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the scientist there^ has a great thread pointing out some of her fave bits....but i forgot to add links/images: main stuff via CEERS

image.png.234918052568a2767dab70b64d656e36.png  wild shit everywhere you zoom in (this one might be some gravitational lensing?)



Edited by auxien
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An international team of scientists, led by Laetitia Delrez, astrophysicist at the University of Liège, has just announced the discovery of two 'super-Earth' type planets orbiting LP 890-9.  Also known as TOI-4306 or SPECULOOS-2, this small, cool star located about 100 light-years from our Earth is the second coolest star around which planets have been detected, after the famous TRAPPIST-1. This important discovery is published in the journal Astronomy & Astrophysics.


Comparison between the LP 890-9 system and the inner Solar System. The LP 890-9 system is much more compact: its two planets could easily fit inside the orbit of Mercury, the innermost planet of our Solar System.


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Not space, but high-tech news from Tesla AI / Musk:

More precisely about the humanoid robot Optimus they're developing. (a bit like Atlas from Boston Dynamics)

Article on CNET:


Cut of the live stream of the event:

My opinion:

Not sure how I feel about humanoid robots, but the technological advancements are truly amazing.
In my opinion they could come in very handy in exploring/expanding/exploiting space.
They can be used in environments not suited or a bit too dangerous for humans.
Or they can perform boring/repetitive/harmful physical tasks.
They might eventually also be used in war.
This is a moralistic/ethical pitfall, but unavoidable, looking at the military advancements over the last decade(s).
Getting shot by a humanoid robot. Although both combatants and innocents already get killed by drones.
I'm also still a bit conflicted about personal use though. A lot can go wrong there.
It is the future though. No doubt about it.
But of course there are still a lot of hurdles to overcome, thus it will be quite a while before a fully trained one is sold to the public.
I'm sure early versions will be sold to the public though (and to the military and to organizations), knowing Musk wanting to make profit beside advancing technology.
This feels like a cyberpunk story. Is it dystopian or utopian? It's probably both.

Edited by MaartenVC
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