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VHS Head - Trademark Ribbons of Gold

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well, i haven't look, but i believe there might be some wicked dance floor remixes of this, will look


what i miss is what i miss in jackson sometimes, hi hats and cymbals suporting the actual booom pfffff, it's pretty stupid, but it is what i miss lol

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this page does not at all agree with me.


1. helikopter string quartet - i don't consider it gimmicky - it seems like a work of art that is out to hone in on a specific feeling. i think it's basically pure genius and i understood where it was coming from the second i heard it.


2. this album is very simple to understand and "get." in a way, it's pop music - at least to somebody who is aware of how far out music can get. like i said, the concept of taking loads of sources and samples and turning them into something coherent and crazy is really great. i don't really care for this version of that concept though.


3. glitch music on the other hand - why does that word bring so much hate? some great stuff under that "genre."

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Am i the only one who thinks oscillik sounds like a parody of a genre-nazi music nerd?


This isn't music that you "get" or "don't get". It's not difficult in a Stockhausen kind of way (the Helicopter Quartet discussions are utterly confusing to see in this thread).

This is just music that you "like" or "don't like" (or are indifferent to, for that matter).


Seriously. How is VHS Head conceptual? Some sort of pop deconstruction? lol seriously, come on. This is sample-heavy glitch music with baroque (borderline-wank) flourishes...which is why

this sounds like [...] jackson [...]

is an understandable point of reference (especially regarding the borderline-wank flourishes)

Edited by KY
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You can't equate liking something to getting it, and not insult those who don't like it. Keep such antics in the Autechre subforum where they belong.


I don't know if I "get" it, but I neither love or hate it. It has its moments but on the whole it sounds like a fatiguing mediocrity fest to my ears.

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You can't equate liking something to getting it, and not insult those who don't like it. Keep such antics in the Autechre subforum where they belong.


I don't know if I "get" it, but I neither love or hate it. It has its moments but on the whole it sounds like a fatiguing mediocrity fest to my ears.

okay, bad use of language on my part.


i meant the statement in the exact same way as someone would say "you either like it or you don't"

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Guest cult fiction

i've heard a few other soundclouds and artists that've been rumoured or suggested to being vhs head. this soundcloud i am absolute convinced. some of the songs have edits which sound rather identical /incredibly similar to that on the album. plus, i'm getting the same HOLY FUUUUCK reaction to these tracks. thanks heaps for posting, this stuff's fucken wicked.


This is probably jazz(maybe even for this thread) but if you look at Kris Blacow's soundcloud he has this:


Most of the tracks here are the product of a project I've been working on with Neil Scrivin and VHS Head over the past 6 years. In 2004 we were all suffering from motivation issues when it came to writing tracks, so we devised an idea... create an album a month every month for a year, at the end of the month we'd all sit together and listen to each others tracks, and basically, praise/criticise them after one listen.


What we didn't expect was how competitive this way of working would become, with each of us trying to outdo each other month after month, of course we burn out after about 7 albums every year, but it has helped us write a LOT of music over the past 6 years, most of the stuff on this account is a product of this work practice: the tracks are fairly lacking in detail, and often unfinished as I scrape through the self imposed deadlines.


6 years * ~7 albums * ~30 min. = 21 hours of VHS head material :braindance:

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this thread has reached it's tipping point


it's been fatally wounded but it just can't seem to stop struggling, unwilling to accept its fate ... :sad:



ps: album of the year nonetheless


Dont be so retarded. Anyone who thinks that there was no good music in 2010 is a fucking moron.

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You can't equate liking something to getting it, and not insult those who don't like it. Keep such antics in the Autechre subforum where they belong.


I don't know if I "get" it, but I neither love or hate it. It has its moments but on the whole it sounds like a fatiguing mediocrity fest to my ears.


Bang on the money.

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One of my favorite aotys. I think it's too long -- I can't get through it all in one listen usually -- so last time I listened I decided to figure out which songs I would cut if I were doing a shorter release, but then every song that came on, I was like, 'This one's awesome! I can't cut this one out!,' thereby leaving every song on the album lol

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