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Gearbox said recently in an interview about Aliens Colonial Marines that when talking to Scott and reviewing his story material, the subject of a Blade Runner game came up. Hopefully if Aliens is a success, that game will materialize as well.

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It would be nice if the kept the aesthetics of the world intact. So sonically and visually we were in the same place as the first film. But i doubt that is going to happen, and they can argue that culture is an ever shifting thing, even in filmic future worlds, so they can change whatever they bloody well want.



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Who would you guys want to do the soundtrack for it?



One part of my heart screams YES!! but another part says no..


The original score was so excellent, matches perfectly with the visual element of the film. No doubt that this new thing will not have the same aesthetic.. it'll be all CGI and not Models and painted backgrounds, so I just think the combo wouldn't work as well.


I think Hecq would do a decent job =D

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Guest stolenlogic

thats crazy, i never thought about him doing another one, only someone re doing the one that has already been released.

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I'm almost certain there are still a few yet untouched sf books, that have pretty awesome plots and could be made in to awesome films. What do you people think?

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I agree.


I'd like to see someone tackle a Gibson book (Neuromancer would have been nice. Pattern Recognition or Zero History would make entertaining movies and wouldn't be too difficult to pull off as they are set closer to the present)


Snow Crash


The Foundation trilogy

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What the fuck happened to that miniseries adaptation of The Diamond Age? I guess that predated the SciFi Channel to SyFy transition. Goddamnit.

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I agree.


I'd like to see someone tackle a Gibson book (Neuromancer would have been nice. Pattern Recognition or Zero History would make entertaining movies and wouldn't be too difficult to pull off as they are set closer to the present)


Snow Crash


The Foundation trilogy


Oh if only the chris cunningham adaption of neuromancer happened, gibson was quoted saying that he was the only person that could accomplish such a task

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