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A few films recently watched.

Guest Mirezzi

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch


crazy heart - pointless nothing of a story + no interesting characters + incosequential script + nothing much else + colin farrel = waste of 2 hours



i thought crazy heart was alright. i liked it better than you anyway. catchy country songs.

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Guest Benedict Cumberbatch



Fucking brilliant




audience reaction at the violence was lol. alot of gasps, groans, and "oh my god's." some dude even blurted out loud enough the theatre could hear "wow, anger management issues!" after the elevator scene.


I would have showed that mufu some real anger management issues because anyone who talks in a fucking theater is gonna get got


some motherfucker answered their phone when i saw moneyball. whispering at the back. the entire room turned about and went "go outside" and i said "come on". i felt silly


I thought Drive was well done & an interesting deconstruction of an action movie. Not the most entertained I've been watching a movie this summer (that would go to...uh, I dunno, Apes maybe), but def in the top bracket. Which doesn't mean I think Apes is a better movie than Drive but y'know.


i liked apes better. but i think that is based on potential and expectation. drive could have been great. apes should have been average.

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50/50 - a well-intentioned, well executed, well directed, well written dark and funny film. Nothing too original about he film though it made me happy. Felt very genuine and not too forced. 7.5/10

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Watched Devil's Double. Based on Uday Hussein's double Latif Yahia.


Uday was so bat-shit crazy and charismatic it was a very entertaining watch. The lead actor was very good (played Latif and Uday).


I give it a 7 or 8 out of 10. Some shit should have been cut out, like the lame love interest that was weak/probably false/couldn't act/uninteresting.


I also watched 30 minutes or less, entertaining, but I give it a 4/10. Too much lame-ass college humor in there.

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Guest disparaissant


wow this was good. it was made by herbert biberman and a couple of other people who were indicted in the first house unamerican activities committee for contempt of congress for refusing to confirm or deny their status as members of the communist party.

10/10, amazing it even got made.

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Guest Coalbucket PI

Taken. Pretty annoying right from the start. Liam Neeson's nose looks like it's been whittled out of a table leg. He kept going Irish when he was angry too. Terrible final scene, why do they need to shoehorn a stupid mawkish happy ending into it? She got rescued, that's the ending. Not Holly fucking Valance. Weak Bourne rip off drizzled in cheap tears.



Terminator Salvation. I really rather enjoyed it, to my surprise. Maybe I had low expectations. The worst thing was the catchphrases being thrown in. I maybe could have allowed Come With Me If You Want To Live, but the I'll Be Back was so stupid. She basically said to him 'what should I say to people if they ask if you will return?', it was like Bale had tried to walk out of the scene without saying the line and they had to make the other actor force it out of him. Anyway it was a good terminator story, that glitchy sound the robots made was joyous. I don't really know, it was just fun action and I think I might have pumped the air with my fist when Arnie bust through the drywall.

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Transformers3 -∞/10


What awful shit. The first was already petering on the edge of the abyss, the second was in freefall and this third crashed and burned. I did not care for a second what happened on the screen. Big robots crashing into things and breaking shit...big yawn. Awful pacing and paper thin plot and characters. And yet it made millions and Bay will produce an awful turd of a movie again that people will gobble up for reasons I cannot fathom.

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I watched the first transformers film and was so immediately horrified and disappointed that i haven't even considered the 2nd or 3rd film. I don't really understand why people bother watching them.

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I watched the first transformers film and was so immediately horrified and disappointed that i haven't even considered the 2nd or 3rd film. I don't really understand why people bother watching them.

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Dream House - 3/10 - should have been named Out House, because I walked out and it is a steaming pile of shit filled with shit. A weak copy of Shutter Island, and I am not a huge fan of that film either. They suckered me in with Naomi Watts, don't fall for the trap.

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i watched a dvdscr of driver and angelo badalamenti was on the soundtrack credits wtf

i also read that this version of the movie is missing some scenes and doesn't have the same sound editing...


apparently its a work print. yeah the sound is off which is a shame because the music in some of the scenes is so perfect.


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I thought Drive was well done & an interesting deconstruction of an action movie. Not the most entertained I've been watching a movie this summer (that would go to...uh, I dunno, Apes maybe), but def in the top bracket. Which doesn't mean I think Apes is a better movie than Drive but y'know.

yeah. i saw apes twice. i saw drive once.

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I watched the first transformers film and was so immediately horrified and disappointed that i haven't even considered the 2nd or 3rd film. I don't really understand why people bother watching them.


Stockholm syndrome?

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