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2 hours ago, TubularCorporation said:

A lot of Indian electronic instruments are actually made by companies that also produce medical equipment, and it shows in the design.


I'm all for it and I wish more gear looked like it belonged on a pole next to an I.V. bag.

Nuclear missile control is obviously the best technology aesthetic, we all know that, but medical computer is right up there.




I'd put it right up there with 1980s CAD workstations.




But it can't step to this:





The Elektron Model line looks like medical equipment for sure.

Ooh I think I spotted one of those machines that go "PING" in your post.

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I like the look of the new 0-coast controller, the 0-ctrl, but that would mean I need to buy an 0-coast as well...... I guess its compatible with any other CV controllable stuff though.



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On 5/10/2020 at 9:02 PM, TubularCorporation said:


Woah, even during lockdown Steven and Ron Autechre still meet up to work on new stuff - That's dedication ...

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What are your recs for drum machines? A lot of the new analogs (MFB etc) seem fun to play with but ultimately limited in scope and I don't need a bunch of superfluous synth oscillators. The basic drum hits sound like you'd get bored after five sessions. I only really want analog hihats and the RD-8 seems like a sensible option for that. I was checking out the Digitakt and it really seems no-frills, versatile and has external sequencing. That plus the RD-8 is still cheaper than a Rytm mk2... 

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2 hours ago, chim said:

the RD-8 is still cheaper than a Rytm mk2... 

Rytm mk1s are going for decent prices last time i looked. and Rytm is definitely the best drum machine out there right now

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2 hours ago, TubularCorporation said:

I've been using a Tanzmaus for a few years and I'm not tired of it yet, but the hi hat is the only thing on it that ISN'T analog.  Really flexible kick.

The most iconic hi hat in history isn’t analog either. The 909 hi hat was sampled. Badly.

It’s only surpassed by the sampled hi hat in the Korg ER-1, which is an even worse sample of the 909 hi hat.

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Found out I quite enjoy doing diy kits over the last 4 months or so. Started with some eurorack kits and finished a MegaCommand a few days ago. Now I really want a new thing to work on but can’t find something I need/is available/not too costly. Almost got a lil Erebus kit but I really don’t need one and don’t have any space in my case for one anyway. 

I’ve also got this vague notion of trying my hand at some guitar pedals or trying to get into repairing/revising old hifi equipment but both things are currently way above my knowledge and skill level and I really can’t afford to explore all these avenues at once.  

Getting started on diy has also caused the building up of a new type of formerly foreign gas which is related to things like drill presses and rotatable vises. Ugh. I hate myself and I want to diy. 


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14 hours ago, auxien said:

oh shit the Moog Subharmonicon is finally being manufactured and released


this thing is seriously sounding so fucking good. i absolutely do not need it at all but....i definitely want it. seems like it's just designed to be pure magic.

lots of videos popped up on it today too of course

14 hours ago, Soloman Tump said:

I like the look of the new 0-coast controller, the 0-ctrl, but that would mean I need to buy an 0-coast as well...... I guess its compatible with any other CV controllable stuff though.



remember thinking heavily about getting the 0-coast and if that controller helps open it up more, could see that being a really interesting combo. need to look at just cause i'm curious what the controller does now

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15 hours ago, auxien said:

Rytm mk1s are going for decent prices last time i looked. and Rytm is definitely the best drum machine out there right now

It doesn't have external sequencing but it runs a clock, right?

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I think I'm gonna have to attempt a Subharmonicon clone on my Nord Modular, it's the most interested I've ever been in a Moog product. I don't have the money to buy one at the moment, and won't, unless I sell off what remains of my Eurorack lol

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20 hours ago, chim said:

What are your recs for drum machines? A lot of the new analogs (MFB etc) seem fun to play with but ultimately limited in scope and I don't need a bunch of superfluous synth oscillators. The basic drum hits sound like you'd get bored after five sessions. I only really want analog hihats and the RD-8 seems like a sensible option for that. I was checking out the Digitakt and it really seems no-frills, versatile and has external sequencing. That plus the RD-8 is still cheaper than a Rytm mk2... 

no built in sequencer, so more on the drum synth side but still


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5 hours ago, psn said:

Rytm sequences both MIDI out and trigger outs.

What's the difference? Consensus seems to be the rytm is not good for sequencing other gear. 

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11 hours ago, Squee said:

Bought a Neumann 102 - holy shit. It sounds fucking excellent!

Buying quality stuff is always a good idea! 

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1 hour ago, xox said:

Buying quality stuff is always a good idea! 

I've never really had the use for a good condenser mic. I have a bunch of shotguns that I use for foley.

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Nice !

Coïncidence, my father in law kindly gave me a Neumann U87A a couple of weeks ago. He used it for voice-overs, for the corporate / institutional movies he directed for a living.



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Yes I’m super lucky and thankful ! I’ve been planning to experiment with vocals (my wife’s and maybe mine) for quite some time, was considering getting a SM7B at some point, so that’s a pretty amazing present !!!

Now I have to learn how to record vocals ?

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It's that time of year again where I feel I want a more or less lightweight standalone MIDI sequencer so I could do some old-school pure MIDI arrangements and have a more accessible hands-on workflow.

List of features:

  • (mandatory) no need to stop playback to add new MIDI parts. Basically you can build a track from scratch without stopping the sequencer.
  • step-based recording
  • real-time recording
  • edit clips, mute notes during playback
  • (nice to have) working with MIDI patterns or clips, but recording the whole track at the same time (kind of like Live arrangement recording)
  • should be small form factor

Is there anything you guys know that rings a bell and checks a few of these boxes?

Stupid me is thinking MPC1000 again, but those don't let you record new MIDI while keeping the sequencer running, right?

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2 hours ago, Nil said:

Yes I’m super lucky and thankful ! I’ve been planning to experiment with vocals (my wife’s and maybe mine) for quite some time, was considering getting a SM7B at some point, so that’s a pretty amazing present !!!

Now I have to learn how to record vocals ?

Ha! I was actually considering the SM7B instead of the 102, but I wanted something that wasn't as flat ?

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