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4 hours ago, very honest said:

i follow closely and biden is fine. there is literally a ton of doctored video and disinfo campaigns of fake posters pushing the senile thing for 2 years now. i encourage people to watch the debate tonight.

i had no idea how bad his stutter was when he was kid and how hard he had to work to overcome it until i watched that frontline episode The Choice 2020. his jumbling of words makes total sense with his stutter. 


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5 hours ago, thumbass said:


That's fair, but I think because of Biden's image and fuckups that make him look unstable he will lose the election.

I think in this election Biden's actual performance in debates and in his campaign matters less than the fact that he is not Trump. Many people hate Trump so much by now that they'd vote for anyone who isn't Trump except maybe for someone far on the left (in American terms). In that way I'm almost happy that Sanders didn't make it because Biden has better chances to win. What a shitty year.

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31 minutes ago, dingformung said:

I think in this election Biden's actual performance in debates and in his campaign matters less than the fact that he is not Trump. Many people hate Trump so much by now that they'd vote for anyone who isn't Trump except maybe for someone far on the left (in American terms). In that way I'm almost happy that Sanders didn't make it because Biden has better chances to win. What a shitty year.


biden is interesting. in 2011 he went to moscow and told putin "Mr. Prime Minister, I’m looking into your eyes, and I don’t think you have a soul," playing on bush w's prior statement to the contrary. 


the biden camp was never going scorched earth in the primary race. he was always laid back in the debates. biden camp themselves had an attitude like "take him or leave him, he's here if you want." he ran because he knew he might be what the country and the party need to win, as much as for his personal ambition. jill would say at campaign events that joe might not be the best at everything, but he's there if you think he's the one to beat trump. they seem to genuinely be chill people, distinct from the hyper-manipulative political type. biden campaign had like no money when the primary race was in heat! not much activist enthusiasm, compared to the other candidates (who ultimately endorsed biden). they had virtually no offices or ad spending in super tuesday states, where he cleaned up, decisively. they just played it cool, didn't blow it, were smart, and walked away with the prize.


so yeah it helps that he's running against a nuclear chernobyl, but i am interested to watch him in action as president. he seems atypical for the role and i wonder how he may surprise us.

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4 minutes ago, very honest said:


biden is interesting. in 2011 he went to moscow and told putin "Mr. Prime Minister, I’m looking into your eyes, and I don’t think you have a soul," playing on bush w's prior statement to the contrary. 

I like that Putin according to Biden answered "We understand one another". It's like a Bond villain.

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8 hours ago, Valleyfold said:

Shit candidates. Don't vote. 

No one climbs a mountain with one step. The US won't be changed in one election. We need consistent, sustained effort to put more progressive candidates in office at the local, state, and federal levels.

Voting once every four years accomplishes very little and a lot of politicians don't want you to know that. We're not in this situation because of one guy getting to be president. We're here because public apathy has allowed these charlatans to use government as a means to increase their wealth and agenda rather than provide services and infrastructure for the public.

You have to choose to get involved to change anything.

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no but that's what a lot of people are sharing in their info feeds, a narrative designed to demobilize turnout on the left, which is the path trump campaign must take. 


biden is good and fine. about a thousand times better than the incumbent.

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44 minutes ago, azatoth said:

Options is between a straight up turd and a turd between slices of bread.

I recently described it as the choice between an old turd covered in burnt hair and an old turd covered in burnt hair that separates children from their parents and sterilizes mothers.

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1 hour ago, Braintree said:

I recently described it as the choice between an old turd covered in burnt hair and an old turd covered in burnt hair that separates children from their parents and sterilizes mothers.

And the one turd doesn't encourage psychopaths and soft-brained racists to shoot peaceful protestors... or drink bleach... or give up all of their own rights except to shoot guns... or to suck up propaganda lies from one news channel while the rest of the world has a vastly different experience of reality... or to not wear masks in the middle of a pandemic... or to willingly give away their protections from pre-existing conditions... or to give up on the last shred democracy as we know it... or to defend dictators like Vladimir Putin... or to berate and attack strangers in public... or to believe he is some kind of evangelical bible-thumper when he's just a run-of-the-mill white-collar New York con man... or to regress to an era when women and minorities have to live like second class citizens... or to put their and their families' own health, education, well-being and better interests in jeopardy while he and his cohorts laugh their way to the bank. The list goes on.

If there's a choice, please give me the other turd. Give it to me with diarrhea and mustard on it. 

The alternative is basically "well, I'm too smart to choose between a shit and a turd so I didn't vote... but now really can't do anything about it because we used to live in a country where voting actually made a difference but now it's officially a fascist dictatorship... but I'm cool with that because I'm too smart to vote for a two party contest (even though that's just how this country has worked for 200 years) and I have a gold star for not voting. Good for me."


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If you legitimately don't like either of the two principle candidates, if you legitimately think neither candidate is suitable for the task, then by all means, vote for a different candidate.  If you like none of the candidates on the ballot, then write one in you feel to be suitable.  Consider it your protest vote and go to sleep knowing you participated in the democratic process.  But if you abstain from voting, you are nothing but a lazy, apathetic bum who deserves the shit politicians you keep complaining about.

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One of the turds will leave if they are voted out next election, the other will cling to the bowl as long as he can

politicians are all turds 

but up until now they’ve all accepted the collective decision of the flush button

vote for the flushable turd America 

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It is a farce.

Trump is bullying the situation, soundbiting, eating Biden alive by killing the occasion, a little more switched on. As we sadly predicted. Biden is just Hilary 2.0 with even less articulate disdain. Four more awful years. And deserved, an equal farce that Sanders isn't the candidate.

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I don't see it as Trump bullying, this is the only mode he has.

Biden's really not that bad. Sure he's not very articulate but that's probably due to his stammer.  I don't necessarily want a verbose, dude-you-wanna-have-a-beer-with guy in office if he's gonna accelerate the drone strike program and kill lots of innocent people, for example.

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6 minutes ago, randomsummer said:

I don't see it as Trump bullying, this is the only mode he has.

Biden's really not that bad. Sure he's not very articulate but that's probably due to his stammer.  I don't necessarily want a verbose, dude-you-wanna-have-a-beer-with guy in office if he's gonna accelerate the drone strike program and kill lots of innocent people, for example.

I'm not talking about what sort of person I'd like in office, just how it reads to a general American television audience and that this has been an effective night for Trump's campaign. I'm an introvert, so verbose mateyness bluster doesn't pass the sniffer or fly at all.

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3 minutes ago, Upset man said:

This is the best America has lol. We’re in ruins. 

well its not, its just what we deserve. the robber barons run the country. the dems have just as much disdain for poor people as republicans, they just are dumber so decided to not try and get their votes. idiots.

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