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Considering the amount of debris floating in space, and the sheer laws of physics, the fact that only the one side of the moon ever faces the earth, and it never rotates around even over the hundreds of years it has been observed by humans, is incredibly suspicious....?

Lol i watched a video on youtube about that yesterday... Also the details like size of the moon and distance from earth is quite amazing.
Got the details of the video? I'm super interested.

it would be dope if we figured out how to travel by way of worm holes





here's the viddy i watched




Ah thanks m9


BTW I don't think it's fake, I just think there are alien megastructures on the dark side which are kept hidden by the artificial maninipulation of the moons rotation.

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Considering the amount of debris floating in space, and the sheer laws of physics, the fact that only the one side of the moon ever faces the earth, and it never rotates around even over the hundreds of years it has been observed by humans, is incredibly suspicious....

Lol i watched a video on youtube about that yesterday... Also the details like size of the moon and distance from earth is quite amazing.
Got the details of the video? I'm super interested.

it would be dope if we figured out how to travel by way of worm holes





here's the viddy i watched



Ah thanks m9


BTW I don't think it's fake, I just think there are alien megastructures on the dark side which are kept hidden by the artificial maninipulation of the moons rotation.


fair enough, it's something to think about for sure.

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books are worse than vinyl in terms of being social signalling hipster garbage.


No. Reading books is like a workout for your imagination. I should know, because I don't read much anymore and I'm a fucking idiot.

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books are worse than vinyl in terms of being social signalling hipster garbage.


No. Reading books is like a workout for your imagination. I should know, because I don't read much anymore and I'm a fucking idiot.





My issue is with people showcasing books they haven't read


People do this?


Really strange. Is that like Trump putting himself on fake Times covers or something? 

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Oh, same here. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I thought he meant more like.... people will buy a collection of shakespeare or something just to look like they are "cultured" and read that kind of thing lol.


Or buying textbooks to pretend you're educated, put them in high visibility areas. Like a fake trophy.

Edited by Bulk VanderHooj
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Oh, same here. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I thought he meant more like.... people will buy a collection of shakespeare or something just to look like they are "cultured" and read that kind of thing lol.


Or buying textbooks to pretend you're educated, put them in high visibility areas. Like a fake trophy.


If you're like that virgin book worm, then yeah, you got your book neatly lined up on shelves on a prominent spot so your guests can marvel at your broad mind.

But if you're like me, a chad book master, you have books all over the floor, stacked meter-high, because shelves are already so full they are about to break.

So when hoes come to my love nest, after some hot lovin', I can read her passages of wisdom, while she rests her head on my chest.

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damn page break


edit: for posterity


Oh, same here. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I thought he meant more like.... people will buy a collection of shakespeare or something just to look like they are "cultured" and read that kind of thing lol.


Or buying textbooks to pretend you're educated, put them in high visibility areas. Like a fake trophy.


If you're like that virgin book worm, then yeah, you got your book neatly lined up on shelves on a prominent spot so your guests can marvel at your broad mind.

But if you're like me, a chad book master, you have books all over the floor, stacked meter-high, because shelves are already so full they are about to break.

So when hoes come to my love nest, after some hot lovin', I can read her passages of wisdom, while she rests her head on my chest.


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Oh, same here. I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I thought he meant more like.... people will buy a collection of shakespeare or something just to look like they are "cultured" and read that kind of thing lol.


Or buying textbooks to pretend you're educated, put them in high visibility areas. Like a fake trophy.


Even if someone has read those textbooks/classic literature pieces i still find it lame to display it like a peacock tail. 


Bulk you've just moved house - did you move boxes and boxes of books that no one will ever read again? 


I think we had 5 or 6 boxes of books, not a huge amount. Half of those are probably textbooks and the other half are novels etc, but you're right we probably won't read most of them again.


I have held onto my textbooks. I surprisingly HAVE gone back to quite a few of them, but I could probably get rid of most of the accounting stuff.


Am I peacocking? :(

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I've read all of the books on my book shelf but I've scratched out the names of the authors and substituted my own.


That reminds me; I should probably remove the book marks.

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Not sure if having an accounting textbook on display could ever be peacocking 



"That's not the proper depreciation method for that class of capital assets baby  :catrecline: "



Someone at work just told me about a trend where you turn all the books the other way round so all you see is the pages 

also lol

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lel I was talking to my wife about this trend of literary peacocking last night and a)it's fookin' weird to think about WATMM invading my IRL life and b)she said that it reminded her of The Confessions of Felix Krull. Which I've never read, but the short version I gleaned from our talk is that the character is portrayed as sort of the anti-Aesthete in the sense that he kind faffs about, living off the credit earned from his familial wealth which has now been squandered, never actually investing in anything of culture but trying to surround himself with the trappings of such things because he thinks it makes him cultured. Which is fascinating 'cause it certainly sounds like hipsters to me. Guess there really is nothing new under the sun. 


Also, just realized the above TOTALLY fits the topic because it involves thoughts, observations and is also pretty pointless. 

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Sorry dude, I'd award you a perfect score except you actually made a good point at the end about there being nothing new under the sun!




There's no "d" in refrigerator, but then u look at its universal contraction (fridge), and whoomp, there it is.  Frige just wouldn't cut it I guess.

Edited by Bob Dobalina
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Sorry dude, I'd award you a perfect score except you actually made a good point at the end about there being nothing new under the sun!




There's no "d" in refrigerator, but then u look at its universal contraction (fridge), and whoomp, there it is.  Frige just wouldn't cut it I guess.

@diatoms? what do you think?

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and here mine is crazy enough to be a member too


I don't think she's logged in for ages though.


edit: lol yeah, more than a year. She saw what we were about and bailed  :catsob:

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i raised something that i'd read on WATMM once and her response was something like 'thats the random people on the internet with the weird pictures?'. 

lol I tried to kind of explain what exactly WATMM was like to her but then I gave up. Next time she asks I'll tell her that. 



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