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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Just discovered what alpha-PVP is (aka flakka) and now I'm scared. Heard it's like bath salts on steroids.

Why not just stick to weed? I just don't understand the appeal of synthetic drugs.

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I want to start carving wood to entertain myself on slow days, but I also don't necessarily want to invest $17 in a good carving knife, because money is something that I'm low on at the moment.


Also, I want to travel to Peru anytime in the future through any method other than flying because flying skips the entire fun part of traveling and replaces it with a horrible experience that isn't the least bit pleasant. I know someone who hitch hiked pretty successfully across the country and back, so that's looking like my only option. I'd like to visit a new continent that I've never seen before, and South America is both interesting and somewhat close, and I also have relatives in Peru, so that makes it even more exciting.

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I want to start carving wood to entertain myself on slow days, but I also don't necessarily want to invest $17 in a good carving knife, because money is something that I'm low on at the moment.


I've been the same way about painting for the past few months. The upside is that I've been writing more instead, I guess.

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Music and writing have gotten too stressful for me, so I'd like to start woodworking to take the edge off of those other two. I like the idea of having to invest a lot of time slowly working at every project. It seems like a very relaxing art form, and it's a good excuse to get out of the house and spend time in nature, with myself and the trees.

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is wrestling with buying a physical product from a musician you respect, or going digital a first world problem? bc it seems really inconsequential to me, but i feel guilty none the less.

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Got a new apartment, been here for about a week, I've already managed to lose my housekeys. It's going to be expensive as hell to get new ones and a new lock.


Story of my life. I need to step the fuck up, I lose valuable belongings all the time.

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We've been opening the new retail cannabis store while simultaneously still running the medical co-op until the state makes that convert too. I've been less in the gardens and more in the stores lately as my underlings have really stepped up and helped me to be more free to move about the other stuff... Days of setting up menu systems, display stands, contacting advertising avenues, interviewing people (although they're all cute girls mostly...)... It just makes me realize how little I like interacting with the general public. Been at the medical co-op a few days a week for the last few weeks and I cannot stand over half the people that come in. We have close to 25-30% REAL cannabis 'patients' and the rest are just a bunch of bums living off state/federal money, crazy people, dudes with no jobs coming in every day buying weed even though they have kids... it's straight pathetic most of the times and I have to smile and pretend I want to see them.


Fucking sick of being a bartender/therapist to these people. I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT YOUR DAY is all I wish I could say when I'm being ear-raped by someone when I'm trying to get them to leave. Only a few more months before they are ran by our hires and I can never interact with another customer for a while. I want to go back to the gigantic rooms and greenhouses filled with dirt and plants and collect my percentage off the stores. Nobody talks to me aside from my bosses and friends when I'm out in the garden(s), I can play my own music choices over the speakers and do what I love doing.


(end rant)





Got a new apartment, been here for about a week, I've already managed to lose my housekeys.



Always make a few copies of your house key and keep them in places like your desk at work, backpack, inside the house, friend that you trust. I'm sorry to hear that man, but don't get too down on yourself, it only makes it more difficult to start doing the 'right' things.



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Got a new apartment, been here for about a week, I've already managed to lose my housekeys. It's going to be expensive as hell to get new ones and a new lock.


Story of my life. I need to step the fuck up, I lose valuable belongings all the time.

Can you install a new lockset or deadbolt yourself? You probably don't need super high end hardware, it shouldn't be all that expensive unless you hire a contractor to remove some screws for you...

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Got a new apartment, been here for about a week, I've already managed to lose my housekeys.



Always make a few copies of your house key and keep them in places like your desk at work, backpack, inside the house, friend that you trust. I'm sorry to hear that man, but don't get too down on yourself, it only makes it more difficult to start doing the 'right' things.




Yeah, luckily I kept an extra key hidden somewhere. But I have no idea where they have gone, I have literally looked everywhere now, so I don't know if they've stolen or it is simply me being clumsy and losing them. So I have to get new locks regardless.


But right now my apartment is freely available for entering if they actually have been stolen since I'm not home, the locksmith haven't contacted me for the change yet, it's a bit nerve-wracking tbh.


Haha thanks, but right now I'm quite a bit annoyed with myself, that will go over though.



Got a new apartment, been here for about a week, I've already managed to lose my housekeys. It's going to be expensive as hell to get new ones and a new lock.


Story of my life. I need to step the fuck up, I lose valuable belongings all the time.

Can you install a new lockset or deadbolt yourself? You probably don't need super high end hardware, it shouldn't be all that expensive unless you hire a contractor to remove some screws for you...



Well, it's part of an locking system for entire apartment block, so I probably shouldn't try to do it myself. Pretty sure I'm not allowed, but thanks for the tip anyway.


If anybody knows any tracking devices you can buy that's useful for tracking lost keys for my next keyset, please give a recommendation. Most I've looked at has gotten poor reviews, maybe they're not even worth it?

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I pretty spent the entire day yesterday trying to find them and backtracking with no luck, I think I have to conclude that they're gone.


But a pair keys just disappearing out of the thin air like that, I'm starting to think they've might been stolen tbh.

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