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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Sometime in the past few months someone (here or CHATMM Discord) turned me on to TheReportOfTheWeek on YT and at first I was taken by the strangeness but now I actually watch his reviews for the reviews themselves. At least mostly.

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Sometime in the past few months someone (here or CHATMM Discord) turned me on to TheReportOfTheWeek on YT and at first I was taken by the strangeness but now I actually watch his reviews for the reviews themselves. At least mostly.

I just watched the Hardee's chicken biscuit one. That guy is so calm. I want to be that calm.

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farted really loud during a work related, cross national, 3-way video conference today. i was sure that the not so great audio quality of the transmission would garble it enough to make it sound unrecognizable, as a random interference of sorts, and so i didn't bother doing any effort to conceal it. but it's possible that this was a mistake as there was a short but pronounced pause in the talk of one of the colleagues after i broadcasted the fart.


Make me wonder how many of ya'll have been sampling farts and mangling the audio up for your EKT tracks without ever realizing it.

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Not sure if this is a problem or a success, anyway. Currently at a terrible conference listening buzzword preachers trying to motivate dumb people, thankfully there is an active mic'd acoustic guitar on stage that keeps resonating as people speak,so there's this endless harmonic drone going in the background. I'm mostly paying attention to that.

They turned off the mic. Two hours to go.
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I went to a thing at Cafe Oto that was David Toop and Evan Parker playing field recordings from the 60s of trad african music, which was lush.




I'll just paste what I was saying in chat:


oh christ, I just remembered there was a fucking infuriating pretentious american prick to my left

with his gf I assume
he made me think so much of lopez
guy in his 20s with that tousled fringe going on


his gf had a giant red coat and a gigantic black hat with feathers sticking out the back
and in the interval
he was lecturing his gf and her female friend
I could just hear
"*vocal fry* mumble mumble EXPERIMENTAL MUSIC mumble mumble *smug tone* mumble APHEX TWIN"
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I hate dealing with the public directly or with any oral communication. Any verbal communication I'd rather do strictly by text, email, or messaging. I'd probably be better off without vocal chords. And I wish I could be a hermit 24/7.

I'm probably borderline autistic or have Ass Burgers or something. But this has been bugging me in the back of my mind for eternity.

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think it's a watmm prerequisite. i for one love the fact that people make websites for ordering things without talking to no-one at all. socialising without being social. etc. forums 4 lyf. fuyck you real life

spiral: cafe oto is a strange entity. on one hand, never go there, you will become one of them. on the other hand, how will they become one of us without it?


/thinking face

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they might already have done a collectivized Graham Bond by putting their magic on you






I went to a thing at Cafe Oto that was David Toop and Evan Parker playing field recordings from the 60s of trad african music, which was lush.




envious face

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Had to suffer through a pseudo intellectual douche bag last night. Kept drinking so I wouldn't say anything rude. Hung over as fuuuuuck right now.

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He kept asking me shit that I didn't know anything about just to hear me say "yeah, I don't know, man" and then mansplain the fuck out of it.

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