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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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Blind Chance - 8/10. Polish film that was apparently banned when it was first released (early 80s I think). "Witek runs after a train. Three variations follow on how such a seemingly banal incident could influence the rest of Witek's life."

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Breaking Bad 1&2

Was comparing this with Dexter at first, but damn, this show is just incredible. Never expected it to be so good and even complex.

If it continues with this kinda climax I´m scared to watch season 3.

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Breaking Bad 1&2

Was comparing this with Dexter at first, but damn, this show is just incredible. Never expected it to be so good and even complex.

If it continues with this kinda climax I´m scared to watch season 3.


Season 3 is just as amazing. If not better.


I have a weird love/hate relationship with Dexter. I hate pretty much all the actors, I hate most of the characters (especially Vince Masuka - what the fuck were they thinking? And his fucking laughter! Fuck! Last episode he stood topless in his office while showing off his ridiculous tattoo on his back which then also revealed that he was wearing a leopard thong - he's like the Jar Jar of Dexter), the show is going absolutely nowhere, and still I keep watching it because season one and four were both great. Heck, season four was brilliant thanks to John Lithgow.

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Breaking Bad 1&2

Was comparing this with Dexter at first, but damn, this show is just incredible. Never expected it to be so good and even complex.

If it continues with this kinda climax I´m scared to watch season 3.


I've just started watching this as well, half way through season 2, it's awesome! Such an intense show!


The part in the first season where Walt is deciding what to do with Crazy 8 was so brilliantly written. It made you understand his plight perfectly.

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Tron (original) - 9/10 - such a good classic movie. Watching it again it's obvious just how much Disney was trying to ride the coattails of star wars, but Tron is a much better unique movie in and of itself than was Black-hole.

Sooooo sad the new one has such a bland modern hollywood CGI look. The CGI work in the original still stands up to what people expect today from visual effects, even the way they colorized the black and white footage is really impressive.

Jeff Bridges is great in it, and it's one of the only movies that David Warner get's a major role in. He's fucking awesome.

The tools for visual effects were so limited back then it really goes to show how it forces people to be creative and puzzle solving. With today's computer power, now things can always be left on the backburner for CGI post production. I think this is why the tron legacy look suffers so much. Instead of trying to do something unique, they wanted to just mute the colors and make it quasi resemble the original. I'm so tired of lazy color filtering in new movies.


watching Tron makes me want to watch Black-hole again, all i remember from it was Anthony perkin's hanging out with an R2D2 ripoff

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Guest Deep Fried Everything


Scenario fail.


1) The hallucinations. So the guy starts seeing weird stuff, the tension builds up, until the point where we discover that what should be another hallucination is not (the other Sam). And then, no more hallucinations, no point made about the hallucinations, and no more hallucinations until the end of the movie. Which leaves you thinking that they were only here to fill the film. Stupid.


2) The clone. No explanations (unless I missed something) are given about why he was waken up. The original Sam seems to have no clue as well. Stupid. If I missed something, pls explain.


3) Sam never tried to go out of the work zone. But finally, he does. He's been there for years, but only now he decides to go, freely, explore beyond the work zone. Stupid.


4) The company behind the operation (Lunar). We have absolutely no knowledge of the inner workings and conspiracy they set up. Just a super cliché videoconference. Stupid, again.


5) The ending: only a few lines about Sam's return on earth and a mention of the company going down 30% on the stock market. Who cares ? Stupid.


So yes, scenario fail, permanent Solaris-wannabee-ism (I'm not even comparing it to Trakovsky, but Moon makes Soderbergh look like a Genius) , and cheap effects for a 2010 film. Science fiction should be much more than this, think Blade Runner.

1. hallucinations - yeah, this wasn't really explained, but what keltoi wrote makes some sense.

