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What video games are you currently playing?

Rubin Farr

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Guest Frankie5fingers

or you need to update your drives. when i first played Skyrim my lighting was really funky. i updated my drives and boom. the lighting was perfect.

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The shadow mapping in Skyrim can be quite blocky on long shadows, like those cast by terrain of buildings when the sun is low. There are some tweaks around to reduce this by simply reducing the maximum shadow map stretch distance, but this has obvious downsides as well. What bothered me too is that you can see the shadows transition very clearly every 5 seconds or so to update the day cycle. This can be tweaked to do the shadow updates continuously. Enabling SSAO in the Nvidia control panel is nice for most situations, but you can get some unwanted dark shadows in large caves with a lot of atmospheric effects.


I got my PS3 back so I'm playing some Dragon's Dogma. Flawed but very neat game. It should make babies with Skyrim.

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I am currently playing Batman: Arkham City. I like the game a lot, but I am a bit disappointed that it's fairly different from Arkham Asylum. The whole open world, freeform gameplay just doesn't feel quite as fun, and there are too many side quests that take you away from the main game. I don't know, it's just frustrating to me.

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Finished a lot of games recently


Batman: arkham Asylum - Great story, fun combat - the open world thing seems mostly wasted though but it does look gorgeously grim.


Max payne 2 - so much fun and so much frustration, save at the wrong point? fuck you, run out of ammo? want more painkillers? fuck you. haha


Alan Wake - Damn this game was good if a bit samey along the way but i liked that they focused on specific things and nailed them instead of trying to do too much and failing. Will play the follow up soon...alan wake overload atm.


Bastion - 2nd playthrough on NG+, shit is amazing, dat voiceover, dat story, dat soundtrack, dat combat. easily in my top 5.

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don't have enough money to get anything new for a while, so I started a new career in Fight Night Round 4...I don't think Ill ever be able to win any of these minigames or be able to win a single match on GOAT difficulty. HOw people can box that efficiently on this game Ill never know (I was a beast in Rd. 3 though.)

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I got my PS3 back so I'm playing some Dragon's Dogma. Flawed but very neat game. It should make babies with Skyrim.


Hey, add me on PSN and you can use my lvl 100+ pawn if you want. She should be able to help you through some tough spots. Her name right now is Meryl.

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Managed to platinum Dragon's Dogma moments ago. I had a blast playing this game. It has minor flaws and the pawn ai isn't that great, but it's fun as hell.


I guess I'll try to finish Crysis 2 now...

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Super Metroid is serious shit, don't take it lightly


Fo' real. I remember playing it on my laptop at a LAN party back in spring 2006, and some teenage kid looked at it and said, "what's that?"


Call it a generation gap, but still...

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Guest Adam

Finished 4th playtrough of Mass Effect 3 with the new DLC. It's quite good, leaves a much better taste after finishing the game. Also the new added ending is lol, fun. Now playing the 6th playrough of the first Mass Effect because I realised I've never played it as a female. Damn I love mass effect.

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The Walking Dead - Episode 2



That was great. These episodic Walking Dead games are turning into my favourite thing in gaming lately. I need more.

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The Walking Dead - Episode 2



That was great. These episodic Walking Dead games are turning into my favourite thing in gaming lately. I need more.


Agreed. Definitely the best game(s) I've played this year.

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The Walking Dead - Episode 2



That was great. These episodic Walking Dead games are turning into my favourite thing in gaming lately. I need more.


Agreed. Definitely the best game(s) I've played this year.


How are the jurassic park games? I have been thinking of picking up the collection on sale.

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The Walking Dead - Episode 2



That was great. These episodic Walking Dead games are turning into my favourite thing in gaming lately. I need more.


Agreed. Definitely the best game(s) I've played this year.


How are the jurassic park games? I have been thinking of picking up the collection on sale.


Not good. But don't take my word for it... watch it for yourself...


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apparently gamestop is having a buy 2 get 1 free sale....


im looking at the following:


Silent Hill HD Collection (im still holding out hope that they release that big patch soon)

MGS HD Collection

Dark Souls

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Uncharted I & II double pack

Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition (I think I might break down and get this...I fucking loved the vanilla version)

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Guest Frankie5fingers

apparently gamestop is having a buy 2 get 1 free sale....


im looking at the following:


Silent Hill HD Collection (im still holding out hope that they release that big patch soon)

MGS HD Collection

Dark Souls

Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Uncharted I & II double pack

Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition (I think I might break down and get this...I fucking loved the vanilla version)

id go Silent Hill and Deus Ex. really any combo with Deus Ex. but id suggest not getting Fallout. New Vegas was total crap Compared to the others. but thats me. id suggest playing it at a friends place or something before committing to actually buying. just to see if you really like it.
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Just picked up shadow of colossus HD on sale with ps+ summer sale, festival of blood, crysis. Also saw that gotham city imposters is free for ps+. Pick that one up if you have ps+ for sure, very fun multiplayer.

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