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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I ate someone else's partially eaten burger for the first time in my life tonight (we're talking 75% of that burger), in addition to my own burger. Both were giant gourmet burgers with things like chorizo, goat cheese, tortilla "strings" and god knows what else. Also, salad and fries. I weigh literally half as much as the next guy (and I don't use literally figuratively). If I explode in my sleep, it's been nice knowing you all. :catsob:

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I hate to tell you this people, but...the average person doesn't really know who Aphex Twin is. Sorry, but thems the facts.


i know right? i was at the waitrose checkout the other day buying my weekly intake of kale and almond milk, and made a really funny joke about the beeping sound sounding like one of the ones from sythacon 9 and the checkout assistant didn't have a clue what i was on about. so i was like "you wot m8? that was toplel" and proceeded to throw kale all over them followed shortly by the almond milk.

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I hate to tell you this people, but...the average person doesn't really know who Aphex Twin is. Sorry, but thems the facts.

i know right? i was at the waitrose checkout the other day buying my weekly intake of kale and almond milk, and made a really funny joke about the beeping sound sounding like one of the ones from sythacon 9 and the checkout assistant didn't have a clue what i was on about. so i was like "you wot m8? that was toplel" and proceeded to throw kale all over them followed shortly by the almond milk.

the phones my managers used to use at barnes & noble made the exact telephone ringing sound from that mental drukqs track (might be taking control) and the first time i heard it it freaked me out a fair bit

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I hate to tell you this people, but...the average person doesn't really know who Aphex Twin is. Sorry, but thems the facts.

i know right? i was at the waitrose checkout the other day buying my weekly intake of kale and almond milk, and made a really funny joke about the beeping sound sounding like one of the ones from sythacon 9 and the checkout assistant didn't have a clue what i was on about. so i was like "you wot m8? that was toplel" and proceeded to throw kale all over them followed shortly by the almond milk.

the phones my managers used to use at barnes & noble made the exact telephone ringing sound from that mental drukqs track (might be taking control) and the first time i heard it it freaked me out a fair bit


there was a door at work which when it shut sounded exactly like one of the noises from dark steering. then they fixed it. :sleep:

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My vintage receiver is going out. No surprise, but I'm not going to enjoy buying a new one. This one had cool weighted knobs.

what sorta receiver? if its a nice one you could fix it/get it fixed.



It's a Pioneer SX-750 (from 1976 or '77) that I found on the street.




It was working fine for a couple years, but now the left channel will go out intermittently.

Makes it pretty hard to mix my music...

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My father's had a lot of those Pioneer receivers over the years. He would buy them off Craigslist, do some restoration on them, and sell them for at least twice as much as he payed. I remember them being heavy as hell. He could probably tell you how to fix it, as well.

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Just registered at the unemployment office while hitting my head on the desk multiple times. My former school fucked me, which caused every uni I applied for to fuck me. I've rarely ever felt shittier really.

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cellulitis free


breath easy right lower leg, you're safe for now


For IDM purposes and tax writeoffs I say we get you a kickstarter to give you one of these. You'd have to go to every bangface after then so you can blow up watermelons on cue tho...



In all seriousness tho - glad to hear you're making progress and doing better, mech-suit or not.

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some douchenozzle has decide to join these forums as "gh0st", and post in a thread i've been actively posting in... not cool, bro. not cool.



I saw that actually. I wonder if one of the mods can change it to prevent confusion.

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theres no cream left and my kid bro made the most delicious strawberry tart/cobbler thing my fair gob has ever sampled earlier


do i go to 24hr spar, in the cold, trippin stoned, for about 5 spoons of pudding w/cream or do i sulk n wish ill of the world


neither - vape time

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My vintage receiver is going out. No surprise, but I'm not going to enjoy buying a new one. This one had cool weighted knobs.

what sorta receiver? if its a nice one you could fix it/get it fixed.



It's a Pioneer SX-750 (from 1976 or '77) that I found on the street.




It was working fine for a couple years, but now the left channel will go out intermittently.

Makes it pretty hard to mix my music...



My parents have one of these! Aaaaand it also has the same channel problem. But it was good right up into the mid-00's (they've had it for longer than I've existed).

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Our office cat @ work has had a stinky ass for a long time. I spritzed a puff of hospital disinfectant at her anus while her tail was up and she immediately leaped off my coworker's lap. But apparently that didn't help either.

I can't think of any way to clean her up without making her go full-on postal. It would be up to someone with a gentle touch I guess.

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My vintage receiver is going out. No surprise, but I'm not going to enjoy buying a new one. This one had cool weighted knobs.

what sorta receiver? if its a nice one you could fix it/get it fixed.



It's a Pioneer SX-750 (from 1976 or '77) that I found on the street.




It was working fine for a couple years, but now the left channel will go out intermittently.

Makes it pretty hard to mix my music...



My parents have one of these! Aaaaand it also has the same channel problem. But it was good right up into the mid-00's (they've had it for longer than I've existed).


if jiggling the speaker cable for that channel makes the signal come back then it's just a solder joint has become loose. just need to heat that joint up and reflow the solder and it should be all good.

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Swaddle in a rolled up towel with arse exposed, go at feline cat anus with wet wipes.

Spoken with the authority that can only come from experience.


My FWP: bought new trousers, upon wearing them for work, discovered they're a bit short.

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