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for whatever reason this song was stuck in my head for the past two days.....and its one of the few that im happy was stuck in there...makes you remember how seriously amazing and classic some of these old works are...we take classics too much at face value these days in their "classic"ness methinks. Sometimes it takes re-listening to these guys devoid of external critique to remember how amazing these are thematically, sonically, etc. Anyway



Lou Reed is someone I continuously find more and more rewarding to listen to over the years.


There's really warped sense of hyped popularity versus actual timelessness lately. It'll be interesting to see what actually sticks around. Even I can't go to say, 5 years ago and think of a hit song or important album immediately.


Present day music journalism the main culprit with it's short-shelf live genres, flippant attitude towards trends, quick leaks and reviews, end of year lists, etc. Not enough people sit and listen to an album for weeks or months (let alone days) before they go out and rant and rave about it. It's a bit surreal looking up hyped bands from say, 10 years ago and seeing how they were essentially forgotten. I always think of this example.

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Usagi - lol that Cruise vs Winfrey one brings me back.

I love the theme from the original 1954 Godzilla (ゴジラ). I thought about doing a remix or cover, but after listening to it again I'm having second thoughts cos I don't wanna ruin it. I don't really give a damn about the other movies.

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The only thing i watch on youtube is new messi and iniesta videos. I can't imagine football without the internet, i don't feel lucky to be able to watch these players playing now but that youtube came into existence at the exact same time as the rise of these 2 players, and that it captures everything they do in every football match they play in. The 2 best footballers to ever play the game. Iniesta for the sheer effortless beauty and elegance of his football and his Jedi-like foresight in knowing what a nearby player will do before even the player knows it, like he's on another planet to the best footballers on the planet, and Messi for all that except less elegance and more pure efficiency. I really hope every young footballer obsesses over these two and studies them every day.



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oh my lol


"im an nyu film school graduate SUCKA"




"i'm trained classically, i'm trained contemporaneously". lol brilliant!

Edited by zaphod
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oh my lol


"im an nyu film school graduate SUCKA"




"i'm trained classically, i'm trained contemporaneously". lol brilliant!


lolz! that guy is pretty mad...

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