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15 minutes ago, sweepstakes said:

are you talking about porns?


If this is the one @thawkinswas talking about then yes

Is the Pong game doing anything in this video? Because it doesn’t look like it to me ...

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So, I'm having trouble working on the computer for music lately. Partly because my eyes seem to be shitting the bed and I'm getting migraines from eye strain. Also my job for the next 6 months or so is going to be 99% remote/online and I need to get off my ass a bit.  

I think I'm gonna finally use the tax return money I just got and buy an Elektron Model:Samples and just start fucking around and maybe getting some live stuff out there if I can hack it. Also I recently got a Volca FM and am going to cheese the fuck out with it.  

Not making tunes is getting me depressed. 

Was going to maybe just blow that tax return on a Digitakt, but the workflow of the M:S seems more my style.  

I dunno guys, convince me not to by Monday or something.

BTW @modey, this is all your fault. (also I luv u still)




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they accidentally posted their presskit and someone on Elektronauts linked it (it's since been taken off Polyend's site), here's the basics^ 

cheaper than i expected with that huge screen on it. curious to see how the tracker workflow gets translated over to this. attaching the saved presskit as well so you ain't gotta dig on Elektronauts if you don't feel like. 


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3 hours ago, th555 said:

Hmm, something like those but with a piano roll, does that exist?


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Gimme the option to live-code the Polyend Tracker with Tidal Cycles commands (I don't know, like "lets plug a KB to it and mix best of both worlds") and I'll buy one instantly.

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info and videos going up tonight, will be curious to see Loopop/whoever doing some deep dives into the actual workflow of this. full wavetable synth, and otherwise a sampler/tracker in a box basically, for a really good price. looks like it could be really interesting for some of course, not for me i don't think but i guess i'm just into sequencers so still paying attention.

anyway links:


and there's other videos too

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  • 2 weeks later...


On 3/24/2020 at 7:52 AM, Stickfigger said:

Second hand synth market going to explode soon , just leave any purchases alone for a few days after collection 

I saw a recent listing of a Polysix at €1100. It vanished overnight and the next day a listing of a polysix appeared at a chain store in a suspiciously close city, priced at €1500... I am pretty sure we're going to be seeing more of that.

In my hunt for BBD delays and choruses I noticed a cheap listing of a Rockman Chorus/Delay at €100.


The supply plug shows how tiny it is. The only thing I can tell from the sparse demos out there is that it has some cool character and a ridiculously wide stereo image but really limited in the settings, it doesn't really go "out there" and the chorus and delay can't be used simultaneously. Maybe it's great for a stereo splitter/mojo kinda thing. But I think it's probably wiser to spring for a versatile modern chorus pedal (I'm thinking Seymour Duncan Catalina). 

When it comes to stereo delays, options seem kinda limited. All the modern analog BBD delay pedals are mono so I guess you'll have to run two in parallel if you don't want to split the signal. I've been looking at the popular ones like MXR carbon copy but it's quite dirty sounding. I'll probably get one but it'd be cool with something with cleaner slap-back. Vintage units seem so much cleaner and versatile, probably because they chucked in a gazillion BBD chips back then. I really fell in love with the Dynacord SRS-56 but it's super rare. I wouldn't be surprised if RDJ had one squared away. It's still not exorbitantly expensive so if anyone finds a listing let me know.

I've also been feverishly looking for a worthy polysynth to purchase in the future. The OB6 hype had my interest for a while but I've realized that like all modern DSI's it's oscillators are quite harsh sounding... there are YouTube demos of the DIVA vst getting much closer to the vintage OB sound. Here's hoping Behringer pulls off the UB-XA. There are also rumors they'll be doing the Polykobol...

Meanwhile, the Vermona Perfourmer might not be a typical polysynth but it has such creamy VCO's and filters it really looks like one of the coolest modern options for chords.



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12 hours ago, Stickfigger said:

Ooooof that Perfourmer $2800

I remember checking them out last year and 2nd hand eu prices were around 800,-!?

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Where do you lot buy your studio furniture from?  I need a new desk that has a keyboard (as in for typing) tray.  I use hardware but not being able to edit audio without having to move shit is driving me up the fucking wall.  Thinking maybe just a normal computer desk.... I have separate speaker stands and I don't really need extra levels on the top segment either.

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I got a huuge dinner table used for 35 euro last year. For an elevated platform for monitors I got a 200x40cm wooden board with two weird drawer boxes beneath. I think total cost is something around 150 euro.

For typing trays I would just get one of those that you can screw under an existing table. Tables that come with built in trays are expensive, ugly, bad build quality (pick 2).

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I built mine. I believe I've posted pictures in that very same topic ? Cost me something like 100€ and it's tailored to my need. Still planning to make a v2 though.

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My bedroom studio furniture is a bunch of 2nd hand stuff and an impractical desk that I’d like to get rid of but can’t for nostalgia reasons. Added a plank and some tie wraps here and there. Ergonomics are provided by various found Ikea stands and such. Any time I see something that is angled and could possibly hold some gear I take it, it’s a slight obsession. Save for the desk pretty happy with the current configuration and feeling very lucky I’m able to have this setup right now. 



Also have one of those 2-tier keyboard stands with four legs that I was using as a desk and the 2nd tier was holding a monitor. Was planning on improvising a keyboard tray under it but kind of went of the idea after the whole thing toppled over because I didn’t realise it was incredibly top-heavy and slightly brushed against it and I saw my MD, push, some desktop synths and monitor go down in a horrible mess of wires. Couldn’t believe my luck that everything was still working as it should. 


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might make more sense to move this conversation over to the studio pics thread? lots of examples there to consider for the curious

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