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Elon Musk's Starman - Is this shitty future real wtf


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I wonder if Elon was sitting around one day pitching ideas for biplanes with flamethrowers when he decided that these tech-bro groupies were just not cutting it anymore. Then he calls his assistant to look into buying Grimes as some kind of weird sidekick/FWB/gremlin public relations companion.

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Before these mofos go to jail they always get weird. It’s good foreshadowing. Martin Shkreli was a good reference for this.

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Looks like ol' Musky might be going to jail  :emotawesomepm9:

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we could only be so lucky. guess who just became his advisor. hint: it's goldman sachs


and guess how many firms will be working on the legalities of getting tesla private. four (4) of them. and they don't take anything else like six figures to get you out of hot water


hope martin tripp (any relation to linda btw?) got some full proof amo to go after TSLA though

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it's just wishful thinking. at this point the SEC just appears to just be fulfilling one of its diligence functions by investigating where this "secured funding" for going private has come from, there doesn't seem to be anything criminal in the works.


as much as big tech needs a reality check and more accountability, transparency, balanced and ethical decisionmaking etc., if people want to be watchdogs and whistleblowers on the industry then they actually have to act with some degree of integrity and not stoop to the same gleeful partisan hackery as their opponents. I have plenty of doubts about Musk, his fanboys are wastes, but that doesn't make everything he's doing a complete write-off. don't throw out the baby (the solutions we desperately need to save ourselves from impending climate/sustainability doom) with the bathwater.


of course he's probably not as big a figure in the search for said solutions as he likes to project himself as, but... I think we actually need some of these wankers in the mix. we just have to keep them honest and make sure what they do is in the public interest overall.


also Azaelia Banks has serious mental issues and has neglected getting help for years. nobody cares what you have to say, delete your Twitter, check yourself into therapy, get some meds for dat bipolar, pull your pants up.

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Whistle-blower that Elon Musk SWATted is exposing everything on twitter.


Looks like ol' Musky might be going to jail :emotawesomepm9:

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Can someone explain that tweet to me?

I read through the comments and elsewhere (an article about how this guy got suspended from Twitter after this) trying to understand it myself, still not too sure though....the bandoliers are batteries used in the vehicles, I think...and this guy is saying anything with a red flag is a damaged battery, and also that they're producing what is implied a large portion of damaged batteries every hour. In other tweets he stated that some of these batteries are for sure being sent out into cars that were shipped to customers...but also I think that the batteries were fixed, but implication is that there's still something wrong with them? Also people were skeptical of him knowing what he was talking about at all given the way he's framing some of the information he's giving out. He definitely worked for Musk as Tesla is suing him I think it said, and he's brought suit against them as well. Big mess, dunno how legit any portion of anything is....there's so much disinformation all around Musk/Tesla from supporters and detractors, it's hard for me to process when I don't actually care or have a dog in the fight at all.

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Oh right, thanks! Yeah I don't really care either, I just had no idea that car batteries were even called bandoliers. And still don't really get the significance of loads of them being duff, other than highlighting manufacturing issues

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Why would you label them as defective if you intended to use them in cars? Wouldn't you just make your manufacturing standards lower? It sounds like there could be a much more clever solution to that problem if they wanted to sell expensive, defective cars.

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That 'whistleblower' guy seems like a complete nutjob.


The SEC stuff is just box-checking also, they're not even investigating the legality of the funding either, just whether Musk's public statements about it were truthful (you can't lie about things that could affect the stock price), doesn't sound like much for them to worry about as long as they weren't bullshitting about having funding (which seems to be legit, and mostly the Saudis).

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That 'whistleblower' guy seems like a complete nutjob.


The SEC stuff is just box-checking also, they're not even investigating the legality of the funding either, just whether Musk's public statements about it were truthful (you can't lie about things that could affect the stock price), doesn't sound like much for them to worry about as long as they weren't bullshitting about having funding (which seems to be legit, and mostly the Saudis).

He was bullshitting about having funding. $TSLA is going to be sold for the pennies.


I'm just thinking though. If this is how Tesla is doing, imagine how his other companies are doing? SpaceX, the Boring Company, Solar City... They're probably nightmares.



edit: first whistleblower guy seems more angry than a nut. Elon's been trying to slander him through public relations ever since he started raising flags. Second whistleblower - https://jalopnik.com/several-tesla-gigafactory-workers-allegedly-trafficking-1828393920 whoa boy.

Edited by Entorwellian
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