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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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My friend has twice walked into a Starbucks, ordered a latte with the simple request that they add less milk than they normally do, and was told both times it was impossible.  I can't even wrap my head around this.  Shouldn't be my problem, but the idea of the situation itself is maddening.  

how do you make a machine do something it has no button for? why would you even walk into starbucks once? 

Edited by messiaen
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My friend has twice walked into a Starbucks, ordered a latte with the simple request that they add less milk than they normally do, and was told both times it was impossible.  I can't even wrap my head around this.  Shouldn't be my problem, but the idea of the situation itself is maddening.  

how do you make a machine do something it has no button for? why would you even walk into starbucks once? 




it's not good coffee.  it's burnt as fuck. 


i wonder if the milk is in the machine? they don't add the milk from a container?  weird. i guess it's measured so it's repeatable w/o variation. 


it's weird though.. can you add shots to a latte at starbucks? extra shots? i mean... seems that would effect the amount of milk no? 


once of my nieces works at starbucks.. i'll have to ask her. 

Edited by ignatius
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This reminds me of the super snobby guy from US I happened to have to listen to back in Africa. He was chatting with two Belgian girls who said they love to go to Starbucks and he said "I don't know why you Europeans love Starbucks so much. Nobody goes to Starbucks anymore in the US." Sure.. I guess that's why there are so few Starbucks places in US. Jesus..


Disclaimer: I haven't been to Starbucks ever in my life so I have no idea how it differs from any of the other coffeeshop chains like Costa.

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My friend has twice walked into a Starbucks, ordered a latte with the simple request that they add less milk than they normally do, and was told both times it was impossible.  I can't even wrap my head around this.  Shouldn't be my problem, but the idea of the situation itself is maddening.  

how do you make a machine do something it has no button for? why would you even walk into starbucks once? 




it's not good coffee.  it's burnt as fuck. 


i wonder if the milk is in the machine? they don't add the milk from a container?  weird. i guess it's measured so it's repeatable w/o variation. 


it's weird though.. can you add shots to a latte at starbucks? extra shots? i mean... seems that would effect the amount of milk no? 


once of my nieces works at starbucks.. i'll have to ask her. 



Guys, they literally just need to pour less of the milk into the cup.  Their setup is the same as in any mom 'n' pop shop, they just do it shittier.

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My friend has twice walked into a Starbucks, ordered a latte with the simple request that they add less milk than they normally do, and was told both times it was impossible.  I can't even wrap my head around this.  Shouldn't be my problem, but the idea of the situation itself is maddening.  


literally nazi logic tbh. they've got some document somewhere saying they can't so they won't. papers are more important than people and their discretion. this is more than a stupid first world problem; it's an expression of a full-scale prioritization of a system over living



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I don't understand how shitty coffee chains are so dominant, they all have varying levels of terrible coffee, and almost any mom and pop place will serve you a much better cup. People are terrible.


Fwp: I'm so so so hung over

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You need to get on the level with Finnish design. This "stool" sells for 532€.





I mean, I like it. But I could probably make find that myself....



My FWP - one of the Canadians being held by China is a good friend. Kind of worried about him.

Sorry to hear that. You're not still doing work overseas at all are you?


These are all surely political grabs right? Hope he is alright..


Edit: if it's Michael, it looks like consular access has been granted...

They’re both named Michael lol. But it’s Michael Spavor who I’m friends with.

I haven’t heard anything about consular access-edit: looks like Michael Kovrig was granted a visit from the ambassador.

And yes these are 100% political, and trump’s big mouth fucked us royally.

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I'm trying to write music with a friend and he's fucking impossible. He keeps trying to jazz me with music theory though he probably knows like 33% of it. Telling me i shouldn't use a chord because technically in his head it doesn't belong. Trying to get me into that shit but its a crutch for him because he doesn't have a musical ear. Ive listened to some of his music but its out of tune and i dont have the heart to tell him because he loves it so much

Fuck this theory shit... Says i should make notes when i make key changes in my music so its easier for him to add to the music. Go fuckyourself.im angry.

