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The Obligatory iPhone 7/Apple Watch "Series 2" Thread


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 I don't know much about the man, but did get the impression at the time from the odd quote here and there that the only people around him were the yes men. I don't think this type of character is proven to make the best leader. So in this case it would have been foresight rather than hind. ... So he was into astrology !! I spose you can read whatever you want into the tea leaves or the vague description in an astrologers daily prescription, so it was just a way to reinforce his decision making perhaps, rather than inform it. As i said though, i don't know much about the man, the first apple product i've ever owned was the ipud air 2 that i bought the other year because i thought that it would encourage me to actually fill out my sketching, heh.


 Also hi reruth, been a while mate.



th intergnats is shite now. the ether is turnd to hot dog shite, splatterd on th walls. keep th brilliant madness mate. i always hv likd yr posting. honesty w th abstraction. wht else of worth is thr in ths world really? 

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 I don't know much about the man, but did get the impression at the time from the odd quote here and there that the only people around him were the yes men. I don't think this type of character is proven to make the best leader. So in this case it would have been foresight rather than hind. ... So he was into astrology !! I spose you can read whatever you want into the tea leaves or the vague description in an astrologers daily prescription, so it was just a way to reinforce his decision making perhaps, rather than inform it. As i said though, i don't know much about the man, the first apple product i've ever owned was the ipud air 2 that i bought the other year because i thought that it would encourage me to actually fill out my sketching, heh.


 Also hi reruth, been a while mate.



th intergnats is shite now. the ether is turnd to hot dog shite, splatterd on th walls. keep th brilliant madness mate. i always hv likd yr posting. honesty w th abstraction. wht else of worth is thr in ths world really? 



 lgend gld sumwun stlill clares. [-; there's still cools and free thinkers on the nets, gotta just cast your eyes further afield.

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it did escalate quickly. luckily we have people here to hold a mirror up, make us look at ourselves.

i know some might think it's a selfless service but tbph when i hold up a mirror for others it is a journey of self discovery for me as well.


*sits on a very small hill looking just to the right of the sunset so as not to blind myself while grimacing in such a way that I look like a fucking prick*

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sometimes i forget watmm is more than just a forum on the internet. when i craft a post, i always think: would lurker me want to read this? am i happy with the man i've become? it's a struggle. i try to be mindful, all of my posts are rigorously tested by a team of editors, fact checkers, jews. sometimes one slips through the cracks. sometimes i lose sight of what really matters.

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*says something completely dismissive and sarcastic*


*swivels around and chair and shoots a crumpled up page of watmm post sketches through my michael jordan signature waste bin hoop*




*feels that hollow feeling again, wondering whether my posts are good enough or am i just pandering to my audience to feel acceptance with the cool posters who are probably closet asians who do well in school and are either 15 years younger or older than i*

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 But who's going to rib me if you go, ohh that's right, the other 99.5% of watmm, heh.


 see ya gaytar.


 [this post is not meant to be mean in anyway, if alco is going through some existential crisis right now or something i'm sorry dude, if not well at least i've paid my insurance against the judge'eeandthemental through these keystrokes, a fine use of my time]

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Read the first two pages of the thread and not going to catch up with the rest. But (I know I'm the millionth person to complain about this), the damn headphone jack. Why?! As eugene pointed out, you can no longer connect to any analog device such as a bedroom or living room receiver that doesn't have bluetooth. Or many other applications. The 3.5 mm jack is something to smile on. Universal down to your oldest stereo setup as long as it had some kind of input, usually with a simple $10 (tops) adapter or no adapter at all. All the way to the nicest modern headphones or stereo setup money can buy. The arrogance. 

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 You know, i've got an headphone jack in my sony phone and i use that to connect to the car's audio and every so often the sound will dampen a good 35-40%, and whilst i'm driving i'll have to unlock the phone and tell Sony that, yes, i realise that i've been running a signal at an high volume for a while. I haven't found the setting to turn it off, i'm sure it's somewhere the 'no i don't need to be nannied by health and safety warnings so leave me alone you preachy gits' setting. The problem occurs so infrequently i haven't bothered looking, heh.

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You know, i've got an headphone jack in my sony phone and i use that to connect to the car's audio and every so often the sound will dampen a good 35-40%, and whilst i'm driving i'll have to unlock the phone and tell Sony that, yes, i realise that i've been running a signal at an high volume for a while. I haven't found the setting to turn it off, i'm sure it's somewhere the 'no i don't need to be nannied by health and safety warnings so leave me alone you preachy gits' setting. The problem occurs so infrequently i haven't bothered looking, heh.

Ugh apple. Those corporate pigs trying to control us!!!
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