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What video games are you currently playing?

Rubin Farr

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Guest Frankie5fingers



sequel to amnesia! by the team who made dear esther!

never heard of either. but that trailer looks like something i might want to play. im guessing you played amnesia by your post. whats it like?


Amnesia is amazing, probably scariest game ever created.Puzles were very very good as well. I loved the atmosphere and the story, excited about this.

well, i don't know about scariest game ever made. but i love a good scary puzzle game none the less. ill check it out. thanks.
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sequel to amnesia! by the team who made dear esther!

never heard of either. but that trailer looks like something i might want to play. im guessing you played amnesia by your post. whats it like?


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sequel to amnesia! by the team who made dear esther!

never heard of either. but that trailer looks like something i might want to play. im guessing you played amnesia by your post. whats it like?


Amnesia is amazing, probably scariest game ever created.Puzles were very very good as well. I loved the atmosphere and the story, excited about this.

well, i don't know about scariest game ever made. but i love a good scary puzzle game none the less. ill check it out. thanks.


i wouldn't really call amnesia a puzzle game. i would however call it the scariest game ever made. or shared first with silent hill 2, maybe (not really).

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Guest Frankie5fingers



sequel to amnesia! by the team who made dear esther!

never heard of either. but that trailer looks like something i might want to play. im guessing you played amnesia by your post. whats it like?


Amnesia is amazing, probably scariest game ever created.Puzles were very very good as well. I loved the atmosphere and the story, excited about this.

well, i don't know about scariest game ever made. but i love a good scary puzzle game none the less. ill check it out. thanks.


i wouldn't really call amnesia a puzzle game. i would however call it the scariest game ever made. or shared first with silent hill 2, maybe (not really).

there are scarier games than Silent hill 2 (dont get me wrong, i LOVE SH2.). i believe that Fatal Frame 2 is actually considered one of the scariest games ever made. and after playing both FF i might have to agree with that assumption. and if you haven't played them then you must. they're amazing! probably the only game i ever played that made me almost shit my pants, no lie. lol

also another extremely scary game was Siren. it was made by most of team silent so you know its scary.

but im deffinitly going to be getting these. and if these games can ACUALLY make me shit my pants then ill bow to you sir......after i change my pants of course. lol

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sequel to amnesia! by the team who made dear esther!

Now this looks promising. Dear Esther was beautiful. I can't wait to see what they can do with this different direction.




sequel to amnesia! by the team who made dear esther!

never heard of either. but that trailer looks like something i might want to play. im guessing you played amnesia by your post. whats it like?


Amnesia is amazing, probably scariest game ever created.Puzles were very very good as well. I loved the atmosphere and the story, excited about this.

well, i don't know about scariest game ever made. but i love a good scary puzzle game none the less. ill check it out. thanks.


i wouldn't really call amnesia a puzzle game. i would however call it the scariest game ever made. or shared first with silent hill 2, maybe (not really).

there are scarier games than Silent hill 2 (dont get me wrong, i LOVE SH2.). i believe that Fatal Frame 2 is actually considered one of the scariest games ever made. and after playing both FF i might have to agree with that assumption. and if you haven't played them then you must. they're amazing! probably the only game i ever played that made me almost shit my pants, no lie. lol

also another extremely scary game was Siren. it was made by most of team silent so you know its scary.

but im deffinitly going to be getting these. and if these games can ACUALLY make me shit my pants then ill bow to you sir......after i change my pants of course. lol

I can't agree more. Fatal Frame 1 and 2 were the only games that I had to take breaks from out of sheer terror. I finished them both mind you.
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Guest Frankie5fingers

I can't agree more. Fatal Frame 1 and 2 were the only games that I had to take breaks from out of sheer terror. I finished them both mind you.

Same. SH2 i could keep playing, though there were times i didn't want too. but FF had points where i just stopped playing cause i was afraid of what was coming up. lol. its been some time now actually. i think im going to go back and play then now.


if i don't post anymore and wasn't banned then i probably died from a heart attack. lol

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Fatal Frame, or Project Zero as it's called here is fucking scary as. Marred slightly by rubbish voice acting, but great game otherwise. I still own 2 but never played it...

