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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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Man that's a sad story, I feel you. Hope the next lil hog you see is an alive and happy one.


When I was a kid and playing with the neighborhood kids one afternoon, we came across a little family of hedgehogs.

We were fascinated by them and wanted to take care of them so we made a cozy little nest for them from a cardboard box filled with hay complete with a little opening.


After carefully lifting them into their new home, we thought they'd like something to drink so we put a saucer of milk down to them.

We then went home for the evening and when we came back to check on our small friends the next day things did not look good. One of the small ones was dead and the others seemed sickly.

All sad and disheartened we took them out into the woods and let them go, then buried the dead one in my friend's garden and made a little cross for him.

Years later i found out that milk is poisonous for them :/

It isn't a summer until I've spotted a Hedgehog. Loved those dim late summer evenings when had the last cig for a day and quite often spotted a hedgehog toddling somewhere close. Didn't really seem to mind as long as I didn't move since sometimes they walked almost over my feet. Maybe should start smoking again....really would love to (today's FWP #1)


Never had any built nests, although some people here have built some wooden boxes for them. For some reason they just like to hang in the garden under woodpiles etc. Never given any milk, but had to put a little bowel of water for animals outside since it's really dry now here thanks to the heatwave which has lasted over a month (today's FWP #2). btw happened to spot today that someone had made these cardboard notifications and put them along the driveways requesting to keep an eye for hodges, so they won't accidentally drive over them. Yay, one point for humanity.

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I cooked bacon in my cabin about 5 hours ago, and now the whole place stinks like rancid bacon fat even though I had both the window and door open for almost that entire time AND I removed the pan from the cabin hours ago.  I'm not sure I'm going to be able to sleep, because there's something about this specific odour that's really hard to ignore.  It's a smell that simply won't blend into the background.

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surely the MDMA woe Cryptowen is currently having is proof enough that sympathomimetic hedonism has a really short shelf life

yeah if anything this summer & my ongoing season of hermeticism & the repeated letdowns of my (increasingly infrequent) flirtations with the party scene (and not even dramatic letdowns, just "oh, that was disappointing, expensive, and it fucked my routine up for several days after") all seem to be inviting me to truly internalize the idea that that lifestyle has had its time. With the period of life I'm entering currently (late 20s to Mid 30s lets say) I want nothing more than to focus on developing myself & building a career that supports me & that I can feel proud of. I want to be disciplined. I want to live as spartanly as I can. I want to go as far as I can with the things that I'm passionate about. I want to make explicit commitment to the stance of not hunting for meaning in others, not pursuing unhealthy codependent romances (with people or with lifestyles).


When I come out the other end of this tunnel in several years time healthy, disciplined, and making bank doing something that only I can do, that I would have been doing each day for free anyway - that's when I'll think about pursuing relationships or travelling the world or whatever youthful romanctic adventure ideas are still floating around my head at that point. Because right now the grind & the idea of bringing my vision into the world seem like the most exciting things I could be doing, and all that other stuff seems like distorted reflections from funhouse mirrors held by top hat wearing charlatans, or the hypnotists of idealogical consumerism whispering poison in my ear


FWP: didn't eat my customary pound of meat yesterday & was proper sore in the gym today. veganism not even once

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Fucking squirrels and chipmunks keep getting into the garden and pulling vegetables off the plant. They don't even eat the vegetables, they just in there to fuck things up. Going to have build a serious fence and roof thing this weekend.


re: Kerouc "On the road". when i was living abroad, I had a discussion with a friend that i met there - another Canadian. He said he didn't rate it that highly cause he'd already traveled the world by then - much more than Kerouac had done by his age. Which to me is missing the whole point of the book. It's not about the locale - it's the experiences and relationships that you build in life.


And yeah, that kind of hedonism is good fun, for a while, but after some time, you just get to be like that 40 year old guy gurning his teeth off in a grim club. I'm currently listening to Frank Ocean's "blonde" record a lot - and I feel like you can't get that album unless you lived some in the party scene, and experienced the resultant emptiness at the end of it.

