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god. aside from the horribleness of the content, that soul patch is an abomination. police that shit!

Edited by usagi
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yeah that dude is gross



*masturbates to video*


btw, is Expect Village like a Kaufman-esque long-con joke or something?


it just doesn't seem like they could be so bad for so long and not realize it...

Edited by LimpyLoo
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btw, is Expect Village like a Kaufman-esque long-con joke or something?


they did how-to videos for everything. literally. some of them seemed serious like "how to change a tire" or something technical, but then you had the real gems like this:





Edited by Nebraska
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"After experiencing a “communication-type issue of components talking together,” the Navy was finally able to initiate the launch of two dead loads. The first weighed 15,000 pounds and traveled at 161 mph (260 km/h), while the second weighed 8,000 pounds and traveled at 207 mph (333 km/h)."

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Hey maybe you guys can help me... I saw a video here maybe from this thread (I can't find it) maybe from chatmm or something.


Anyway it was a nerdy looking brown guy with a ridiculously decent studio singing some autotuned stuff in english that stereotypically didn't make a whole lot of sense. He had his sister or female friend or something in the video too.


It was really quite funny and I want to show someone it but can't for the life of me remember what it was.

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