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Cheetah EP

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According to that interview posted earlier, the Ryan Wyers kid who did the video has autism. And RDJ has aspergers to some extent (right?) so maybe he sort of felt fellowship with the kid and it influenced him into letting him do the video more. Just a random thought

RDJ said he was 'probably a little bit autistic'.

autists unite I guess


Really happy for Ryan, especially if he did meet the man himself :music:


I think he just honestly liked the videos and thought it would be clever marketing – and it really is.


Still don't see the Analord comparisons. In terms of production, sure. In terms of atmosphere? No. The Analord tracks are mostly sinister masterpieces in my book (with obvious exceptions like I'm Self Employed). CIRKLON3 would be a much better fit on Syro than on any Analord 12".


Also there have been many "resets" in his career soundwise. He just likes to take different approaches. :shrug:

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Love the video but pretty dissapointed by the track. It's just so completely average. As an old unreleased track in the sc dump, that's cool, but as the single for a new ep?!


Maybe this is where i'm going wrong, but i view aphex as one of the musicians at the forefront of electronic music because he puts out stuff that makes you think "This is aphex twin and it could only be him". The stuff is to such a standard that you know that it couldn't be anyone else. But with this, i could totally imagine just stumbling across it while browsing bandcamp or something. I get what some of you guys are saying about how if it's a good tune you should just enjoy it regardless, but is it wrong to hold someone of rdj's caliber to higher standards? I dunno just thinking out loud.


Still looking forward to the ep though.

JOIIINN USSSS - http://forum.watmm.com/topic/90852-aphex-twin-cheetah-ep/page-2?do=findComment&comment=2457545



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According to that interview posted earlier, the Ryan Wyers kid who did the video has autism. And RDJ has aspergers to some extent (right?) so maybe he sort of felt fellowship with the kid and it influenced him into letting him do the video more. Just a random thought

RDJ said he was 'probably a little bit autistic'.

autists unite I guess


Really happy for Ryan, especially if he did meet the man himself :music:


I think he just honestly liked the videos and thought it would be clever marketing – and it really is.


Still don't see the Analord comparisons. In terms of production, sure. In terms of atmosphere? No. The Analord tracks are mostly sinister masterpieces in my book (with obvious exceptions like I'm Self Employed). CIRKLON3 would be a much better fit on Syro than on any Analord 12".


Also there have been many "resets" in his career soundwise. He just likes to take different approaches. :shrug:

i'm not sure what you're saying. do you or don't you like i'm self employed?

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According to that interview posted earlier, the Ryan Wyers kid who did the video has autism. And RDJ has aspergers to some extent (right?) so maybe he sort of felt fellowship with the kid and it influenced him into letting him do the video more. Just a random thought

RDJ said he was 'probably a little bit autistic'.

autists unite I guess


Really happy for Ryan, especially if he did meet the man himself :music:


I think he just honestly liked the videos and thought it would be clever marketing – and it really is.


Still don't see the Analord comparisons. In terms of production, sure. In terms of atmosphere? No. The Analord tracks are mostly sinister masterpieces in my book (with obvious exceptions like I'm Self Employed). CIRKLON3 would be a much better fit on Syro than on any Analord 12".


Also there have been many "resets" in his career soundwise. He just likes to take different approaches. :shrug:

i'm not sure what you're saying. do you or don't you like i'm self employed?


yes, sure I do! It's just not as sinister as most tracks on the Analord series (and only therefor an exception; it's a great track!). My point is that the atmosphere on those records is much more a trademark to me than the hardware noodling because Syro is that as well... CIRKLON3 has, at least in my ears, nothing to do with Analord, a completly different state of mind was behind this

Edited by Acit
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Man, how odd. I looked up this kid's videos yesterday, because I wanted to watch them again.


His lichen video is stunning.



Apparently I've tapped into the collective unconscious aphex twin vibes. I got the message yesterday. :cool:

Oddly touching this one, actually made me tear up a bit :rolleyes:


Damn... right in the feels...

Did not gave attention to that track in a long time now, it means so much to me by the way.

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Was wondering when somebody was going to post that...


alright, so is it confirmed that richard has a wife and children? the last thing i heard about that issue was from the syrobonkers interviews, which haven't been very credible/consistent iirc.. why do we now seem to know that hes got family? :p i must have missed something somehow...

Yes, wife and two kids - it will be interesting to see what affect married life, fatherhood has on his music in terms of themes and output.



What got me in the door was Come To Daddy (I was 15) but once I heard SAW1-2, that is when the full on obsession began. I do feel there is a certain "lushness", missing from his newest stuff though. The actual sound is a bit dry in comparison (maybe what I'm hearing is just "good production" I don't know).. But those reverberating walls of the bank or what have you gave something to those incredible melodies back in the day..

This is exactly my feeling (and was actually the same introduction to him) - there seems to be almost an entire eschewing (is that the word) of reverb in is tracks from the past decade, I wonder what the decision for that is ?


I think like any artist, when you use an effect or technique constantly, you get bored of it and look for other ways to express yourself - he probably just got bored with reverbing everything, and decided a more tighter sound was the direction he wanted to go in.


One of my biggest complaints about electronic music in general is the lack of stereo separation - for some reason, more traditional music (pop, etc.) has nice separation, with sounds coming from distinct parts of the soundspace - with electronic music, it seems very flat and not dimensional. Of course, there are some standouts, but the vast majority of it is really 2-dimensional (to my ears, anyway). FWIW I don't listen with headphones very often; usually in the car or on computer speakers.


this may have something to do with electronic music still being mastered for vinyl, for which stereo effects, esp at low end, are problematic. also, i've always wondered if electronic music would do better with space if you just mic'd everything rather than direct lines. i've tried to do this- like play each element out of an appropriate amp- and record from the mic, but i'm jsut not set up to do this all the time.

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I msg'd the ma on fb representing WATMM's best wishes and general feel goodness and she replied:


"That's so very nice of you thanks so much.... were just absolutely thrilled for him 1f60a.png . Glad he made you're year that's amazing thank you. I will pass it on to Ryan 1f609.png"

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I msg'd the ma on fb representing WATMM's best wishes and general feel goodness and she replied:


"That's so very nice of you thanks so much.... were just absolutely thrilled for him 1f60a.png . Glad he made you're year that's amazing thank you. I will pass it on to Ryan 1f609.png"

That's so sweet, I'm glad that he's getting the fan fare that he deserves.

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