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i might have to buy fatal frame now that you guys are making these claims...SH2 never scared me all that much, but SH3 sure as fuck did...that game was waaay too disturbing for me at certain points.


So Im still haphazardly playing FF6 whenever I feel like it...and I think this one just isn't doing it for me. The characters are waaay too self-aware of being in a videogame, which ruins any possible seriousness of the main story. I want my FF's to be epic, not funny damnit! Maybe Ill play through a bit more and itll pick up (though there was a big "damn this was in a kids game" moment when Cyan finds his family)


I think what is putting me off is my experience as a kid playing FFIV....that game is still probably the number one FF in the entire series for me.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

i might have to buy fatal frame now that you guys are making these claims...SH2 never scared me all that much, but SH3 sure as fuck did...that game was waaay too disturbing for me at certain points.


So Im still haphazardly playing FF6 whenever I feel like it...and I think this one just isn't doing it for me. The characters are waaay too self-aware of being in a videogame, which ruins any possible seriousness of the main story. I want my FF's to be epic, not funny damnit! Maybe Ill play through a bit more and itll pick up (though there was a big "damn this was in a kids game" moment when Cyan finds his family)


I think what is putting me off is my experience as a kid playing FFIV....that game is still probably the number one FF in the entire series for me.

Really? i think SH2 is much more scary. i kinda felt that 3 was more about killing monsters, still WAY scary at points (like that fucking red room. dear god i hate that part), but more about killing monsters. really though its hard to compare SH2, a masterpiece, to SH3......another masterpiece. lol all about prefrence at that point really. know what i mean?


and yeah i know what you mean about FFVI. just about anything before VII was a little childish. but thats cause it was on the SNES. back in the days really before any deep serious story RPGs were made for video games. in fact, other than Chrono Trigger, i don't think any RPG on the SNES was Totally serious, and even that game had some childish moments to it.

maybe if you take in the time frame that it was made then you might enjoy it more.

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I'm trying to get into Dwarf Fortress right now. It's damn hard. Also played Silent Hill 2 last night, and have been playing some old school arcade games (mainly Joust and Spy Hunter).

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and yeah i know what you mean about FFVI. just about anything before VII was a little childish. but thats cause it was on the SNES. back in the days really before any deep serious story RPGs were made for video games. in fact, other than Chrono Trigger, i don't think any RPG on the SNES was Totally serious, and even that game had some childish moments to it.

I think FF6 only really comes into play when World '2' arrives. I'm not going to reveal any more as I don't want to spoil it but for me that's when things started getting interesting. It doesn't quite reach the heady limits of Chrono Trigger, but it gets close ...


Nearly beaten no.5 (was on the final boss but am now grinding as I got destroyed on the neo- part of it), however I really haven't found this one that great at all. It's OK, but despite being >40 hours in I don't think I can recall a single part of the story (except that occasionally meteors hit and people die)

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i might have to buy fatal frame now that you guys are making these claims...SH2 never scared me all that much, but SH3 sure as fuck did...that game was waaay too disturbing for me at certain points.


So Im still haphazardly playing FF6 whenever I feel like it...and I think this one just isn't doing it for me. The characters are waaay too self-aware of being in a videogame, which ruins any possible seriousness of the main story. I want my FF's to be epic, not funny damnit! Maybe Ill play through a bit more and itll pick up (though there was a big "damn this was in a kids game" moment when Cyan finds his family)


I think what is putting me off is my experience as a kid playing FFIV....that game is still probably the number one FF in the entire series for me.

Really? i think SH2 is much more scary. i kinda felt that 3 was more about killing monsters, still WAY scary at points (like that fucking red room. dear god i hate that part), but more about killing monsters. really though its hard to compare SH2, a masterpiece, to SH3......another masterpiece. lol all about prefrence at that point really. know what i mean?


and yeah i know what you mean about FFVI. just about anything before VII was a little childish. but thats cause it was on the SNES. back in the days really before any deep serious story RPGs were made for video games. in fact, other than Chrono Trigger, i don't think any RPG on the SNES was Totally serious, and even that game had some childish moments to it.

maybe if you take in the time frame that it was made then you might enjoy it more.


