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is the kid like tripping on acid ?? seems very emotional and tied to that hat for some reason...




"I was telling a story", i.e. he was acting. not derelict/mentally ill as I thought, so I can't really sympathise. definitely still a weirdo though.



Nah... he was acting a scene where the people/things around him represent different symbols that are meaningful to him, exactly as someone who's manic/schizophrenic might. From his perspective, he is not mentally ill. More likely the world around him is crazy and he's trying to make sense out of it. He felt calm while he was being beaten up, because to him it was an interesting new dimension to the parable he was enacting along with the other people in the square. The way he's speaking and behaving is extremely similar to the way I did when I was going through a manic spell that lasted a few months, right before I got diagnosed bipolar. Friends would comment that I seemed very "zen", but at the same time my behavior was extremely erratic and was beginning to get me in trouble. He looks to be around the same age too.... watching that video for me was fucking eerie. :blink: I wonder if Cryptowen is going through something similar right now.


actually no, fuck that shit. is a young people insane for wanting to experiment and instigate socially? that's the age people can mostly get away with being silly weird cunts. I was smiling watching this, cuz there needs to be some folks like this to do this weird stuff and shake expectations up a little bit. I went through a phase of wackyness like this too and I don't think I was being insane. manic, sure, but honestly there wasn't much irrational about it, it's more of just a emboldened state of experimentation that can start to bleed into social behavior. these days anyone a bit different is labeled and then filed away as abnormal and suffering from some problem when the truth is most of the influential people in history have seemed off to other folks. fuck



Oh yeah, I applaud him too. I wouldn't use the term "insane" to describe his behavior. I get it because there was a time where I was in a similar headspace, and I often wish I could go back to that. But those behaviors do correlate with many that get someone labeled with manic/schizophrenia, etc., and a lot of people need to see it that way in order to view someone like that with compassion, as opposed to just seeing them as a nuisance trying to stir shit up (as the angry drummer bastard did). That's shitty, but I think a lot of the time it's true.

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No entiendo. A ti te gusta en realidad o estás bromeando?


Did I miss something? You just straight up like the video? seems kind of middle of the road.

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No entiendo. A ti te gusta en realidad o estás bromeando?


Did I miss something? You just straight up like the video? seems kind of middle of the road.



Estoy bromeando.


This is my actual favorite video:





That was incredible.

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probably late, but only stumbled on this recently when he was announced for an Irish festival - cool track but even cooler video





Haven't had a cig in years. Could totality go for a Viceroy right about now based off the strength of the video and song.

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This guy lives down the street from me! Really nice dude, he plays at local bars here in Brooklyn and is a good time all around.

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