2. the clone - he's obviously waken up because the previous one seemed "expired"

3+4+5 - i agree.


mostly, i was just annoyed by how people were raving about this being good sci-fi. for fucks sake, this story is an n-th rehash of the most overused "short story" plot. i can understand there was little/zero budget for the movie, but at least they could get a decent plot.


also, i thought the scenario was indeed confusing. among other things, it took me quite some time even to figure out the second guy was supposed to look the same (beard, etc...) - wtf how can you fuck that up??


watched this tonight, and i gotta say i agree generally with a few of the points above; did anyone else find it extraordinarily odd that the clones just see each other and DON'T intially quesiton wtf is up with, oh i don't know, the fact that there are clones?!? obviously things are different in the world of this movie, harvesting a hybrid helium from the moon, etc, but there were several things that just seemed off.


and many of the details concerning how the company relates to and controls the aspect of the operation on the moon have to be assumed to be structured in a certain way for the plot to come off sensibly. i buy the cold hard calculating "serve my master" or "serve the ultimate purpose" programming of the HAL 9000 over this empathetic computer.. it just seems liked the whole thing was primed for failure (for the company) from the beginning and the sam's pretty much just talked themselves into a solution that could have been easily avoided by the corporation. for being soulless, they're really kind of... dumb.


still great atmosphere, good score, and i liked the set design; very reminiscent of 2001 in parts. i'd give it a 6.5 or 7.

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I liked the music and set design, the rest was pretty damn stupid. As a mood piece it's allright.

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Halloween III: Season of the Witch - Love this one for nostalgic reasons and for the overall atmosphere so I'm not going to rate it as I can't really be objective about it. Great soundtrack. Nice eerie quality. Cheesy 80sness.



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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch

pollack 8/10

wow what a fucking dick. oh but hes a genius so we won't say anything. great filmmaking

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did anyone else find it extraordinarily odd that the clones just see each other and DON'T intially quesiton wtf is up with, oh i don't know, the fact that there are clones?!?


i really enjoyed Moon, mostly because of Sam Rockwell's acting but yeah what you mention here was my biggest gripe with the movie. I'm more of a primer kind of guy, where in that movie when the people faced their own clones it was such a terrifying prospect that they had to figure out ways to avoid them. i had recurring nightmares as a kid where i would see clones of myself or my family members.

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Nightmare on Elm Street (2010) - 0/10


This was a teen slasher, right? So where were all the titties and asses?

And how was it possible for the actors to be more monotonous than Hayden Christensen in Episode III?


i don't know, and what's with all modern 'gritty' movies having that shitty color filtered green/yellow look to them


the dream sequences in this movie were far less creative and good looking than any single of the original Nightmare films.


Oh yeah, that was another thing I was planning on bitching about. I fucking hate blue/orange movies!!!


Fuck you, Michael Bay.




And fuck the rest of you movie shit heads.



wow that was awesome

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28 weeks later/. good film

I also thought it was alright. And by alright I mean not a total disappointment when compared the brilliant 28 Days Later.

I hated the helicopter scene where Michael from Lost slashes all the infected with the rotor


Yuzzuh, That was one of the dumbest scenes I have ever seen besides intentionally B movies.


I agree, but IMOGEN POOTS

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two early ww flicks;

die angst des tormanns beim elfmeter (The Goalie's Anxiety at the Penalty Kick, from -72) 8

and as appertizer,.. silver city revisited ..(shortfilm from -69) 6


then, the seven-per-cent solution (-76), thats a sherlock holmes tale .. 6.5


and, lisztomania, [taglines, the erotic, exotic electrifying rock fantasy... it out-Tommy's TOMMY) .. 5.5


also, exit through the giftshop .. 7.5


finally, re-re-re-re-watched kaurismäkis' kauas pilvet karkaavat (drifting clouds) .. 10

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it was alright, though the "european art house" feel came across as a bit forced i think. 'specially the final scene.


6,8 / 10


love the poster though.

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it was alright, though the "european art house" feel came across as a bit forced i think. 'specially the final scene.


6,8 / 10


love the poster though.


It has been a good day for new releases :)

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