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Elon Musk's Starman - Is this shitty future real wtf


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10 hours ago, trying to be less rude said:

can you define your terms? in usa, free speech refers to the first amendment, which pertains to laws. not moderation by a private entity of its own platform.

I welcome free speech everywhere, including social networks

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3 hours ago, xox said:

I welcome free speech everywhere, including social networks




musk just squatted on the journalism hub of the world. it's unfortunate. he says twitter should be politically neutral and in order to achieve that, liberals should be banned as much as conservatives. what? utter lunacy to say that there is some equality between 2 political parties that moderation should be based on. 

he fired most of the employees, including many great people who put in a lot of work to build the impressive creation that was twitter.

he came in claiming to want to fix the troll problem and apparently his solution was to unban the trolls. so the saudi state propaganda apparatus that kashoggi fought can now operate freely. russia helped make hillary lose through twitter trolls. all good to elon. free speech

he literally undid blue checks, and then said he was going to invent a way for users to be verified. he's a fucking idiot. 

he said he wanted twitter to be neutral and then took over the platform right before the election and in his peak attention moment told twitter to vote for the fascists, helping them narrowly take control of the house. wtf is wrong with this dude, i honestly wonder

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it's like in the past few years elon, trump, Putin, crypto, Kanye, Q, maga politics, have all blended together and formed into one great big glob of primordial bullshit, hellbent on the destruction of an age old concept known as common sense. they all seem to be riding the same wave, one in which a factual based reality is non-existent.


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12 minutes ago, zero said:

it's like in the past few years elon, trump, Putin, crypto, Kanye, Q, maga politics, have all blended together and formed into one great big glob of primordial bullshit, hellbent on the destruction of an age old concept known as common sense. they all seem to be riding the same wave, one in which a factual based reality is non-existent.


These things tend to swing like a pendulum.  In the USA, the Obama presidency and corresponding progressive times (OMG a black president?!?!) piled up enough that we're seeing a knee-jerk conservative, xenophobic, racist reaction (that also helped allow the rise and election of Trump).

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4 hours ago, Wunderbar said:

Free speech is overrated.

yeah.. also, i been paying for it my whole life.. it ain't free. 

edit: also, naturally.. 


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seems that someone posted a video of the boos on twitter...then had their account suspended lol


The owner of the video that was posted on Twitter appears to have had their account suspended or has taken it down, with a message reading: “This Tweet is from an account that no longer exists.”


at one point in time, I really thought that Elon was a smart guy. his ideas were grandiose, but he didn't come across as a total narcissist shit head, like trump. there's no way he has any of what he's doing now game planned out. it is all spiraling wildly out of control for him. I thought maybe he is purposely trying to tank twitter, perhaps to try and tamper down on the social media juggernaut machine that has negatively impacted society. but that doesn't add up, since his reputation is now circling down the drain, and he no longer is going to ever be taken seriously on anything ever again.

just another example of a one-time smart dude, who got sucked into the world of vulture like con men, all trying to give him "advice" or something like this, when they're just using him for their own personal gain. 

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1 hour ago, zero said:

just another example of a one-time smart dude, who got sucked into the world of vulture like con men, all trying to give him "advice" or something like this, when they're just using him for their own personal gain. 

You're right, it's some other unnamed people's fault he's an arsehole, and if it weren't for them he'd have ended up really cool like all those other guys whose dad's owned african emerald mines

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2 hours ago, zero said:


seems that someone posted a video of the boos on twitter...then had their account suspended lol


at one point in time, I really thought that Elon was a smart guy. his ideas were grandiose, but he didn't come across as a total narcissist shit head, like trump. there's no way he has any of what he's doing now game planned out. it is all spiraling wildly out of control for him. I thought maybe he is purposely trying to tank twitter, perhaps to try and tamper down on the social media juggernaut machine that has negatively impacted society. but that doesn't add up, since his reputation is now circling down the drain, and he no longer is going to ever be taken seriously on anything ever again.

just another example of a one-time smart dude, who got sucked into the world of vulture like con men, all trying to give him "advice" or something like this, when they're just using him for their own personal gain. 

Elon Musk is the prim example of what capitalism does to one humans head—he has all the money in the world, he has nothing to lose... So now he simply plays, gives a damn fuck about anyone and anything. The world is his playground now. Anyone taking him seriously, at all, should stop. 

