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31 minutes ago, xox said:

The guy is senile, talks nonsense and behaves inappropriately. Trump was trump but at least he wasn’t senile and most importantly he wasn’t fake. He was a fool in a lot of things but you knew what was he thinking, something you couldn’t with with the Hillary “Palpatine” Clinton neither with Biden which is just another fake puppet, and a senile puppet too


If that's the best the stupid fucking alt-right dweeb cunt that cut this video can come up with, then that's a big win for america.

If you did the same for Trump it would last 6 hours + your brain would be dribbling out your ears by the end.

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22 minutes ago, Amen Warrior said:

If that's the best the stupid fucking alt-right dweeb cunt that cut this video can come up with, then that's a big win for america.

If you did the same for Trump it would last 6 hours + your brain would be dribbling out your ears by the end.

Totally agree but neither of them wouldn’t live 13 days on a political scene in my country. Trump had >1800 false statements in a year! We decapitate our politicians for only 1 in their entire life or hunt them until they say they were wrong and THEN we decide if they’ll stay or not or at least will we let it go or not. 
But , another thing is... wasn’t Trump good for murica’s economy? He lost bc of the corona fiasco, right?

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39 minutes ago, randomsummer said:

The Republicans will have to take a long hard look at themselves when they begin the search for a candidate for 2024. 

idk about that. they gained slightly in the House, looks like they’re on track to keep majority in the Senate, the biggest Senators who sucked at the cock of Trump won their races, pretty handily (Graham & McConnell), and i think there were some (big?) gains in state legislatures as well... and they seemingly made big gains among some key demographics (persons of color across the board, slight gains among white women, etc). seems as of now that more people were sick of Trump in particular but glad to have Republicans in power, at many levels.

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wapo counted over 22,000 false and misleading statements from trump since entering office



biden being senile is the new hillary's emails/bengazi/birth certificate. it comes from a marketing team. they slapped each-other's backs because they knew it would be perpetuated by people sharing it.


talk shit about dems if you want. i get that they could be better. aoc articulates needed adjustments, well.


but, my take is that the GOP is so deeply, malignantly fucked, that we should be careful about raising the negatives on the other party

Edited by very honest
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7 minutes ago, xox said:

wasn’t Trump good for murica’s economy?

The economic trend was pretty much just a continuation of the post-2007 financial crisis one under Obama (same with employment rates) while national debt rose by ~36% and billionaires got lower tax rates than ordinary workers thanks to regressive tax policies. The best you can say is he didn't discontinue said trends and wasn't particularly hurting the economy in the short run... poverty indeed hit a relative minimum.

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1 hour ago, Brian Dance said:

Looking forward to Trump ranting for 6 hours on Joe Rogan

I'm actually thrilled I never have to listen to him talk again.

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1 hour ago, very honest said:

biden being senile is the new hillary's emails/bengazi/birth certificate

If anyone believes he's senile then they've never met anyone who's senile or suffers from dementia. Of course, he's probably not as quick as he was 70 years ago, but come on... in the end he's not the one pulling all the strings.

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here is how I would write the ending to this movie:

Don jr. & Eric come up with a plan to forge obituaries, in an effort to prove that the millions of mail-in ballots that went to Biden were actually from dead people and should be tossed out. this is straight out of the "change the F's on your report card to A's" that has worked for millions of little kids over the years.

next, they'll head over to Hoboken and hit up seniors homes for cash. push penny stocks and hawk trump branded memorabilia out of their trunk. they'll use this (well, some of it) to chip in to dad's "get me out of jail" legal defense fund.

"c'mon boys, the grift's up here," says their criminal father. "let's head back to Florida...loads of seniors homes down there waiting for us." 

they ride off in their motorcade into the Floridian sunset, which is actually the state engulfed in flames. it burns them all and they die. roll credits.

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12 hours ago, ignatius said:

where is mike pence? has he gone to pray with mother in the prayer closet?

Probably trying to lay low and get his next gig lined up. I read somewhere that he was a talk radio host before becoming a politician.

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30 minutes ago, xox said:

ill miss Trump! he was such a fun :catcry: 

Oh, he's not going anywhere. I bet he'll keep commenting on every single step Biden does from now until 2024 and just like that he'll keep on being the president/savior of 49% of the country. Then come 2024, Eric Trump will run for President with Ivanka as Vice President.

It's going to be scary as shit.

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I figure he’ll have a heart attack or stroke before 2024 (not even kidding). Surely he’s not in good health and losing the election etc is probably hard on the body for someone like him. Cortisol all over the place.

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Just now, Squee said:

Oh, he's not going anywhere. I bet he'll keep commenting on every single step Biden does from now until 2024 and just like that he'll keep on being the president/savior of 49% of the country. Then come 2024, Eric Trump will run for President with Ivanka as Vice President.

It's going to be scary as shit.

The GOP will have to learn to adapt by then. Or it will probably be split into two sub-factions: forever-Trumpers, and everyone else who still has sanity (i.e. The Lincoln Project). It would be rather pathetic if most of them feel that Trump is their best hope for the survival of the party. Either way, they need to do some serious soul-searching for the next four years.

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God should run for president. nobody would dare vote against him and he can save himself the trouble of constantly having to bail conservatives from the evils of the left

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5 minutes ago, Nebraska said:

God should run for president. nobody would dare vote against him and he can save himself the trouble of constantly having to bail conservatives from the evils of the left

Kanye/God campaign 2024? 

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WASHINGTON — HUD Secretary Dr. Ben Carson has tested positive for COVID-19, becoming the latest member of the Trump administration to contract the respiratory disease.


thoughts & prayers

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9 hours ago, Candiru said:

You should stop paying attention to things that blind you to our current political realities. People have given me shit on here for all kinds of things that ended up being true. No one learns. 

This really doesn't have anything to do with my views. You just didn't like what I told you. 

Where's your proof of this?  You're just spouting bullshit.  Funny how AOC and friends are apparently too weak and ineffectual to get anything done but also so strong that they're capable of destroying the democratic party unless war criminals like Biden were here to save it from their "radical agenda" of free healthcare

You're as bad as Trump supporters at this point, what even is your ideology?

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