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a few years back, i worked for a tv station, and one of the guys who worked there was an adult baby. one day, someone searched his name on hotbot (google didn't exist then) and the third or fourth hit was his profile on a website for adult babies: he was dressed in a diaper, pacifier and bib only.


one of guys that knew him the best told him, not to make fun of him or out of malice, but just so he knew that his "hobby" was so visible and public. he didn't take it well and considered it an invasion of privacy and never came back to work again. i'll never know the reason he gave for his leaving

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Mating *tortoises. Nature's glory. Be sure to turn up your sound and enjoy the grunting during the money shot.



-edited- a turtle isn't a tortoise

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kudos to this dude, made a point and made some lulz



was going to post this in gmanyo's locked threads:


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