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Sophie "It's Okay To Cry"


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I hope she figures out the mastering situation cuz the album sounds like trebly dogshit


The high freqs on this album are ear piercing. Maybe some people are disagreeing in this thread because their ears can't catch frequencies that high anymore. Just for safety, please don't play this album around your dogs and other pets

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I hope she figures out the mastering situation cuz the album sounds like trebly dogshit


The high freqs on this album are ear piercing. Maybe some people are disagreeing in this thread because their ears can't catch frequencies that high anymore. Just for safety, please don't play this album around your dogs and other pets


Heightened sensitivity is a precursor to hearing loss so maybe you're the one that needs to see an audiologist. 



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There was nothing about the first track that caught my ear as either interesting or original, so I stopped listening since I have such a long list of albums I've been intending to check out.  Thought maybe it was one of those cases where the artist gained most of their notoriety on having a powerful visual aesthetic (which is what drew me to the music in the first place).

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Whole New World/Pretend World is pretty badass. 

The rest of the album has kind of worn out it's welcome inside of my head. 

But that last track... 



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the album sounds buttfuckin awesome to me but maybe that's because i played the whole thing more then once unlike he shit raters here

Right there with you. This album is the shit and just keeps getting better each time I listen to it.

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in all fairness I haven’t listened to this the whole way through and if I’m being perfectly honest part of the reason is bc d-lo doesn’t like it so I feel confident I’ll have a similar impression. this is what it’s like to have m9s on watmm

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here are some things both the press and people here are saying about why this album is good or is worth listening to or w/e. I don't hate it as music i guess but it seems completely not worth any one's time


1. People are saying it's "experimental" and "like autechre" etc. well fine but it's certainly several levels below anything we've already had (autechre or otherwise) and it's not adding much to the discussion of experimental electronic music. as salv said it also sounds bad.


2. It's somehow experimental or challenging pop music conventions. "sprawling and beautiful, while still keeping the disorienting, latex-pop feel of her fascinating production technique" i think is what pitchfork said. lol. again this is well-tread territory and I don't see sophie adding anything new that is worth more than a cursory listen. Ultrademon / Lily is probably wondering why she isn't the one making the headlines. Seapunk is much better than this. Chatroom with Enya is better than this entire album. 


3. I saw two trans hipster friends post on their instagram story about how this album "is life-changing!!! no one else makin music sounds like thISS!! clapping hands emoji" and so forth. fair enough. They are engaging with music they probably wouldnt pay attention to and enjoying it. While an annoying IDM pedant like me would take issue with their claims of uniqueness I won't begrudge them liking sophie. but just because that artist is also in your marginalized minority and then just saying "I LOVE THIS" is generally lame and obvious. lvl 1 woke status. this approach makes it harder to distinguish actually liking something for yourself or doing it for social media likes. diminishes the art's impact imo. (this is a SWM take)


so in short, i see no reason to listen to this album at all

Edited by dr lopez
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^well said dr lopez. *except I could see myself actually recommending the album whereas it doesn't seem like you would.


I'm finishing listening to it now...it's nothing special, but there's some good tracks in there. It's not bad, if I was dancing? Sure, some fun tracks for that in there. Sounds almost nothing like any AE imo, dunno where anyone's getting that. The moments of the album I assume people are saying that about are just EDM-ish if anything. Not dogging on the beats, there's some catchy grooves/melodies that fit in well with that sort of thing...the most unique aspects, if there's any, are just the straight pop-leanings of a lot of it. She's not alone in that, there's the whole Iglooghost and similar-ish electronic music that's been playing with that recently. She's doing it well, and somehow really incorporates that edgier electronica with vocals and straight up pop vocals at times, interesting, cool. Good. Not something I'll dig much, but it works. Obviously got some fans, and I 'like' it, it just do anything particularly interesting to me outside of the final track and some moments of a couple others.

Edited by auxien
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