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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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I'm homeless.


was living in a shared flat from December, friend of mine rented the place. she's lez and together with another gay originally wanted to start up this queer space with happy queer people doing queer things. But they couldn't find suitable ppl in December for the 4-person apartment, so me and another CIS female friend of her moved in. So it went for a few months and it was fine. the 4 of us got along pretty good, had some good times etc, easygoing.


until like 2 weeks ago, when i overheard the two gays discussing when we two non gays would move out. So I straight asked them what's up and they cold af  kicked out and the CIS girl, 2019 baby.


i now live in a trailer park.


plot twist: they haven't even found replacement gays for the two rooms so now airbnbing them.

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^ what kind of a shitass hotel you must be visiting to get lousy coffee in ROME! it's blasphemy *gesticulates in italian*

same thought here (including the Italian gesticulating). they must be giving people watery Americano-style coffee thinking that's what visitors enjoy. it can't be hard to go less than 100m from the place to find a good espresso.

Convenience, probably. Automated machines can be operated by the guests themselves. Espresso needs an operator. Oh well. The rest of the breakfast buffet is excellent (so also not very Italian) and, like you said, proper coffee is less than 100 m. away.


Next Roman first world problem: there's so much art stuck to the - lavishly decorated - walls of the Villa Borghese it all becomes a bit of a blur. FML.

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I'm homeless.


was living in a shared flat from December, friend of mine rented the place. she's lez and together with another gay originally wanted to start up this queer space with happy queer people doing queer things. But they couldn't find suitable ppl in December for the 4-person apartment, so me and another CIS female friend of her moved in. So it went for a few months and it was fine. the 4 of us got along pretty good, had some good times etc, easygoing.


until like 2 weeks ago, when i overheard the two gays discussing when we two non gays would move out. So I straight asked them what's up and they cold af  kicked out and the CIS girl, 2019 baby.


i now live in a trailer park.


plot twist: they haven't even found replacement gays for the two rooms so now airbnbing them.





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you probably should have just done enough gay shit to pass as one of them

wouldn't have been that hard imo

bring a straight guy over and just have little slumber parties in your room. nobody would be the wiser.

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My workplace has been doing some mental health / prevention PR initiatives, and everyone be askin' me if I ok since I look like I've been crying pretty much at all times. Getting really tired of explaining that I laugh so hard I cry everyday at memes and things, really tired. GODDAMMIT!

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interviewed on a podcast a week ago. heard it this morning before release and it is basically me going from brain fart to brain fart for an hour. 


sleep deprivation + mega caffeine   1

coherent answers to questions        0

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It’s over. School closes on Friday, two weeks prior to my graduation. In pretty heavy lol mode right now.


Not sure what the future holds. Rumor mill is that graduating students will have their grades reported for this quarter and get graduated anyway, which is the best case scenario.


Buddy of mine would have graduated next quarter. Nothing to do there except pray for a transfer admittance or defer the loans to $0 and lose all academic progress.


Fucking. Lol.

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My workplace has been doing some mental health / prevention PR initiatives, and everyone be askin' me if I ok since I look like I've been crying pretty much at all times. Getting really tired of explaining that I laugh so hard I cry everyday at memes and things, really tired. GODDAMMIT!

If there was a dude at work who was laughing at memes so hard that he looked as if he was crying , and this happened all the time , I'd be more inclined to ask what was up than if he just looked like he had been regular crying


Yeah me too. I'd ask what his meme source was. 

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my fucking phone headphone jack is busted again, i'm pissed off.  it's the second time this has happened in a year. granted first time the tip of headphone had broken off in it i don't know what's wrong this time but i'm only getting one channel. 

possibly it's another 80 bucks and having to use my back up phone for a week or two until i get this one repaired.

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Got a ticket for that OPN gig at the roundhouse tonight, I just know I won't be bothered to haul my arse all the way from Maidenhead to Camden and back. Im just not in the mood for the public transport mission. I just don't have the motivation at all. Seems a shame though. I'd rather pop down my local pub (4 minute walk) and watch a film.


It's only the second time I've bailed from going to a gig. Getting home from London can be such a ball ache. Blah blah blah.

Edited by beerwolf
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