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And yeah, that kind of hedonism is good fun, for a while, but after some time, you just get to be like that 40 year old guy gurning his teeth off in a grim club

yeah i remember having several distinct moments of uncomfortable realization during my more prolific clubbing & raving days a couple years back. The vague, disappointed "hmm..." feeling that comes moments after a homeless-looking man comes bothering you for cocaine while you're in the middle of trying to dance, or when the lights come on at the end of the night & you see how unhealthy & tired so many people there look, or when you're walking home past 3AM & the street's empty & all the skyscrapers are humming like robot mountains that swallowed up the earth


i dunno i been saying for years that i should get into interpretitive dance or something because i really love dance as a form of creative expression (argueably as much as making or listening to music) but don't particularly like nightlife. i don't want to take classes even, i just wanna like rent a loftspace & go in there in the afternoons & dance alone for a couple hours to whatever i want

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also on the topic of old books that you read in your early 20s & get hyped up about because they seem to offer an alternative to the prospect of embracing several decades of suburban drudgery - i remember being somewhat deflated when i found out that Thoreau's mom would regularly stop by to give him food & fresh laundery while he was writing Walden (and this was after feeling deflated by the fact that he only lived in the woods for two years before spending the rest of his life working in his brother's pencil factory)

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On a serious note, this song is definitely "walk out of the establishment"-able to me. There's a Denny's nearby that liked to play stuff like this so we stopped going.



It wasn't the food?

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If you order something really basic at Denny's, sometimes it's awful and sometimes it's way better than average.  Like, no one there is a trained gourmet chef, but everyone makes bacon and eggs at some point, and some have it down to a science long before they start cooking at Denny's.  The basic breakfast stuff is all luck of the draw anywhere you go.


But yeah, I've had some heinous dining experiences at Denny's.

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also on the topic of old books that you read in your early 20s & get hyped up about because they seem to offer an alternative to the prospect of embracing several decades of suburban drudgery - i remember being somewhat deflated when i found out that Thoreau's mom would regularly stop by to give him food & fresh laundery while he was writing Walden (and this was after feeling deflated by the fact that he only lived in the woods for two years before spending the rest of his life working in his brother's pencil factory)


Try Knut Hamsun's Hunger, right up your (literal) alley

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I've learned not to trust people who gush singlemindedly about Kerouac/On The Road. they've always turned out to be solipsistic and amoral in my experience.

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they've always turned out to be solipsistic...


Do you mean self-centered, or that they actually believe the outside world exists only in their minds?  Because that would probably be more from the acid influence than the Kerouac one.  

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I've learned not to trust people who gush singlemindedly about Kerouac/On The Road. they've always turned out to be solipsistic and amoral in my experience.

Shit I’ve been found out.

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Did the sound design and music for a commercial. When it got released I found out my client had changed the visuals so the sound design doesn’t fit the beginning of the video at all. Wonderful!

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Fucking squirrels and chipmunks keep getting into the garden and pulling vegetables off the plant. They don't even eat the vegetables, they just in there to fuck things up. Going to have build a serious fence and roof thing this weekend.


re: Kerouc "On the road". when i was living abroad, I had a discussion with a friend that i met there - another Canadian. He said he didn't rate it that highly cause he'd already traveled the world by then - much more than Kerouac had done by his age. Which to me is missing the whole point of the book. It's not about the locale - it's the experiences and relationships that you build in life.


And yeah, that kind of hedonism is good fun, for a while, but after some time, you just get to be like that 40 year old guy gurning his teeth off in a grim club. I'm currently listening to Frank Ocean's "blonde" record a lot - and I feel like you can't get that album unless you lived some in the party scene, and experienced the resultant emptiness at the end of it.


Nowt empty here fella. Still having good times! Don't get old. Adulthood is when childhood turns into a corpse. 

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one of my friends has a pathological aversion to taking a passive role in conversation. He talks and talks about himself and things and people relating to him, and if you talk to him about whatever else he will try to take back control of the conversation as soon as physically possible, bringing it back to *his* experience and what *he* thinks. Worst case scenario he will straigt up make shit up, like talk about the movie you just mentioned like he's seen it when he has obviously not. He's talking as I type this... fuck me. I cant recall him ever asking someone for his opinion, or just a simple convo-carrying question like "so what did you do?". He just waits for you to breathe for 0.3 seconds to keep his monologue going

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one of my friends has a pathological aversion to taking a passive role in conversation. He talks and talks about himself and things and people relating to him, and if you talk to him about whatever else he will try to take back control of the conversation as soon as physically possible, bringing it back to *his* experience and what *he* thinks. Worst case scenario he will straigt up make shit up, like talk about the movie you just mentioned like he's seen it when he has obviously not. He's talking as I type this... fuck me. I cant recall him ever asking someone for his opinion, or just a simple convo-carrying question like "so what did you do?". He just waits for you to breathe for 0.3 seconds to keep his monologue going


sounds like he has an inferiority complex, brings himself up to get discussion on himself to help validate his own importance (in his own mind)


not enough hugs as a child, or siblings treated way better than he was growing up lol





(I'm totes not being like your friend and bringing up my experience lol)

I've got a friend that used to be like yours in a way - we'd be having a conversation and he would just talk REALLY loud over all of us, seemingly without any idea he was doing it. Used it to segue himself into our convos.

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