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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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I finally watched avator. I don't know what drugs were in those 3d glasses, but they must have been pretty good. Nice HD visuals, but it's the gayest computer game I never played.

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just saw avatar in 2d last night and the film aside.. it really doesn't work in 2d at all imo. the entire film seems to have been edited with 3d in mind.. either to show off the tech or give your eyes time to adjust.. etc. a lot of the shots feel strangely paced and awkward in 2d.

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total recall - 3boobs/3boobs

i remember watching this as a kid and the 3 boobs totally blew me away. best thing evar.


i think just about everyone in our age group and older can say that, even the gays.

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mayhap you have a cross-association with mystique


likely; Mystique and old Sally Three-tits were probably equally instrumental in shaping my nascent sexuality.

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Guest Fishtank

The Island



Very average in every way, not bad enough to turn off but not good enough to merit praise.

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Kick-Ass 6/10 Worth the watch, incredible action scenes and good dialogue, but the pacing was a little awkward.


Idiocracy 9/10 FUNNY AS SHIT! So many great quotes..

"It says on your chart that you're fucked up. You talk like a fag and your shit's all retarded."

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Exit Through The Gift Shop - 8/10



a documentary mostly filmed by an associate of Banksy's with all of the footage re-edited by Banksy.......


an odd film exploring the notion that not all people should be artists but that it is ok to be fascinated with it.....


a cautionary yet inspiring film


or a film that is a big joke and completely contrived by Banksy, a massive prank tossed into the film industry???


who knows?



it shows us some of the the brilliance behind the man that we know only as Banksy, keeping true to his credo, i.e. not revealing his identity, the film conveys an exuberant love for art which should be inspiring to any creative persons. To be better at whatever they do, no matter how grand or minimal their hobby may be. To exude true intense passion for what you love most about life.....be it beautiful or horribly disgusting


if you like Banksy's art.....


along with several other famous street artists....


you should see this....


One of the most original documentaries I have ever seen and I love it! :emotawesomepm9:



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Guest futuregirlfriend

Four Lions - Immediate thoughts: quite impressed. Better than some of the clips made it seem, though a few things I'm unsure about, funny dialogue that people will be repeating for months, good performances from the main characters. I bet it'll be out on DVD pretty soon like In The Loop, if it's not playing anywhere near you.

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This isn't a full length film, but I'm listing it anyway:


'Millennium Season 1'




I've finally completed all three seasons. Season one was the most gripping, horrifyingly intense television I've ever viewed. It lined up perfectly with the apex of my anxiety issues and alcoholism which further added impact to my fragile psyche.

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