possible, so don't expect regular Tweets out of me - like I said, I just want a way to keep everyone in the loop in case it all goes tits up.


what could possibly go tits up? i don't understand what this thread is about. why does watmm need an emergency message system?

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WATMM used to be notorious for crashing. Once or twice it's been down for weeks at a time, and it's nice for people to be able to stay in touch.


The fact that it hasn't happened again in the past few years is probably down to luck rather than improved competence from the people in charge.

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The fact that it hasn't happened again in the past few years is probably down to luck rather than improved competence from the people in charge.

That's pretty rude man ...

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Guest abusivegeorge


in the event of watmm emergency, we might do well as community to have a universally agreed upon meet spot.


watmm, help our fellow community members stay safely connected in the event of the unforeseen.


plees submit your ideas of what might be the best system to employ.


might we leave messages at this potential location to announce the fact that we have indeed been there?


where shall we meet?


You're aware of the possible solar flare occurring in December aren't you?


I like you're thinking. We should all meet at yours, and then we can all chill out in your bunker ;-)

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