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BILL BILL BILL for 10 hours, I loved that vid for ages. Listened to it for like 15 minutes, before I was too much in a trance. Kind of want to blast that shit in da club and see what happens. *listens to it now

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Don't believe that francois hollande gives a qit abaot xis krap. I posted that clip for ironic purposes, consequences do not matter to that class, well until. Europe i realise nao is heading towards pogrom because of, or despite people like hollande. Recently an old family friend visited who is dye in the wool left and pro palestinian, the whole thing. Even they when pressed, felt intimidated by how much their homeland had been altered by the open door policies of the current and past eras.


-sie pikatol-

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This is not the marginal view. So however you want to argue the status quo, you don't speak for the actual disenfranchised locals. So what started out as this guilt ridden project to help those of second and third world that the first world has fucked over, has kind of back fired rather disastrously, heh.


Yeah, it's easy to diss the sources, but not the consequences.



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shalom and da netra eugene,.One understands that you wait on the edge of your seat all week in the hope of me going on some diatribe. Well the last few months your workout must've been rather spare of any real worthwhile movement, reliant as it is upon planting it's ideological flag into the ramblings of some lost child of misrael.


You should rejoice at our marginal but inevitable alignment of ideologies though, should you not. But perhaps i agree at the disapproving tone at my stumbling yet again, barely in sight of the first hurdle.


lol, do i havf tue riet xe rest ovf xis man [-; (selfkleeqae, unpoeticblowouttheaesthetic Or whatever in the hell is expected, in so many repressed posts you could perhaps moan to me the faux par of my pointless pathetic)

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what the shit:




https ://vimeo.com/86014703




there was a bit in the Robocop game for Gameboy that recreated this scene. I always thought of it as shooting the balls though, not the dick.

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