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George Floyd and the emergent momentum of revolutionary masses


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this is a --> no liberal bourgeois reactionary apologism <-- zone for discussion of George Floyd's death and how it not only seems to be, but should, and must, signal the beginnings of a series of revolutionary demonstrations to overthrow state oppression and the capitalists interests it exists to uphold.  if you arent aware, the US police state is out in full force.  the surveillance and punishment experimental lab ran by Target has been DEMOLISHED, burned to the ground, Minneapolis police station DESTROYED.  not only are the police chest cams and intersection traffic monitoring devices watching every protestor's move for later machine learning based analysis to find people to put in jail, but they are deploying PREDATOR DRONES over Minneapolis for high resolution surveillance capabilities, apparently this is okay because the missile compartments on the drone aren't armed this time, but will they be next time?

theyve done it to citizens once, don't doubt in your mind that they will again [entire block of black residents bombed by Philadelphia police in 1985]:



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the cop was charged and people are chilling out. but thanks for trying to heighten unrest in my country, zeff. wtf man

where'd you find this shit you're amplifying?

what country do you live in again?

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this happened a few years ago and a bunch of cops got sniped in texas. but capitalism is still reigning. a bunch more unarmed black men were shot. capitalism still a thing. pandemic.. still.. capitalism. maybe the pandemic w/riots right in the middle will have more of a lasting effect come election time. 

as it stands now.. trump and friends are still swinging for the fences w/rolling back anything remotely progressive. killing bear cubs in dens, reducing water quality standards, rolling back all kinds of epa shit, attacking free speech, reproductive rights and on and on and on.. constitutional rule of law is on the chopping block.

but whatevs. will there be some kind of revolution? meh. some more people will get shot, some marches, maybe another 50,000 covid deaths, people will hold on to these feelings but still a 50/50 chance we get 4 more years of trump and at best a limp dick biden with some half hearted progressive ideas which will still be 1000 times better than trump and cronies. 

it's all speculation though. a hundred more things can happen to change outcomes before the election. shit.. even after the election. anyone think trump will go down lightly if he loses? 

so, i'm all for change and progress but divisive rhetoric isn't going to help. label away though.. 

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7 minutes ago, Lada Laika said:

I'm not so sure about that. 

So what do you expect to happen? People have had enough for a long time, but from what I've seen they prefer going back to their comfort zone rather than stand up for themselves. Because it's risky. They're afraid. I'm not saying it's easy.

I'm in Switzerland which is an absurd bubble to live in and make sense of the planet around it, so please tell me if I'm wrong, and how.

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I'm not so sure about that. 

It does feel different. People are tired. It’s sad. Third time in recent months. Black people on tv talking about a murdered family member. It was only a matter of time before it turned into riots.
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It's 1968, it's Rodney King. But amplified. Pandemic, Trump as president, active nazis, and an interconnectivity between people that can show you that this has happened three times this week. It's also an election year. Best case scenario, this is going to radicalize a massive number of people who normally sit on the sidelines. Worst case scenario? Seems clear.

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It's 4 AM, so this is going to be a bit of a ramble and then I'm off. This has nothing to do with capitalism. This has everything to do with shitty policy making that reduces regulations on the private sector and increase wealth inequality (some wealth inequality is always inevitable, even in a "pure" communist system, as some will just be better labourers and produce more at home), this has everything to do with a culture that says "greed is good" (you think people watched wolf of wall street as a cautionary tale? dollars to fucking donuts they saw that as what they could be if only they had the balls), this has everything to do with people being led by nationalist rhetoric feeding divisive identity politics, and because of aforementioned shitty policy making, not having the critical thinking taught to them in a fucked up educational system.

Capitalism is an economic tool, that can be used in many ways - its adaptability is its greatest strength, but also its biggest vulnerability, as it can allow abuse for a long time before the negative consequences see the light. There are a ton of capitalist countries that don't go through anywhere near the shit you are going through in the US. None of them are perfect, all of them have horrible histories, but fuck man, the US has something really fucked up going on right now, and it's a culmination of greed, racism, gun fetishism, nationalism and literally the most incompetent president since Harding. 

The fucked up thing is that even with all that rampant stupidity and corruption and fucking up, the US still swings a mighty big dick, economically and militarily. The world has to listen. But with this shit going on (Trump, riots, nationalism etc etc) it gets harder and harder to listen, and that allows other countries into the void. Countries that do worse than the US in terms of corruption, crime, and stifling the media. None of that has to do with capitalism - that has to do with the people put in charge and the way they abuse power.

"chen" you say, " why do you care? You're Canadian!" Yeah, so the US is our biggest trading partner, our closest ally (sorry Brits), and our biggest cultural influence. So all that greed is good wall street shit creeps in here. Ask StevieG what Canadian texass is like. Here in ontario we have a fucking buffoon for a premier, but because he promises to be "fiscally responsible" and do whatever the Canadian version of "owning the libs" is, fucknuts eat it up, then get all surprised when the leopard eats their face. Fuck it.

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When you say “sorry Brits”, could you gesture by passing out drunk outside the kebab house after a cocktail of booze and drugs chundering down yourself with a curtsy & a raised tea-drinking pinkie, pls thanks ta

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i don't believe capitalism is a problem that needs to be discussed any further than it already has, and i don''t believe it is the key to understand social tensions and unequalities. 

just having a bit of fun with colonel stalin here - aka zeff


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One of my best mates is a proper leftie, he's a good lad, got a great taste in music (more punk than IDM), great taste in films, art museums, great drinker. As long as I never mention politics he's an all round proper top bloke lol. If I do, we are off to the Weird and Wacky Dimension of Field Marshal Moreton. Which is actually what I say when he pipes up about it. Which to his credit he laughs at.

I did once have to calm down a very promising fight a few years ago which was close to erupting in my back garden at a barbeque. I have one mate (maybe two) in particular who see's lefties as a red rag to a bull. The moral of the story is never discuss politics at Beer Badgers BBQ and we can all remain friends ?



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