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Guest Rook

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Did you order the special edition?


I hope it gets here this week. I'm really excited for the extra tracks.

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rale is probably the easier to absorb track for the not so knowing... my wife likes that one!


Seriously? I would have thought Albitizz the "easiest" track by far.


I am usually wrong when analyzing accessibility though.

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Lack of percussive beats probably'll cause about 70% of the population of the modern world to zone out and cease listening.


Rale is pretty accessible to your average pop music consumer, in contrast.


In my elitist and completely un-researched cheeseeating opinion.

Edited by baph
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Am I listening to the same rale as you people? It doesn't sound accessible to pop listeners to me at all.

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Guest Chogg

I just heard Steels on a car commercial.




































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I've been listening to quaristice solidly since getting the FLACs last month, and i'm pretty familiar with it now and starting to appreciate it a lot. defo not my fave album, draft and confield just hit the mark for me. but it totally demonstrates the other side of autechre: loose, live , improvised compared to the meticulously sculpted work on preceeding albums.

plus, on the run-up to quaristice, lots of people here said how they'd like ae to release a live cd, well this is kinda it in a way.

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Guest abracadabra

just picked this up. still trying to get into it, it hasn't hit me hard yet like confield and untilted have. but definitely loving rale and a bunch of others. im still trying to recognize this album as a whole.

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Bought a copy of the "regular" edition today.



The artwork looks better in real life. And the art on the actual cd is cool.



Still not as cool as the special edition though lol. *rubs it in*

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After my first listen, I would have to say this is probably the most immediately interesting Autechre album since Tri Repetae. And for people who keep saying..."It's not another draft" I would have to disagree. In many ways, this album seems to be allot like draft in arrangement, but the sound is completely different.


The one thing that I find awesome about the album is that it is so visual! I get so many different pictures from this album. It also really reminds me of the game MDK. I love that game so its no surprise, but the aural imagery goes right along with MDK. I think I'm gonna go listen to this while playing MDK now!

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Guest Rogueofmv

Let me just say.

This is the most awesome album of 2008 so far.

This has got to be right up there with Chiastic Slide and Confield.


Altibzz is the shit, you really get into it after a few listens.

And The PlcpClC is just genius.

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Still haven't listened to the special edition, it's waiting for me back in the States, but as for the retail version of the album, still not feeling it. Props to ae and all that, but it's still not doing much for me.

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Guest Chogg
wow, i bought it..


utter sheitt ! omg, what were they thinking?...

worst evar, bleeding ears n everything..







That's what you're supposed to think at first.


Then after awhile it will grow on you, and you'll play the hell out of it for about a week.


And then you come full circle and realize that yes, it is in fact their weakest release in... ever?


I personally change my opinion about this album every day. It's got some good points, obviously, but as a whole I do feel that it's pretty weak. I understand that both ae and their fans wanted something that felt live, but in the end I just don't think it works. What I personally love about ae is that their music sounds like a lot of work and a lot of thought goes into it. This doesn't sound like that. It's sloppy and it's all over the place, and uh, we waited almost two years for it. The bonus disc held the promise of potentially more fully developed creations, where the album versions felt unfinished. Wrong again. The bonus disc versions are just more sprawling and sloppy.


Blah. Maybe I'm just in a lousy mood. I still like Quaristice... but not as much as their other albums.

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For about the first 2 weeks I was thinking that this release was missing something. I just felt that it was a lot less stronger than the likes of Draft 7.30 and LP5.. However as time flew by, it grew on me so much, now I'm playing tracks off Quaristice at least once a day > my current favourites being IO, Altibzz and WNSN.


For me personally, all Autechre releases take a while to get used to and let the whole record sink in because you need to pay attention to a lot of new details here and there which is the most exciting bit of listening to their work. This is why Ae are quite unique, anyway.. The only release I can think of which I immediately got into upon the first listen was LP5.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I never got into LP5. The only one that never grew on me... Strangely enough, I absolutely adore Envane, but LP5, though loved by everyone, just seems incredibly shallow and uninspired to me. EP7 was cooler, but they still took a surprising turn with the brilliant Confield. Weird.


As for Quaristice, I love it, but it seems slightly inferior to the previous one to me. Untilted is calculated perfection (even for me, not being an active musician and normally despising maths) that is yet absolutely enjoyable, while Quaristice is... either I didn't get half of some tracks yet or they're just... different. My favourites being Perlence and 90101-5l-L, I still think they're absolutely great, but they're two of the few moments that hit that weird enjoyable-complex-addiction-nerve just as hard as Untilted did for me... well, the album's got a completely different atmosphere, and I even disliked Untilted in the beginning. It's all back to subjective in the end and I can't properly rate it without having listened to it many times more. I think it's great, but my expectations where just a bit different after Untilted. Maybe that's a good thing too.

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I never got into LP5. The only one that never grew on me... Strangely enough, I absolutely adore Envane, but LP5, though loved by everyone, just seems incredibly shallow and uninspired to me. EP7 was cooler, but they still took a surprising turn with the brilliant Confield. Weird.


LP5's got Rae, dude lol.

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