Edited by logakght
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30 minutes ago, logakght said:

Elon Musk is the prim example of what capitalism does to one humans head—he has all the money in the world, he has nothing to lose... So now he simply plays, gives a damn fuck about anyone and anything. The world is his playground now. Anyone taking him seriously, at all, should stop. 


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42 minutes ago, Amen Warrior said:

You're right, it's some other unnamed people's fault he's an arsehole, and if it weren't for them he'd have ended up really cool like all those other guys whose dad's owned african emerald mines

the people he's surrounding himself with can't be helping him make smart business decisions, that's all I meant. from my armchair quarterback perspective, Elon today is worse than the Elon that was trotted out to us years ago. his image used to be of Elon the smart engineer, now he's Elon the idiot cosplay cartoon character fuck up. you're right it's his fault and no one else's for behaving like an asshole. I mean he could realize this at some point, accept accountability, and stop behaving like a self-righteous spoiled rich boy. he could do something to ground himself in reality and make smart decisions, as opposed to whatever he seems to be doing now. the group of enablers he must have in his social/professional circle must be giving him total shit advice, don't seem to be helping him, and yes he's at fault if he's listening to it.

but fuck if I care really. I never used twitter, despise social media, and am glad to watch this comedic spectacle play out in public.



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I have stuck up for musk in the past so feel like I should come and say that he does seem to have lost it.

Burnt out or something.

At least he's being a modern, relatable arsehole? Boomer billionaries like the Koch brothers and Murdoch lurk in the background being arseholes. Pulling the strings of their media empires from behind the scenes. Musk is like just posting his random thoughts straight to twitter.

I can sortof see the sense in what he said he was trying to do - reclaim the middle ground for the 80% who aren't at either the extremes of left and right. the 'Community Notes' thing was a good idea (not his idea, but he did expand it). But he's just being a massive dick about it all.

I miss this Elon Musk (from 2015)

Like when Trump got banned, I was relieved, but also feeling 'eh.... kinda convenient, how exactly did they justify that?' so I can see why examining those decisions might be important.

Maybe if Musk had bought Fox News and Twitter and then pushed them both back towards the middle that might have made more sense. Like if you're going to take the left bias out of Twitter you should also take the right bias out of Fox?

But then trying to balance out left and right reminds me I'm a bit exhausted by USA politics, the ante upped so much that both sides are now constantly screaming 'the other side are mad! they will destroy everything'. Thats what you get with a heavily money oriented two party state I guess? It would be nice if some of that went away.


Edited by zazen
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1 hour ago, usagi said:

why's Dave having this cocksucker at his show, is what I wanna know.

Dave's a rich asshole who likes hanging out with rich assholes. he's sometimes pretty funny, yeah, but that doesn't stop the first point from being true.

also, he's been into courting controversy for years, so bringing Muskyboy along is just a continuation of that. i doubt he's mentally broken enough to go full Ye but Dave's got a bit of that troll streak to him.

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3 hours ago, auxien said:

Dave's a rich asshole who likes hanging out with rich assholes. he's sometimes pretty funny, yeah, but that doesn't stop the first point from being true.

also, he's been into courting controversy for years, so bringing Muskyboy along is just a continuation of that. i doubt he's mentally broken enough to go full Ye but Dave's got a bit of that troll streak to him.

sigh. I don't like this trajectory he's been heading in.

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6 hours ago, ilqx hermolia xpli said:

fuck free speech, ban and censor all reactionaries calling for violence against oppressed minorities

Yeah beautiful! Let’s find an extreme exception that we can apply to all to justify our own extremism; radicalism 101 = same shit, different packaging 

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I haven’t read 99% of this thread but I heard today on LBC that he made a tweet about ‘the woke mind virus’ or something like that. So in other words he’s decided to wage a Twitter war against the left. On the talk show an interesting lady phoned in (the host was trying to work the ins and outs of this latest Musk episode) Lady reckoned it’s because the biggest selling vehicle in the US is the Ford Pickup. The Ford Pickup being almost entirely bought by right-leaning Republicans and he wants to be all best mates with them so he can sell millions of his up and coming Tesla truck. Don’t shoot the messenger, she did a better job than me in explaining it. Thought it was interesting angle. Everyone else was saying the usual stuff about him.

Beerwolf over and out ?

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