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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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got a bit of a gap between quitting my last job and starting the new job. I've got 1 more check coming, but gotta save most of that for rent... pretty much gonna be poor til about the end of december.

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Played a show where tons of shit went wrong and now I'm in a rotten mood... and far more angry than the situation warrants.  Just so much bullshit anger, which I'm actually not at all accustomed to.  It's one of the rare shows where I didn't drink anything, and I wonder if that has anything to do with it.  Typically if a show doesn't go that well, I'm too relaxed to care.  Maybe this is what a sober acknowledgement of a bad show feels like.  Not even sure if the show is the real cause.  Could be something that's been bubbling beneath the surface for god knows what reason.  

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Took praziquantel at lunch as a preventative measure against the bilharzia worm. Made me feel incredibly dizzy and sort of stupidly drunk walking around a huge ass bazaar and a mosque in Iran where alcohol is absolutely forbidden.. Luckily it's only a single big dose taken 6 weeks after the exposure. The joys of traveling. 

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Yesterday morning there was some free facebook promotion offer for one of my band pages.  Thought I'd try it out, since I p much never promote anything.  By default it selected some totally useless post, so I changed that to one that actually features something worth promoting.  Today we get a comment along the lines of "fuck you get yr shit off my page" and it's under the useless post.  I also see the $ value of the promotion is like 3 times greater than the amount offered by the proposal.  Not sure where that's getting charged.  But it's for an old post we don't even want anyone seeing at this point.  What the goddamn fuck.  Anyway, moral of the story is don't promote anything ever.

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Yesterday morning there was some free facebook promotion offer for one of my band pages.  Thought I'd try it out, since I p much never promote anything.  By default it selected some totally useless post, so I changed that to one that actually features something worth promoting.  Today we get a comment along the lines of "fuck you get yr shit off my page" and it's under the useless post.  I also see the $ value of the promotion is like 3 times greater than the amount offered by the proposal.  Not sure where that's getting charged.  But it's for an old post we don't even want anyone seeing at this point.  What the goddamn fuck.  Anyway, moral of the story is don't promote anything ever.



i once promoted a release on FB and the label.  went through all this crap and selected the demographic info and had a budget of like $75 or something.  it was pretty useless.  i think if i did that again i'd do it on instagram instead but i won't do it again because i don't want to support FB and i'm waiting patiently for the opportunity to quit that shit. 


i think i'm gonna go watch that FB special on Frontline or whatever it was show on PBS.. "The Facebook Dilemma" to reinforce the "quit that shit" vibe i've had lately. 


anyway.. i found the process of placing an ad on FB to be a clusterfuck. 

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Yesterday morning there was some free facebook promotion offer for one of my band pages.  Thought I'd try it out, since I p much never promote anything.  By default it selected some totally useless post, so I changed that to one that actually features something worth promoting.  Today we get a comment along the lines of "fuck you get yr shit off my page" and it's under the useless post.  I also see the $ value of the promotion is like 3 times greater than the amount offered by the proposal.  Not sure where that's getting charged.  But it's for an old post we don't even want anyone seeing at this point.  What the goddamn fuck.  Anyway, moral of the story is don't promote anything ever.



i once promoted a release on FB and the label.  went through all this crap and selected the demographic info and had a budget of like $75 or something.  it was pretty useless.  i think if i did that again i'd do it on instagram instead but i won't do it again because i don't want to support FB and i'm waiting patiently for the opportunity to quit that shit. 


i think i'm gonna go watch that FB special on Frontline or whatever it was show on PBS.. "The Facebook Dilemma" to reinforce the "quit that shit" vibe i've had lately. 


anyway.. i found the process of placing an ad on FB to be a clusterfuck. 


My wife finally left FB after watching that.

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I got charged $3 for some additional fb ad thing that I had no intention of promoting as well, and conveniently the receipt is from some "noreply" email address, with no info on what address to respond to if there is any issue like this happening... so I've just had some random charges tacked onto my paypal account.  The amount of hassle I'd have to go through to figure this out and have that $3 reimbursed is definitely not worth $3.  So fuck it.  You win this round, Zuccherberg.  Never again (probably again at some point tho realistically.)