Im taking it completely within the time frame, I actually still love the shit out of FFIV more than any other final fantasy..Cecil was a great archetype fantasy character, along with Kain, Tellah, Yang, Cid, etc.


Plus you had three world maps, tons of different airships, a tank, and a FUCKING SPACE WHALE. Thats right, in FFIV, you go to the moon on a SPACE WHALE.


But despite all this it still took itself rather seriously..maybe I just need to give FFVI a little more of a chance...the beginning just seems to drag on for fucking ever. I finally got the party reunited, and I think we are about to get our first esper...Kefka is a horrible villain, I have no idea why people say hes better than Sephiroth....hes a bumbling idiot...apparently he becomes a bumbling idiot with a ton of powers.


Also, I really need to play Earthbound all the way through.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

yes you do need to play Earthbound all the way through. that game is hilarious and amazing.

and i don't care what anyone says, Sephiroth is the most Badass badguy of all time. no one tops him.


also, i just started up Swtor again.

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Kefka's great because of how much of a theatrical villain he becomes.


Here's a great Kefka moment:



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I have no idea why people say hes better than Sephiroth....


Also, I really need to play Earthbound all the way through.

By the time he becomes about 3-4 screens tall you'll understand !


Yeah Earthbound is brill, though take note - the first boss guy (the elvis type dude) is bloody tough unless you do a little grinding of levels (possibly up to about level 7-8), it does get easier after that (well apart from the dream land right near the end) but its's a peculiar difficulty spike that has probably put a lot of people off getting further than that.


Just got FPse for my phone (PSX emulator) and have just got Final Fantasy VII working perfectly on it. HAven't played it in about 10 years, I wonder if it's as good as I remember.

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I just finished my first playthrough of Heavy Rain. Pretty great game, unique, challenging, immersive and unpredictable. When I found out who the killer was i was like WHAT?! REALLY?!... Pretty sure I got the "good" ending. I'm Gonna have to go back an re-visit chapters making different decisions at some point... I was talking about Quantic's new game Beyond with one of the managers at a local GameStop and he gave me the issue of GameInformer that talks about it, concept sounds cool and holy fuck do the graphics look AMAZING!


For now though, my gf picked me up Uncharted 2 as a thank you for coming along to a wedding I really didn't wanna go to (I hate the groom)... So I think I'm gonna start up on that one soon, excited for it I've heard nothing but good about it and I really enjoyed the first one. After that I'll probably tackle MGS Peace Walker, as I have the HD collection but for some reason hadn't gotten to that one after re-playing MGS2 and 3...


Also when I get some more money (hoping to find a job soon after just moving) I really need to play Mass Effect 3, Dead Space 2, and Max Payne 3



If I have time/money I'd also like to give Skyrim a try

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I watch that video so much.













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I watch that video so much.















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Ugh Braid is beginning to affect my brain - The whole concept of the Back and Forward buttons on my browser became being able to undo and redo posted messages, and if I went in to an an unread thread then hit back would it remain read or unread, would new posts only be available if I pressed forward and if I pressed nothing would the board remain in stasis ?

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I'm still having fun in Dragon's Dogma. This is my third play through and I'm near the end. I decided to just farm killing the Ur-Dragon offline. I gained 2 levels from beating him once. I just got some items that give me double experience, so I'm gonna fight him over and over 'till I'm super powerful. Then the game will be a breeze and I'll get the platinum trophy. Great game.

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Okami HD has been announced for PS3 - 1080P visuals, remastered graphics - I never played the original game on PS2, so this is welcome news to me as the game looked visually stunning even then, I can't imagine what it will look like in HD.


The only thing that worries me is Capcom's HD remakes haven't been that good - Resident Evil 4's HD remake wasn't that good visually - hopefully they'll do a better job with this one or give it to a different developer to handle.

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Okami HD has been announced for PS3 - 1080P visuals, remastered graphics - I never played the original game on PS2, so this is welcome news to me as the game looked visually stunning even then, I can't imagine what it will look like in HD.


This is excellent news for those who have missed out on playing Okami. I finished the original game a few months ago and I must say I have rarely been so addicted to a video game (I spent around 3-4 hours per day on this in average).

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