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Your personal favourite of your own tunes


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Listening back I had some really fueled ideas in a couple of tracks.. I wish I had that same energy still.

 This second one was made only using the po-12, I should have avoided the realm of hardware I realize now.. is fun but for many (myself included) it becomes more about the gear than the music..


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A fairly recent one, actually. I always spend ages fucking around adding loads of layers and twiddly bits and stuff to my tracks, and then I knock out something incredibly simple and it's about 200 times better.

My most popular is this four-track acoustic guitar piece, for some reason. Apparently people actually Googled the tab for it enough for "Clouds in the shape of clouds tab" to pop up as a suggested search a few years ago. 5k Soundcloud plays, nearly 9k on YouTube. It's nice, but I've definitely done better.


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I think I like this one most of my own. Didn't have a drum-machine at the time which made me make much more ambient and sample based stuff.


Edited by e-mertz
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These are about 20 years old. They're potato quality (I think the sources are 128 kbit CBR MP3s), and the original WAVs were lost in a HD crash, but I still like them.

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Always liked this one from about 97/98 ish


And enjoying this one lately


The ladies seem to like this one

(That afx badge was nothing to do with me. Dunno who uploaded it)

Edited by perunamuusi
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Digging a lot of the tracks here. It would be nice to have some kind of auto follow for all WATMM members on soundcloud so you don't have to go digging.

On 1/23/2021 at 12:21 AM, MIXL2 said:

Listening back I had some really fueled ideas in a couple of tracks.. I wish I had that same energy still.


I can't speak for you, but for me, when I have a ton of energy tracks sound a lot better than they actually are. So I end up working on lots of tracks that I think are good in the moment only to later realize they are passable or just plain bad.

So I try to work on music with a level head, and when I am bouncing off the walls on occasion I know it's probably a waste of time to work on composition tracks.

That said it's never a waste of time to work on sound design and making lots of cool sounds that can be used in tracks. I usually translate that energy into putting 30 FX on top of each other, lol

Edited by Brisbot
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1 hour ago, ignatius said:

i'll play. this weird one is a mood i go back to now and then. 


always like revisiting this one. the drums and lazy progression i guess. 



I love this, nice chill vibe and satisfying sound design (I like the wet farts in the background). I understand why you keep revisiting it. I honestly like your music better than most of the stuff of the featured artists

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45 minutes ago, dingformung said:

I love this, nice chill vibe and satisfying sound design (I like the wet farts in the background). I understand why you keep revisiting it. I honestly like your music better than most of the stuff of the featured artists


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I think I've probably made at least a hundred tracks as Zephyr Nova.  Not sure about my favourite, but this one's probably my pre-2008 magnum opus (from the days when I was making a track or two every week):

Whoever curated this youtube page did a fine job.  I'd prob nix that space space decimal tune, but I can stand behind the rest.

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recently found a cdr with some old stuff i made back in the days (like ~15 years ago) and uploaded some of it to soundcloud for nostalgic reasons - these are really lofi, basically just unedited recordings of me jamming with an early version of audiomulch and a toy keyboard fed in through the mic input. you can hear the sound of my cpu freezing at about 02:00 in the first one. second one is just no input feedback in a chaotic setup (the actual "track" appears briefly at 04:50) - about the 3rd one i have no idea , but the ending part from 06:00 onward is quite cool.

guess it's not what you would call music, but i still kinda like them :unsure:


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