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Cheetah EP

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"Dear diary,


Today I simply must find a picture of Richard D. James's Russian spouse. I absolutely know she is Russian and that fact makes me happy for him. Russia! Wow! Such a beautiful place. But such pain in that country. She is so lucky to have him to shelter her from all of that Red Chaos and she's lucky to have such a genius and his sense of humor so peerless. If I could just see her I know I would feel so good and close and I know it's ok because I've paid for all his records through bleep.com (gosh, even their grey green color pallet reminds me of those special moments in my life when my shaking hand clumsily enters my payment information each time a new The Aphex Twin record is announced. The green! Bleep! Syro!). I have so much respect for Sonny Moore aka Skrillmaus for posting on Facebook how his favorite song is the majestic "Flim." Even the track title is testament to Richie's genius wit -- who would have thought just rearranging the letters in a familiar word could create such a unique new terminology? Only RDJ! I wish I wish I wish! I wish I would have had kids earlier so I could bring them around to his part of the country and our kids could play together in the fields and we wouldn't even talk if he didn't want to but I would convince him that he could trust me and that he could open up and be vulnerable and not feel ashamed of being a superstar. I know at first he would be defensive and use humor to protect himself but I know soon we could speak about chemtrails and go on sonicstate.com together. Please G-d, if you can't bring me closer to the 'phex please promise to look after him for me.



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"Dear diary,


Today I simply must find a picture of Richard D. James's Russian spouse. I absolutely know she is Russian and that fact makes me happy for him. Russia! Wow! Such a beautiful place. But such pain in that country. She is so lucky to have him to shelter her from all of that Red Chaos and she's lucky to have such a genius and his sense of humor so peerless. If I could just see her I know I would feel so good and close and I know it's ok because I've paid for all his records through bleep.com (gosh, even their grey green color pallet reminds me of those special moments in my life when my shaking hand clumsily enters my payment information each time a new The Aphex Twin record is announced. The green! Bleep! Syro!). I have so much respect for Sonny Moore aka Skrillmaus for posting on Facebook how his favorite song is the majestic "Flim." Even the track title is testament to Richie's genius wit -- who would have thought just rearranging the letters in a familiar word could create such a unique new terminology? Only RDJ! I wish I wish I wish! I wish I would have had kids earlier so I could bring them around to his part of the country and our kids could play together in the fields and we wouldn't even talk if he didn't want to but I would convince him that he could trust me and that he could open up and be vulnerable and not feel ashamed of being a superstar. I know at first he would be defensive and use humor to protect himself but I know soon we could speak about chemtrails and go on sonicstate.com together. Please G-d, if you can't bring me closer to the 'phex please promise to look after him for me.




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Joyrex, are you at liberty to say if you've heard the EP? If so, any tidbits/opinions you care to share?... :trap:

Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies...


Let's say nobody will be CHEETAHed out of their money on this one :dadjoke:

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I had actually managed to pretty much forgot that flim was an anagram, but now that you've reminded me.... *destroys immediately living area*

Anagram for what? Milf?


A very straightforward anagram but I had actually managed to stop reading it as 'milf'. sorta ruins the song.

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I'm not really feeling the new Cheetah track that is available ahead of time and I don't hear what is interesting or special about it - but please don't attack me Aphex fans, I am trying and keep listening to it in the hope it will appeal. Over and over again.


Actually nothing has worked for me of his current era stuff except the opening few tracks on Syro. It all sounds a bit empty and raw for me and buying it has all felt like a waste of money. Never mind - at least the new Plaid and Autechre are wonderful escapades.


But really, I am trying to like the new stuffs. Druqks and The Tuss were works of musical genius. And I can understand why people would adore Syro. It is very good. I guess if you like the dry, simpler, more minimalist reverb-less old school analog thing you will be in heaven with the new AFX release and from the sounds of it this release also. And Computer Controlled Acoustic Experiments had some very interesting and cool sounding ideas.


He does what he wants.

Edited by Lianne
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I'm not really feeling the new Cheetah track that is available ahead of time and I don't hear what is interesting or special about it - but please don't attack me Aphex fans, I am trying and keep listening to it in the hope it will appeal. Over and over again.


Actually nothing has worked for me of his current era stuff except the opening few tracks on Syro. It all sounds a bit empty and raw for me and buying it has all felt like a waste of money. Never mind - at least the new Plaid and Autechre are wonderful escapades.


But really, I am trying to like the new stuffs. Druqks and The Tuss were works of musical genius. And I can understand why people would adore Syro. It is very good. I guess if you like the dry, simpler, more minimalist reverb-less old school analog thing you will be in heaven with the new AFX release and from the sounds of it this release also. And Computer Controlled Acoustic Experiments had some very interesting and cool sounding ideas.


He does what he wants.


I can relate. Can't say I've been overly impressed with any of his post-Syro output. CCAI2 and ODS aren't terrible releases, but I wouldn't say they're great either. Cheetah looks to be the strongest of his 'comeback' EPs (so far) but I'm sure it still won't hold a candle to a lot of the stuff he's been keeping under wraps.


Hopefully this will be the final piece of a minimalist/barebones EP trilogy, and he'll get back to putting out some of the more exciting material from the Aphex vaults.

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Joyrex, are you at liberty to say if you've heard the EP? If so, any tidbits/opinions you care to share?... :trap:

Ask me no questions, I'll tell you no lies...


Let's say nobody will be CHEETAHed out of their money on this one :dadjoke:


haha. Works for me! I might just CHEETAH someone out of money.. to afford.. the.. I'll shut up.

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I can relate. Can't say I've been overly impressed with any of his post-Syro output. CCAI2 and ODS aren't terrible releases, but I wouldn't say they're great either. Cheetah looks to be the strongest of his 'comeback' EPs (so far) but I'm sure it still won't hold a candle to a lot of the stuff he's been keeping under wraps.


Hopefully this will be the final piece of a minimalist/barebones EP trilogy, and he'll get back to putting out some of the more exciting material from the Aphex vaults.

I didn't like most of Syro at all. I've been playing it loads lately to try to get into it but I just don't think I will after almost two years. Apart from XMAS_EVE and 4bit I found it pretty disappointing.

I love Cirklon3 though. Just love it. It's nothing outrageous but if this is the start of a good run then I'm in for a good time.

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I'm not really feeling the new Cheetah track that is available ahead of time and I don't hear what is interesting or special about it - but please don't attack me Aphex fans, I am trying and keep listening to it in the hope it will appeal. Over and over again.

*stabs lightly* stab stab stab stab stab

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