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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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if you're not trolling then I feel bad for you and you need to stay on your meds, dickhead. that means you've done a Limp and progressively gone off the deep end for real.


I have no problem being characterised as a bully on here. WATMMers who have met me irl know otherwise. this place wasn't always a haven where autism/stupidity could pass as the standard without being poked fun at, but it's starting to become the norm with people like you.

Me, gone off the deep end?


I'm very tempted to quote some of your old posts...

Your coy defenses of theocracy and blasphemy laws are some shameful shit

It's sad that you don't see how deeply you were brainwashed

And just how squarely you stand in opposition to the most basic fucking Enlightenment/classical liberalism values


But please, do wax on about how wrong-headed others are

It's fucking classic

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Usagi, the fact that joking about swatting me and having me end up in the "cops murder unarmed civilians" thread

For mere words on a forum

The fact that you would go there

I can't think of any other WATMMer who would do that shit

Maybe Chunky or ET

I'm a mentally ill drug addict and I wouldn't say that shit to my worst enemy

I was totally happy to ignore you and let you do your thing

But you wanna jab at me everywhere I go

And tell other members they have their head on wrong

I'm happy to play along, mate

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Apparently this campus SJW stuff has exploded in the last 2-3 years

It's actually very interesting from a sociological and psychological perspective

Anyway, this dude knows what's up:




thanks for this, I like that Haidt character. He does seem to know what's up (in the sense that I share his views (which means he's right ofc duh)).

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Thank god for Haidt. The most annoying thing was that she didn't move in her perspectives one millimeter. Regardless of the arguments of Haidt. Her views and her views only. Perhaps a conscious debating technique, but not a productive one, imo.


Trigger warning:


She deserved a punch in the face.

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Thank god for Haidt. The most annoying thing was that she didn't move in her perspectives one millimeter. Regardless of the arguments of Haidt. Her views and her views only. Perhaps a conscious debating technique, but not a productive one, imo.


Trigger warning:


She deserved a punch in the face.


I can think of a few people on here who this applies to. lol


Also the SJW phenom is way overblown because of the echo chamber that is the internet. Ifyou spend all day browsing SJW tumblrs, of course you're going to think that the world exists solely of these monstrous creatures. The reality of it is that while these idiots do exist, their influence is marginal. Tenured professors have complete autonomy (within legal bounds of course), and the good ones don't put up with any bullshit.

It's funny how they've co-opted the original idea behind safe spaces (namely a place where truly persecuted individuals could speak freely to either a counselor or someone in their peer group) into these totally vapid bubbles of idiocy.

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The 'SJW influence on campus' concern is definitely not overblown

"Safe spaces" and "content warnings" are virtually everywhere

Controversial guest lectures are routinely canceled because of protester fuss

(And when that Milo idiot recently gave a lecture--forget where--some overly-sensitive people sought out counseling due to being traumatized)

Due to concerns of being "held accountable", professors all over are removing controversial content from their classes

This is not a fringe thing

(It was a few years ago, but now it's everywhere)



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by everywhere you mean the internet, and by the internet i mean a section of the internet


90% of people that go online have no fucking idea what a SJW/MRA is, most people come from work and binge watch netflix till they fall asleep.


Its the 10% who spend more than 10hours a day browsing the internet that are into this fucking sjw/mra shit.


Also there is people out there making mad $$$ from this shit (eg. gavin mcciness) they stir up shit to keep this going so they can laugh all the way to the bank.

Edited by Deer
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"The safe space, Ms. Byron explained, was intended to give people who might find comments “troubling” or “triggering,” a place to recuperate. The room was equipped with cookies, coloring books, bubbles, Play-Doh, calming music, pillows, blankets and a video of frolicking puppies, as well as students and staff members trained to deal with trauma. Emma Hall, a junior, rape survivor and “sexual assault peer educator” who helped set up the room and worked in it during the debate, estimates that a couple of dozen people used it. At one point she went to the lecture hall — it was packed — but after a while, she had to return to the safe space. “I was feeling bombarded by a lot of viewpoints that really go against my dearly and closely held beliefs,” Ms. Hall said."


pardon my privilege as a human who can deal with dissenting viewpoints, but hahahah

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We're talking about the education of an entire generation

It's not just a few random tumblr pages

We're talking about the education people are currently getting at Duke, Harvard, Oberlin, NYU etc

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The 'SJW influence on campus' concern is definitely not overblown

"Safe spaces" and "content warnings" are virtually everywhere

Controversial guest lectures are routinely canceled because of protester fuss

(And when that Milo idiot recently gave a lecture--forget where--some overly-sensitive people sought out counseling due to being traumatized)

Due to concerns of being "held accountable", professors all over are removing controversial content from their classes

This is not a fringe thing

(It was a few years ago, but now it's everywhere)




Some controversial guest lectures are canceled. Many many many many many many many many more that you will never hear about continue as planned. And if you bothered to read the article you linked to, you would find that many of the deans and presidents of the universities routinely defend their professors.



I'm not denying that there are incidents. The issue is, these incidents are not representative of university education or campus climate as a whole. They simply garner attention because they are not part of the day-to-day of university life.

This is most definitely still a fringe thing that is amplified by the internet echo chamber.

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Listening to that young woman talk in the NYU lecture is indeed frustrating... She's obviously been confronted with constant barrages of how her past and skin color affect her ability to learn properly, something I, as a norm-sexual caucasian with a non-vertical challenge and eyes of the combining of yellow and green to produce a different color, will never have to deal with. Therefor, life should cater to her specifically like it should for everyone at all times, because that's possible and not absolutely ridiculous. Oh also, because all white people in existence now still gotta delve out some sympathy for how much our lack of melanin has caused the world to die... We don't know these things and have never struggled. Admit it. ADMIT IT. #standswithvapidSJWgirl


Possibly the human ego is getting more fragile off the digital interfaces. Soon the machines will control us. Every generation has said the last one sucked, but we are literally being sucked into a void of the worst collective of human output ever into a concentrated mass that people actually care about. Welcome your new overlords... MWAHAHAHA



But srsly, I don't think it's a gigantic problem and I think most people with a sense of rational duality and reality don't really subscribe to the SJW mantra too much... Overall, people need to go outside more and talk/internet less. This would solve a lot of problems.

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"The petition got 350 signatures".

George Washington's student population (undergrad and graduate) is approx 25,000.


So just over 1%. In other words,pretty fringe.

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"The petition got 350 signatures".

George Washington's student population (undergrad and graduate) is approx 25,000.


So just over 1%. In other words,pretty fringe.



yet they still managed to ruin an event for everyone else.

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