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Lol @WATMM Prolapse Party


This is the best fuckin news.


Also I am convinced this is one of multiple albums this year. I feel like the blimp was saying "2014 is gonna be the year of Aphex"


I don't think they'd do the blimp and just announce a new album two days later. There will be more

Yeah, what a small announcement only one new Aphex Twin album would be :P Although you might be right...the URL name certainly leaves open the possibility of 3 releases.

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let's hope Metz and Manchester track are on this release - two of the best pieces of music I have ever heard

I hope not.


Dont get me wrong, I want to hear those on mint condition as much as the next person, but I'm excited by the prospect of hearing some groundbreaking aphex goodness.


Whatever it is I'm sure it wont disappoint!



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well this is obviously a fake..




(downloads anyway)


Sounds like someone raided the trash bin of various EKT producers.


haha i remember for RAM someone made a 13 track album of Avicii - Level hehe


edit: this troll is not that bad tho

Edited by klore
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Guest jasondonervan

I like the colour, it's like an acid yellow/green. very cool






"Now what in the hell is a SYRO?"



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