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I'm trying to write music with a friend and he's fucking impossible. He keeps trying to jazz me with music theory though he probably knows like 33% of it. Telling me i shouldn't use a chord because technically in his head it doesn't belong. Trying to get me into that shit but its a crutch for him because he doesn't have a musical ear. Ive listened to some of his music but its out of tune and i dont have the heart to tell him because he loves it so much

Fuck this theory shit... Says i should make notes when i make key changes in my music so its easier for him to add to the music. Go fuckyourself.im angry.



fuck it. 


send him audio files in ableton projects.   if you can't chat honestly about it it's not going to be any fun to do.  i sometimes struggle with collabs even when they're going well!  


i haven't been able to dick w/music lately. a few things here and there but can't seem to focus on much. i think it's sleep deprivation, fatigue. 

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making music with other people is incredibly hard. you both need oodles of patience, and a very similar idea of what you want stuff to sound like, ive found. 


or you both need entirely separate, synced setups to just jam with. 

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making music with other people is incredibly hard. you both need oodles of patience, and a very similar idea of what you want stuff to sound like, ive found. 


or you both need entirely separate, synced setups to just jam with. 


well he doesn't listen to anything i listen to, not even any curiosity when i've shown him stuff.

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making music with other people is incredibly hard. you both need oodles of patience, and a very similar idea of what you want stuff to sound like, ive found. 


or you both need entirely separate, synced setups to just jam with. 


well he doesn't listen to anything i listen to, not even any curiosity when i've shown him stuff.




why are you collaborating? masochism?

Edited by ignatius
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making music with other people is incredibly hard. you both need oodles of patience, and a very similar idea of what you want stuff to sound like, ive found. 


or you both need entirely separate, synced setups to just jam with. 


well he doesn't listen to anything i listen to, not even any curiosity when i've shown him stuff.




why are you collaborating? masochism?



fuck man.. good question. i guess it kind of started with me showing him around ableton live. i can't do this anymore.

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This reminds me of the super snobby guy from US I happened to have to listen to back in Africa. He was chatting with two Belgian girls who said they love to go to Starbucks and he said "I don't know why you Europeans love Starbucks so much. Nobody goes to Starbucks anymore in the US." Sure.. I guess that's why there are so few Starbucks places in US. Jesus..


Disclaimer: I haven't been to Starbucks ever in my life so I have no idea how it differs from any of the other coffeeshop chains like Costa.

I wasn't previously aware of how hard Australia told Starbucks to go fuck itself, but yeah, their expansion down under didn't go as planned.

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I have to spend 9 hours driving to my wife's family tomorrow with her and my 19 y.o. sister-in-law... She's been living with us while she goes to school, but ffs idk if I can handle the confines of a car with her for that long... we tend to avoid each other around the apartment.

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1st of 3 days off and had pretty mega back spasm and in lot's of pain. knocked the wind out of me. currently seated with ice pack hoping to go numb.  


so much for my hopes of enjoying 3 days off

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1st of 3 days off and had pretty mega back spasm and in lot's of pain. knocked the wind out of me. currently seated with ice pack hoping to go numb.  


so much for my hopes of enjoying 3 days off



Heat works pretty well on back spasms for me. Hot bath, hot water bottle, heat patches...keeps the muscle from seizing up. Happens to me every year or so and it's the worst.

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ice pack is the worst u can do

coldness -> contraction -> more pain

heat -> relaxation -> less pain

of course, pain -> contraction

and coldness -> numbing -> less pain

but in this case contraction -> pain

so forget about coldness -> numbing -> less pain

that's how a back workz

back will thank

also swim

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my internet has been out since thursday and the isp keeps resetting the clock on their estimated repair time.


sadly my access to the internet is directly tied to my will to live. I've nearly used all my mobile data. goodbye cruel gay earth

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Films which appear in competition at Cannes/Venice/Berlin always have the longest delay, or straight up absence from any screening or home video availability outside Europe. I'm now 2 Loznitsa features behind and that sucks.

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I do both for back. Ice then heat then heat then heat then red wine and lidocaine back patch. I’ve had back problems for ages. Started with a whiplash injury auto accident. Rear ended while stopped at a crosswalk in front of a school while the school was letting out. I guess if I wasn’t stopped there the old guy driving the huge Cadillac would’ve run over the kids in the crosswalk including the lady with her baby in the stroller and the 5 year old holding her hand.


Since then it’s been up and down but the previous 12 months have been a shot show because of recovery from major abdominal surgery has put my core at about a 0 out of 10 and I’ve gained 20 pounds as well which is weird considering I’m taking a chemo drug every day. So I need to lose weight and start rehab of my core and do some basic yoga and stretching and get back on the bike for commuting etc etc.


So I’m in a hole and it’s gonna take a while to get out. Getting old sucks.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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