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Are you doing your part to tell people about Autechre?

may be rude

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When was the last time you played YJY UX for someone? Sent someone Garbagemx36? Think about it. Play M4 Lema at a place. People deserve to know.

Edited by trying to be less rude
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My work mates in my section are the worst. Even something like Shine On You Crazy Diamond would completely laser their brains and most definitely their attention span. If it doesn’t involve a football it’s hard for them to comprehend. They’re good guys though. And though not wise with music or ‘culture’ are incredibly fast with humour. They are just as quick and funny as any stand up comedians. It’s quite impressive tbh. 

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8 hours ago, beerwolf said:

I’ve never told anyone I know about Autechre. I know it would be a a complete waste of my time. But I’m cool with that ?

Same. I have a total of zero friends who listen to electronic music. This is why I spend so much time on this board. 

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I had to do an oral report in culinary school sometimes around 2003-4, so I just brought in a bunch of gear to pass around, and played gantz graf video on all the monitors in the classroom.  It was an easy way to keep all the attention off of me because everybody was glued to the screen with wtf looks on their faces.  It was a pass/fail thing and I passed, but remember being pretty proud that I pulled it off.

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I haven’t bought a t-shirt from bleep for years. They are all a load of shit medieval wankpit whatever crap.

Why not just print the fucking brilliant Draft  cover art on a white t-shirt? Surely it’s not that hard? No we get something else

All the BOC shirts are fucking rubbish! Here’s an idea just print the Trans Canada Highway shirt? They’ll sell in their thousands. Nope we get some gimpy rubbish made by a 12 year old art student. 

I find it astonishing that I haven’t bought a shirt off Bleep FOR YEARS!!!!

It’s preposterous!!

Best one was that old school AFX shirt in purple inside the basketball globe: cannot understand why I didn’t buy that….

I was probably drunk


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Actually most of my friends know I listen to Autechre but call it "music made with a washing machine". Although I noticed today, in a mainstream french "essential vinyls" catalogue two Ae albums (well, Incunabula and Tri Rep but still!!)

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If I talked to people enough to discuss music, I’d most definitely try to talk about Autechre. I don’t talk to anyone outside of the workplace enough to pierce the music sphere and anyone i talk to that’s into music likes bluegrass and shit. So ultimately, I avoid talking music as much as I possibly can with all of the people I know. 

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Hell nah. Ae are the Area 51 of the music industry. Some stones are better left unturned.

Real talk though - I'd have to have a lot of trust in someone to disclose such secrets. No way in hell am I sharing Ae with just any random coworkers or acquaintances, let alone with the public.

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I know a couple peeps IRL who know / know of Autechre. First was a kinda socially awkward but nice record collector guy that despite the aforementioned I often found myself in social situations with, and we'd eventually get talking about electronic music.  I recall he told me he had the plain gold-cover LP by Aw Tek Ray and I was like cool I like that one too.

I've been playing drums in a somewhat established local post-punk-art-noise-dance project for about two years now, and not one but two (2) bandmates familiar with Autechre.  Our synth player is very much into Aphex, couldn't name another rephlex artist and doesn't like the 'chre for reasons you can easily imagine, but he's a few years younger so I cut him some slack. Our bassist is older and makes experimental electronica on his own with a pretty awesome array of analog and digital shit to programs and knob twiddle.  He's quite good at it and it's impossible that he doesn't derive some influence from them, I mentioned the reverb on one track really reminded me of Oversteps and he was like yeah I like Aw Tek Rah.

Anyway I'm doing my part by regularly blasting Warp Tapes (or the AMKS_1 skratchathon) TFO the whip at max vol whilst cruising the greater Providence-metro area.

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v few ppl that i know, or interact w., genuinely appreciate music. or art, science, nature or culture ))::

but for those that do show an interest in music; am most happy to play, recommend, or provide links for ... ?

best intro 2 Ae was when a crew of telcobros were erecting a mobile tower outside my studio a few years back. they were there for a bit over a week; hollerin', vroomin', fluoro swagger: big boys w big toys puttin' this 4G thing together w. all the latest equip, vehicles, cranes paid 4 by big corp. in the driving rain, all night, all day, super f.o. tradies making all sorts of noise & ruckus. anyways, @ some pt., i lost my shit trying to focus, do my own work, w. them there all full pelt - so i put on the full nts sessions & cranked it as loud as poss 2 block out their telcobro noise, & boy oh boy they got into it lol

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