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$36 mil. US  gross. 


Uh-oh. Poor Ridley...


But $81,881,862 overseas...



Wasn't sure what overseas was.


pretty much broke even then? thought the movie cost $100mil. Will there be a sequels???

Edited by olo
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$36 mil. US gross.


Uh-oh. Poor Ridley...

But $81,881,862 overseas...
Wasn't sure what overseas was.


pretty much broke even then? thought the movie cost $100mil. Will there be a sequels???

Yes. Four more to be exact.






Well, when the studio's bottom line comes into play, they may be hiding their wallets from Ridley if Covenant doesn't perform well. Prometheus made $400 mil. I guess it will hit the $200 maybe 300 mark, so sadly...yes.

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^ lol



I'm waiting for the leak, I've decided to stop spending my monies to see shit I know I'm going to hate.

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I'm waiting for the leak, I've decided to stop spending my monies to see shit I know I'm going to hate.

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Some of their qualms are legit (how the fuck does David have growing hair?) and some are just them being dicks, but that's expected.


This is out everywhere now, right? Spoilers ahead:






David is implied to create the 'original' alien (xenomorph) but with a bit of thought we see that he's not creating them so much as refining them and their life cycle. And the RLM guys miss/ignore that second part, they point out the alien life cycle is kinda silly, which makes some sense either way you look at it: a normal part of the destruction/creation properties of the magicblackgoo OR a refined beast that a looney android wants to be daddy to. The creature and its life cycle are totally convoluted and harsh and pretty ridiculous but it makes for fun movies so who cares.


It would've been more interesting to me to see the alien's origins have a much more realistic tone, because no matter how we interpret anything given, it all goes back to magicblackgoo which is just a bullshit story device.

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What a stupid thing to complain about, if his grows it's because their hair can grow!

You think engineering something to grow hair is going to be more difficult than strong AI? lol

Edited by caze
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David cuts his hair in Prometheus, styles it like Marx Bros era cinema. His hair was pure comedy.

His hair was pure comedy then too, you're right. Did he cut it? I remember him dyeing it, but I don't remember if he cut it or not.


What a stupid thing to complain about, if his grows it's because their hair can grow!

You think engineering something to grow hair is going to be more difficult than strong AI? lol

Of course they could make hair grow if they can create an entire freaking android. But why, that's the thing, it seems totally unnecessary? Up until Walter I don't think I'd seen an android in this universe that can 'grow' anything though...

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Yeah, I enjoyed the film.


The film was flawed, but the pacing was fast and loose and that ended up working really well for what I feel they were going for. Not that I'm a film buff, but I can't think of anything that Ridley's ever done that was even close to that intensity. It makes me wonder how much his second unit (I think I'm using that term correctly?) directors and others, particularly the editor, are showing their touch. It obviously would likely all be guided by the director himself, but nonetheless, it stuck me as uncharacteristic in a lot of the tone and presentation. I think I'll probably see the flaws a lot more on subsequent viewings, but that's just a guess. Prometheus its flaws and complications as its soul, but I managed to come away generally enjoying that movie as well. This one seems to be trying to make less mistakes in that vein, but is all still reliant upon the one big silly conceit that just irks me no matter what, the McGuffin (I think it's called that???) of magicblackgoo that does anything and everything. 


The religious shit felt forced. The David/Walter scenes seemed padded to keep Fassbender/Scott happy, though they were generally good. The last escape with Daniels thrown around the outside of the ship while Tennessee drove was generally fun but definitely silly. The premise of stopping and acting like they did when landing upon this otherwise entirely secret and unknown planet that had life on it somehow was totally ridiculous (unless this Engineer planet somehow shielded itself from broadcasting all information of its existence until they were all killed and then the planet-hiding machines stopped working?!?!?1 lol). David 'talking' to the alien creatures somehow was occasionally riveting but made no sense at all. The David-pretending-to-be-Walter at the end was seen from a mile away and imo uninteresting. It would've been much better to let it actually be Walter but see what those seeds of dissent David implanted in his mind lead to. Now David is just evil and that's not very intriguing to me.


I'll enjoy watching this multiple times when it's out on DVD/streaming/whatever. May go to the theater again to see it even who knows. 3 and a half Brilliant!s out of 5.

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The David-pretending-to-be-Walter at the end was seen from a mile away and imo uninteresting. It would've been much better to let it actually be Walter but see what those seeds of dissent David implanted in his mind lead to. Now David is just evil and that's not very intriguing to me.


this. 100%

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Yeah, I enjoyed the film.


The film was flawed, but the pacing was fast and loose and that ended up working really well for what I feel they were going for. Not that I'm a film buff, but I can't think of anything that Ridley's ever done that was even close to that intensity. It makes me wonder how much his second unit (I think I'm using that term correctly?) directors and others, particularly the editor, are showing their touch. It obviously would likely all be guided by the director himself, but nonetheless, it stuck me as uncharacteristic in a lot of the tone and presentation. I think I'll probably see the flaws a lot more on subsequent viewings, but that's just a guess. Prometheus its flaws and complications as its soul, but I managed to come away generally enjoying that movie as well. This one seems to be trying to make less mistakes in that vein, but is all still reliant upon the one big silly conceit that just irks me no matter what, the McGuffin (I think it's called that???) of magicblackgoo that does anything and everything. 


The religious shit felt forced. The David/Walter scenes seemed padded to keep Fassbender/Scott happy, though they were generally good. The last escape with Daniels thrown around the outside of the ship while Tennessee drove was generally fun but definitely silly. The premise of stopping and acting like they did when landing upon this otherwise entirely secret and unknown planet that had life on it somehow was totally ridiculous (unless this Engineer planet somehow shielded itself from broadcasting all information of its existence until they were all killed and then the planet-hiding machines stopped working?!?!?1 lol). David 'talking' to the alien creatures somehow was occasionally riveting but made no sense at all. The David-pretending-to-be-Walter at the end was seen from a mile away and imo uninteresting. It would've been much better to let it actually be Walter but see what those seeds of dissent David implanted in his mind lead to. Now David is just evil and that's not very intriguing to me.


I'll enjoy watching this multiple times when it's out on DVD/streaming/whatever. May go to the theater again to see it even who knows. 3 and a half Brilliant!s out of 5.

I think that's a fair summary of my criticisms as well. 

Edited by Bulk VanderHooj
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amazing movie thats Scifi ! forgot to breath towards the end . but yeah some very silly scenes too.



I think you'll like The Arrival



cool never heard of that movie will try :)

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Finally saw this. Even with tempered expectations I thought it was subpar... half decent sf horror half terrible hodgepodge of what the fuck stupidity... I dunno. Gotta let it simmer a bit but the alien-cam was unforgivable.

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