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How does the World view America these days?

Rubin Farr

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Lol at using the idea that people should spend their money to help the people around them as apposed to sending them dildos. Fucking bunch of crying pussies really. Just go back to your families and let the tyranny wash over you lol.

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I think the problem with the left is that most people lean left (whether they would admit it or not), so it's hard to form an identity that most people can get fired up about. This means they are really easily fragmented and difficult to mobilize like a herd of cats. Getting pissed off at big business and government corruption is probably the only hope, and Occupy Wall St. probably blew that load for a good while. I mean, you have to be either a self-sufficient survivalist or filthy rich and arrogant to sincerely believe that you don't need anyone else's help.

Even when the left does get fired up about something they're painted as commie / hippie / PC / SJW / tree-hugger / unamerican / perverted / submissive / etc. And the political language in our democracy is all sports, fight, go team, battle, competitive, manly, chest-beating, pissing match which isn't compatible with that. Not sure how either can be reframed. The cartoon paradigms are already pretty neatly set into a jiggly jello mold in the collective consciousness at this point.

I hate to say it but social media might be the only hope to break this down - as people are exposed to more points of view, they're often forced to hold their own up to the light. After all, her involvement in Twitter is what got that woman to leave the Westboro Baptist Church.

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I actually had to watch it in pieces because of how cringe-worthy that was... I don't want to live on this planet anymore


It made me throw up in my mouth a little bit.


Those poor brainwashed kids.

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I guess they somehow found out his voters have the mental capacity of 4 year olds and now they gear their campaign at that level? It's ridiculous.

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I actually had to watch it in pieces because of how cringe-worthy that was... I don't want to live on this planet anymore



Also just realized the riff is very similar to Blondie's "Heart of Glass".

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What da fuk. What kind of trash is that music...sounds like those stupid early '90s church puppets videos. It's like Trump wants to enact his own version of juche.

To everyone outside the US - I'm just as perplexed and off-put by this crap as you are.

Some good news tho: Just heard that the creator of Cards Against Humanity just sent a bunch of lube to the Y'all Qaeda boys to complement their dildo care packages.

Edited by ambermonk
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I actually had to watch it in pieces because of how cringe-worthy that was... I don't want to live on this planet anymore



Also just realized the riff is very similar to Blondie's "Heart of Glass".



TBH the thing bugging me most, after all the more horrifying obvious shit, is that there's only 3 of them and it makes the whole thing so asymmetrical.

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Lol it kinda reads like it was written by Hank Hill.


I get what you're saying. Community is community IMO - most people do right by others all the time and don't think about the bullshit projected upon them when interacting with someone in the moment. Good for that Ukrainian Texan for finding his chunk of paradise.

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I actually had to watch it in pieces because of how cringe-worthy that was... I don't want to live on this planet anymore



Also just realized the riff is very similar to Blondie's "Heart of Glass".



TBH the thing bugging me most, after all the more horrifying obvious shit, is that there's only 3 of them and it makes the whole thing so asymmetrical.



Probably due to the fact that there are only 3 people on this planet willing to do that.

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