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it's stupid.. the synth shop i work for ran some ads on instagram and it forces a link to a FB account which is the FB page i have to manage and use for promotion. instagram is our most active social media account and anytime someone posts a response or comment on an IG post it shows up as a message in the FB page which gives me a notification on thingy on FB (i have every notification in every app ever turned off so i don't actually et push notifications on my phone). so it's a thing i have to click on and mark as "done" on FB.  it's fucking stupid. i can't wait to quit FB and delete myself from the page. it's a shit show. 

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Mouldy basement. My kid has developed asthma, docs suspect the two are linked. Basement is unfinished, with walls of lovely fossiliferous limestone bedrock which unfortunately is rather porous. Can only do so much to reduce basement moisture without properly finishing the basement with impermeable barriers etc, which I can't afford without taking out a whopping loan. Mould was under control until this winter, but dehumidifier plus regular scrubbing isn't cutting it anymore. Probably going to have to flog the house and go into renting for the sake of my kiddo's health. Won't actually lose money on the house, but I love this house and I really wanted to stay here long term

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fuck! that's tough. i painted my basement w/this hardcore sealant before finishing it and it helped a lot. i was high for like 3 days though because of the fumes. painted it on like rubber goop and it hardened filling any little pock mark or hole.

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Anyone else get annoyed by this talk of millennials being lazy and entitled? We kinda get dumped on for being dumped on. I worked a crazy schedule and paid off my student loans. Come at me.

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Anyone else get annoyed by this talk of millennials being lazy and entitled? We kinda get dumped on for being dumped on. I worked a crazy schedule and paid off my student loans. Come at me.



i'm generation X i think.. no one talks about us anymore.. we're the middle child watching the millenials and baby boomers fight it out. 

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I think there's some kind of fix for damp basements where you send a very low current in wires along the wall, and that magically sciences the humidity out. Don't sell your house yet.


Yeah, it's called Electro-Osmotic Pulse Technology in English, but I had trouble finding it. Maybe it's not as common outside Norway yet. I dunno, worth looking into.

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Turned off my alarm when I went to snooze it and woke up exactly when I was supposed to be leaving for work. Usually give myself around 2hrs of coffee and internet + music before I leave the house. I also have a two day hangover.

Typing this from work and I currently want everyone dead.


Also I just found out Possession is screening at a cinema in Bethnal Green on Thursday but I'm supposed to be working late on that day. U G H

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Turned off my alarm when I went to snooze it and woke up exactly when I was supposed to be leaving for work. Usually give myself around 2hrs of coffee and internet + music before I leave the house. I also have a two day hangover.

Typing this from work and I currently want everyone dead.


Also I just found out Possession is screening at a cinema in Bethnal Green on Thursday but I'm supposed to be working late on that day. U G H

This sounds like the opening to an episode of the IT crowd.

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Anyone else get annoyed by this talk of millennials being lazy and entitled? We kinda get dumped on for being dumped on. I worked a crazy schedule and paid off my student loans. Come at me.



i'm generation X i think.. no one talks about us anymore.. we're the middle child watching the millenials and baby boomers fight it out. 


Yeah it's weird how we had like 5 years of attention during grunge, and then everybody forgot Gen X was a thing.  I was born too but no one cares.  It's all grandma vs. babies.

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Ahaha that one random photo that got targeted for this free fb ad campaign is getting an ordinate amount of attention now... like 150 reactions to this really banal still frame from our vid shoot.  Dumb.  Good to know this sort of thing actually works tho.  Maybe we'll deliberately promote something else in the future.

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slow payer on ebay.  accepted the offer and sent the invoice and it's been an eternity of 1.5 hours and no payment received.  ;)



also, tumblr is changing it's policy and will no longer allow porn posts starting in a week or something. 


also, my dog is shedding and it's kinda insane and absurd. 

Edited by ignatius
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