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Hudson Mohawke - Escape From New York Remix

Rubin Farr

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To be honest, if I didn't know I would consider this track to be somebody's private demo version. Hudson can do much better. I hope this is just his temporary burnout.

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wtf happened, butter was such a good album


no it wasn't (it had a few decent tracks maybe).


everything he did before that was great though, the solo stuff and the mike slott collabs too.

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wtf happened, butter was such a good album


no it wasn't (it had a few decent tracks maybe).


everything he did before that was great though, the solo stuff and the mike slott collabs too.


i liked that album a lot was something i never heard before and it was amazing on shrooms 2

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To be honest, if I didn't know I would consider this track to be somebody's private demo version. Hudson can do much better. I hope this is just his temporary burnout.


Yeah I'm actually kind of insulted by this and the fact that he put out there. If there was a "just something I was fucking around with / pisstake" disclaimer then I wouldn't care but this is the same dude who has been dealt massive, massive acclaim and hype. Maybe he's surrounded by yes men or something, I dunno, but I'm just flabbergasted this was released.


If we took the time to skim youtube and soundcloud uploads we could easily dig up dozens of unknown producers who've remixed or remade this with superior efforts.


But then again, I'm overthinking this. Luckyme doesn't know any better. Most of the fans (almost all of them think this sounds like Justice...lolwut) don't know any better. This is shit music for shit taste people.

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If we took the time to skim youtube and soundcloud uploads we could easily dig up dozens of unknown producers who've remixed or remade this with superior efforts.


Yes. It wouldn't have that Hudmo trademark sound (which is getting old anyway) but I am sure it would be better music.

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Hudmo is lightweight fluff. Never listened to him. This sounded exactly the way I would have expected. And Farr really needs to express an opinion rather than test the water all the time.

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Most of the fans (almost all of them think this sounds like Justice...lolwut) don't know any better. This is shit music for shit taste people.


Well, the chord progression does sound like something Justice could have written I guess (but then it just means that Carpenter is another of Justice's references in their work)


But the production on this...remix (?) is rather dull and boring. I loved Butter too when it came out, never gave Lantern a proper listen (mostly because I hate the "Very First Breath" track) but this, wow ! This is very, very bad !

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