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Autechre - Oversteps (WARP210) [The MegaThread]

Friendly Foil

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too many nights spent with oversteps and keiji haino produces things like

this on guitar


saw him live in cologne in 06... awe-inspiring does not even begin to describe his presence! ace set, too, featured a wide array of his styles, guitar//solo vocal/"choir"//electronics (with some kinda sensor pads, worked dat shit like mickey in fantasia)... a fond memory, indeed.

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Guest bardamu

that's really awesome. fretless bass too?


thanks! nope, just a detuned string and a particularly plosive fingerpicking technique. im compiling all these derek bailey-esque guitar haikus for release sometime soon... just pm me if you'd like to hear more.


@jaderpansen, yeah, I saw keiji haino this year in tokyo, playing with a rock trio reminiscent of fushitsusha. amazing performance. I have most of his voluminous catalogue, though I've probably only listened with dedication to half. his vocal performance is even more satisfying if you understand japanese, too. in fact, ive been meaning to write a post in the main forum dedicated to what i think are kinships in musical composition and ideas between ae's more experimental work and people like keiji haino. i have no real revelatory insight, just thought it would be appreciated by some ae fans. oh, and i think the theremin-like thing youre taking about are those alesis airfx units. he released a cd in 2006 or 2007 chronicling a performance with those... its pretty interesting if not a little gimmicky in places.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i don't know if this has been talked about but that fact that known1 sounds asian and the circle image of the release, looks/is an asian thing. maybe known1 is like the THEME song of the record, and the rest of the tracks , being somewhat ambient are like what that image and feeling inspired.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I'm addicted to the way Treale makes your ears feel on headphones


better on a proper system -- my k701s can produce it ok but no where near as good as speakers with a large 1"+ tweeter + solid midrange


wails on speakers


and in my car it sounsd fuking atrociously distorted lol

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  • 2 weeks later...

i've been listening to oversteps while i sleep. it's nice to fall asleep to and when i wake up and hear it i feel like i have a better understanding of it. i think it's some subliminal thing , that i'm hearing it and figuring it out while i sleep.

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i've been listening to oversteps while i sleep. it's nice to fall asleep to and when i wake up and hear it i feel like i have a better understanding of it. i think it's some subliminal thing , that i'm hearing it and figuring it out while i sleep.


Autechre music is generally perfect to sleep. Especially Eggshell, which I now just can't hear without falling asleep. And your thing about the subliminal thing is sooooo true, I dunno, it's like being asleep and awake at the same time, with only this heavenly music getting you from a state to the other in a subtle transition.


God, Oversteps makes me write poetry. It's really that beautiful !

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the thing is i have it set so every time i wake up oversteps comes on and my boyfriend gives me the biggest bj in the world and there's so much cum that i go back to sleep, exhausted. at that point the album plays (b/c the bj was only like 10 secs) while i sleep and when i wake up the bf blows me again until he is blinded with cum, slumbering afterwards in a veritable liquid-cum mattress. then i have to get up to listen to all of the autechre records i own (i own 16 copies of amber and i have to listen to each copy, which is a long time). i have to text sean booth when i finish "nil" for the 4th time and he always texts back "hey, that's a lol right there watmm ftw" which is soooo frustrating. but i have to. anyway, i always put other lps into the amber sleeves so it takes forever sorting through the joni mitchell, billy joel, speedy j, faust, etc sleeves trying to find amber again but whatever i don't care i could care less. i use technics 1204s which are really cool because they are the standard. when i'm about 6 repeats of amber in i usually ignite a spliff with weed and smoke that stuff, and then the music starts to make a lot of sense and i can see why they did this album. honestly, at this point the cover looks so cool. is that a beach? with white sand? WTF MAN? i can totally imagine them recording the music there!!! i always skip over those two tracks without beats, i mean come on this isn't a fucking eno album for fuck's sake. when i'm at like repeat 11 i always put on headphones and smoke more k and stuff which makes it seem so much more cinematic, i can just literally see the soundscapes because it's like synthasthesia (eh? eh?) and at this point rob still has long hair like me so i imagine us laughing because we have to share pony tail holders and stuff, it's like we're first meeting but we're bonding and it's cool and i just know that years later i'll be helping them paint nord micro-modulars with a sharpy, i just fucking know how sweet that day will be. sean is always kind of an ass but he's such a genius and i can get him in that way. i think he realizes this. when i'm at listen 14 it's like i'm really high and it's so much fun and i can visualize their whole career: long-haired rob reaching over the surface of the ensoniq eps, sean adjusting the knobs on a nord lead 2 while the alesis mmt8s shoot out ae midi data like magic, the both of them bathing in the glow of a g3 powerbook with its upside down logo, the elektrons of the untilted era...OMG it's getting so intense and i really don't feel like a fan boy, i honestly feel like i am kind of just like them and if i could just spend more time in the studio i could make stuff they would hear and be like "this guy, he's our favorite. we really feel like he gets the whole thing. where can we meet him?" and i'll totally like refer to them in my tracks with names like "y r u here?" and "drane too" and stuff and they'll just be like "lol man this cat is fresh" which feels really good to me. i'll totally like reference their melodies too sometimes. then i'm on the final track of the final copy of amber and i'm so stoned. this whole time i'm sleeping though and i'm listening to oversteps b/c it's so real to just play it when i'm asleep and i'm having lucid dreams.

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Does anyone have the link to that recent post-oversteps interview with Ian Anderson of TDR?? I remember reading it but can't find it.


Specifically I'm looking for where he talks about the font used- and really really really want to find/download this font..

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Does anyone have the link to that recent post-oversteps interview with Ian Anderson of TDR?? I remember reading it but can't find it.


Specifically I'm looking for where he talks about the font used- and really really really want to find/download this font..

i had a look, all i could find so far was this:



i don't think that's what you're after though, right?



edit: oh, this might be the one:


Edited by modey
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Ah! That wasn't it but something in your post jogged my memory and I found it:



The typeface is Replica, so question now is... does anyone have it and care to share?


edit; haha yep you found it

Edited by Marked x 0ne
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The typeface is Replica, so question now is... does anyone have it and care to share?



It's over 300 quid for the whole collection, so if someone does find a cheeky copy it please don't put the link up on here cos of the whole copyright shenanigans an' that ...

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  • 4 weeks later...



HAPPY BIRTHDAY OVERSTEPS. You're one year old, but you still sounds as fresh as the first days.

I remember running with you under the rain in town, coz I was late for my math lesson. So much memories, only good ones.


I gave you another listen today and was amazed still. I love you Oversteps. See you March, 22nd 2012.

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