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this is england '90


i can't get over how fucking good this series is. i remember loving '86 and '88 and the film, even though i haven't seen it in ages, but '90 was just superior, i mean holy shit.


just finished it yesterday, amazing


It was good but not amazing. It meandered a bit by bringing the storylines of some bit parters to centre stage. Kelly's decent into drug hell wasn't worthy of all the screen time it was given. And the combo/milky thing wasn't given proper resolution. All the acting was brilliant though, and the period detail was splendid as always.

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that almost assuming those stories wont be explored further, which they most certainly will


Kelly's story is the unseen victim of Lol's psycho Dad and the scene with Combo being dragged off to whatever after all those years inside = truly chilling


i give it to Mr Meadows, he's the king of bleak, but still best British tv going by a mile, just wished they'd gone into the whole rave scene a bit more delicately, cos it wasnt all hippies, smack n caravans, at least not outside Castlemorton


when it wants to be its fuckin funny too

Edited by cwmbrancity
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after reading this thread, and in a headspace of brutal no comedy shit after Narcos and Sicario i tried fargo and it was too funny for this week so...



American Horror Story Hotel



Just fucked up and majestic amazing horror like The Shining Part Two .... on drugs. not seen the rest but this new series is proper scary mindgames hotel shit! recommend.


not that good but recommend.



got this is england 90 lined up too. hated the first series but what could go wrong with 1990s shane meadows? (bad pastiche of rave culture but no-one has managed to film rave right)

Edited by fenton
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after reading this thread, and in a headspace of brutal no comedy shit after Narcos and Sicario i tried fargo and it was too funny for this week so...



American Horror Story Hotel



Just fucked up and majestic amazing horror like The Shining Part Two .... on drugs. not seen the rest but this new series is proper scary mindgames hotel shit! recommend.


not that good but recommend.




Dude...I never thought I would read "I chose American Horror Story over Fargo" on this forum. You got major balls bro. heh.

I get it though, there's something intriguing about a demon wielding a drill-bit dildo.

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i definitely put the word hotel at the end, which is about a fucked up hotel.... no demons yet.


Fargo was just too twee for this week, will save it up for happier times. For now i want to see a fucked up hotel horror porn art epic.

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i definitely put the word hotel at the end, which is about a fucked up hotel.... no demons yet.


Fargo was just too twee for this week, will save it up for happier times. For now i want to see a fucked up hotel horror porn art epic.


No worries, was just being all "jokey". Fargo definitely isn't gonna be happy though.


You haven't seen the drill bit dildo? Happened pretty early in the premier...

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Guest Atom Dowry Firth

Just fucked up and majestic amazing horror like The Shining Part Two .... on drugs. not seen the rest but this new series is proper scary mindgames hotel shit! recommend.


not that good but recommend.


I enjoy this show. Third season was gash but Asylum and Freak Show were really great imo (Asylum especially so)

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Currently watching Mr. Robot. really cool so far except hackers hanging out at amusement parts is bit much of a cliche but the way the interfaces are shown is pretty authentic for a movie

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I watched about 6 episodes in a row of Nathan For You at my brother's house (while stoned af). I was laughing so much I was in tears. It might be the funniest show on TV right now.

someone was binge watching season 2 with me and seemed fully on board until we got to this episode








screenshot taken from episode 206 :


Edited by John Ehrlichman
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2nd episode of Fargo was good, nice tension building. music and editing were great.


3rd episode improving on that. Several good sequences. The resolution of one later between Lou & Mike didn't seem plausible. But, it was nicely written.

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Is Nathan For You genuine (Borat style) or are the reactions staged too?


some of the people are actors, some are genuinely clueless as to what's going on.

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someone was binge watching season 2 with me and seemed fully on board until we got to this episode



That bit was brilliant on multiple levels... It's a great idea as a motivational tool and was actually shown to work, but then the things people didn't want to be sent out to the recipients were still filmed and broadcast on national television. Pure lols.


The one that really got me hooked on the show was the giant pet store advertisement tombstone in the pet cemetary. I was in tears laughing at the reveal of that.

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fargo is going places and has me intrigued as shit. those two consecutive standoff scenes with Solverson gave me chills. the UFO/Alien theme is giving it some strange lynchian otherworldiness too


Bokeem Woodbine is great. "it's the way you're impolite...Like you're doing me a favor"

Great stuff.


The UFO thing is a tieback to the Man who wasn't there. I suppose similar themes involved in Fargo as explained by Billy Bob at the end of that flick.

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