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Come to Daddy is 20 Years Old

Rubin Farr

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I still remember turning down buying this version in HMV because I wanted the version with the silly faces instead, completely unaware of the limited nature of it. Idiotic late-90s me:



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1st Aphex I purchased. Remember listening to Funny Little Man with my brother and laughing for ages.


If you look at the 'ep' on his Warp store you could say it's now one of his best albums. 

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still his best EP imo



unless you count rushup as an EP?


in which case come to daddy is #2


sorry come to daddy


i still love u




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On basic television here in the states, MTV2 would play the music video late night at 2-3am, as a child it scared the absolute fuck out of me and had to switch the channel.. Of course now it's Afx4Life!

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Damn my first adventure with this was the video, I liked the teddies in donkey rhubarb on first watch as a child but come to daddy has always kind of lacked something... Flim is my favourite from the EP...

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If you look at the 'ep' on his Warp store you could say it's now one of his best albums. 

I could agree with that if 28 Organ got a proper master. It's very thin and flat. 


Back-pedal..... It's a really good release. My comment was kinda dicky.

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If you look at the 'ep' on his Warp store you could say it's now one of his best albums. 

I could agree with that if 28 Organ got a proper master. It's very thin and flat. 


Back-pedal..... It's a really good release. My comment was kinda dicky.



Nah, I get what you mean in comparison with the other tracks. The sound quality doesn't bother me so much personally but get it that others might not like it. Last track on the EP so I let it off :) 

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at the time it was interesting how Weatherall's projects & RDJ moved in parallel forms from blissed out 4/4 to the collective comedown psychosis of the mid to late 90's & respective releases


Weatherall seemed to have come full circle by mid of the last decade by dropping slower more cosmic House again, but its 25years since Selected Ambient Works & that fact alone makes me feel grizzled but grateful to have had it ingrained in the subconscious of friends & myself after so much listening post-sketchy sessions, something far more ground breaking (personally) for the time & as well as era-defining....big difference between 1992 & 1997 in terms of mood


Come to Daddy got a lot of attention because of the video, even if i'm not the biggest fan of the tune. Windowlicker's vid was funnier, more subtle & the tune itself is more durable imho (plus its b-side)


still, 20 years? that went pretty fkn fast didnt it

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All you aphex noobs are making me sick. Why didn't you buy Analogue Bubble Bath, or Selected Ambient Works at the very least. Weren't they good enough for you? Weren't they!? Ooo little baby ears couldn't understand the electronic rythms and melodies? Ran crying to mummy didn't you? Kids these days! Just jumping on the bandwagon like everyone else. God damn you all to hell! Ban pls

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