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The Caustic Window LP (CAT023) Kickstarter FAQ - LIVE NOW!


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724% funded. Amazing, never expected this...

Anxiously awaiting any announcements or big surprises over here...

Yeah, this.

It's nice Richard will give his seal of approval over the final product btw, he cares more than I thought he would (probably because we do). Maybe he'll add some secret samples / clues in there too :mu-ziq:

Now let the fun begin!

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When does the money come out of our accounts?



Cuz atm there's nothing in there






unfortunately either the payment will bounce, and you'll be out of luck, or the payment will go through and you'll get overdraft fees :(

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It's completely fucking amazing. Once again, great going, Joyrex!


Now bring on the announcements!!!

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Guest pafr



most of it were funded in the first couple of days. It's more like the inverse of exponential which is logarithmic.

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Guest Tricktrack
Greetings from Amazon Payments, We're sorry, but your May 10, 2014 payment to James E Thomas for $16.00 has failed.

Got this email some minutes ago. I tryed to make another transaction but it failed again.

Edit: It seems like it's because of my bank, anyone using euros got this problem?

Edited by Tricktrack
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Yay! We did it! Vattern saves the world once again. All hail papa JR

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This talk of payments not going through scared me, not for lack of money, but you know automated bank security being silly or something. nwae, seems processing is pending which means it went through, super, look forward with interest to see what's up.

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Guest Black Calx

Mine failed, checked and it used an old credit card! Had to go though the kickstarter page for it to make the transaction with my legit card, PHEW!!!

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