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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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11 hours ago, bendish said:

Watmm doesn't even have a now that Biden is president thread 


That shit is gross and inhumane (even if the border agents are technically not using "whips", their use of those long reins is similar to whips).

It seems that some democrats at least are against it and calling on the Biden White House to change the policy regarding Haitian deportations:




I'm not optimistic that anything will be done to sanction the border agents, but at least the Biden administration isn't blaming the refugees?

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On 9/24/2021 at 6:46 AM, chenGOD said:

I'm confused, why are they tearing down the advertising? Because they think looking at two people with a bubble between them is going to turn them pansexual? Or are they doing it for the kids?




its sexually explicit showing people in the act of sex bordering on pornography.  couldn't see which one she's tearing down specifically, but the one next to it is two tongues touching.  advertising is dumb and tearing it down is based. no comment on the lgbt aspects because they seem unrelated to this specific incarnation which includes graphic sexual images

Edited by ilqx hermolia xpli
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11 hours ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

its sexually explicit showing people in the act of sex bordering on pornography.  couldn't see which one she's tearing down specifically, but the one next to it is two tongues touching.

Oh my stars, two tongues touching!

What if it had shown something truly horrific like a white man kissing an asian woman?

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On 9/24/2021 at 9:31 AM, Cryptowen said:



LMFAO those ads are EVERYWHERE. I would have loved to see how long it took them to give up. (Found a second video - it seems that woman starts losing steam while trying to get all of the ads int he subway car, so i have a hunch they didnt make it much farther than that) That woman seems like just the right type of nut job for 2022 and beyond.

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If only that rage could be channeled towards personal injury lawyer adverts.

Also if you pause the video in the right spot all those ads are for okcupid, which as part of its capitaliste' prime directive is trying to capture as much sexual orientation spectrum / market share as possible.  And the one rusting her jimmies has two tongues shoppe'd into a single conjoined entity.

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47 minutes ago, BobDobalina said:

And the one rusting her jimmies has two tongues shoppe'd into a single conjoined entity.

Should have had a docking ad as well.

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At my clinic today, the entire waiting room got treated to a bigmouthed Karen diatribe about how TV is terrible these days, and everything on Netlifx is in “some kind of Chink language” now.


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I've been trying to comprehend what the fuck her deal is. she seems to have had decent positions on most issues prior to gaining real political power and is now doing the opposite of what would be expected of her. is she being swayed by corporate interests, or is she trying to hold on to her position by appearing more middle of the road, or what?

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^ could be another case of a little too much fame/power going to someone's head. feeling that powerful stops a person from thinking rationally, feeling empathy, etc.

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2 hours ago, usagi said:

I've been trying to comprehend what the fuck her deal is. she seems to have had decent positions on most issues prior to gaining real political power and is now doing the opposite of what would be expected of her. is she being swayed by corporate interests, or is she trying to hold on to her position by appearing more middle of the road, or what?

Apparently bought out.

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My city is in the toilet right now. State already has the highest per capita infection rate in the country, over 1270 new cases and 10 COVID deaths as of today, and on top of that there were anti-maskers at yesterday's city assembly meeting who wore paper Stars of David to play false victims of mask mandates, which they compared to the Holocaust. And the fucking mayor defended them: https://www.adn.com/alaska-news/anchorage/2021/09/30/a-direct-disrespect-jewish-leaders-decry-use-of-holocaust-symbolism-to-protest-anchorage-mask-ordinance/

I shouldn't be venting about local politics like this on here, but this is beyond idiocy. I remember people saying a while back that Trump will have done lasting damage beyond his presidency. Well, it's confirmed.

The main reason we ended up with this shit-bag mayor in the first place was a 19 percent voter turnout. Turns out low voter turnout leads to shitty leadership...familiar. 

As a friendly reminder, please vote in local elections. Do not make the same mistake that we did.

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Man, that sucks.  I am kind of glad that I don't live in a red area.  NJ is doing decently right now, thankfully.  My area is 75% vaccinated (18 and older, 62% total).  At my workplace, they're bringing everybody back to work on Monday and even making masks optional for people who are fully vaccinated.

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On 10/1/2021 at 11:10 AM, ambermonke said:

As a friendly reminder, please vote in local elections. Do not make the same mistake that we did.

as shit as the situation can be in terms of candidates and meaningful change, I think it's almost always the worse option to not vote at all.

having said that:


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Here’s a pretty sobering take on the state of American democracy… sorry for the generic link, but there is no direct link for the episode, just the show page. Scroll down and listen to this one: 

“OCTOBER 1, 2021

How attempts to overthrow the presidential election threaten democracy

There's new information on just how hard the Trump administration tried to overthrow the 2020 election. How healthy is the state of our democracy? Neil Buchanan, Suzanne Mettler, Anna Grzymala-Busse and Jack Beatty join Meghna Chakrabarti.”


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8 hours ago, usagi said:

as shit as the situation can be in terms of candidates and meaningful change, I think it's almost always the worse option to not vote at all.

having said that:


Pretty much agree with all of this

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Those 'Save Australia' protests in NYC from teachers protesting mandatory vaccination...just surreal stuff yo. Hopefully we can scam those crazy gullible conservs to gofund us poor totalitariats a $1 a day rather than being liberated with drone strikes.

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